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Created July 17, 2024 15:59
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#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim:fenc=utf-8
# Copyleft (ɔ) 2024 wildfootw <>
# Distributed under terms of the MIT license.
import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
# Taiwan public holidays
holidays_2024 = [
"2024-01-01", # New Year's Day
"2024-02-09", "2024-02-12", "2024-02-13", "2024-02-14", "2024-02-15", # Chinese New Year
"2024-02-28", # Peace Memorial Day
"2024-04-04", "2024-04-05", # Children's Day and Tomb Sweeping Day
"2024-05-01", # Labor Day
"2024-06-10", # Dragon Boat Festival
"2024-09-17", # Mid-Autumn Festival
"2024-10-10", # National Day
holidays_2025 = [ # [TODO] Feature: makeup working days
"2025-01-01", # New Year's Day
"2025-01-27", "2025-01-28", "2025-01-29", "2025-01-30", "2025-01-31", # Chinese New Year
"2025-02-28", # Peace Memorial Day
"2025-04-03", "2025-04-04", # Children's Day and Tomb Sweeping Day
"2025-05-01", # Labor Day
"2025-05-30", # Dragon Boat Festival
"2025-10-06", # Mid-Autumn Festival
"2025-10-10", # National Day
# ISO 8601 defines the first week of the year as the week with the first Thursday of the year.
def get_iso8601_year_start(year):
jan4 = datetime(year, 1, 4)
start_of_week1 = jan4 - timedelta(days=jan4.weekday())
return start_of_week1
def get_iso8601_year_end(year):
start_of_next_year = get_iso8601_year_start(year + 1)
end_of_this_year = start_of_next_year - timedelta(days=1)
return end_of_this_year
# Calculate workdays for each week
def get_workdays(week_start_date, week_end_date, holidays):
date_range = pd.date_range(week_start_date, week_end_date)
workdays = [d for d in date_range if d.weekday() < 5 and d.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") not in holidays]
return len(workdays)
# Function to calculate weekly workdays for a given year
def calculate_weekly_workdays_for_year(year, holidays):
year_start_date = get_iso8601_year_start(year)
year_end_date = get_iso8601_year_end(year)
weeks = pd.date_range(year_start_date, year_end_date, freq='W-MON')
weekly_workdays = []
for i in range(len(weeks)):
week_start_date = weeks[i]
week_end_date = weeks[i] + timedelta(days=6)
workdays_count = get_workdays(week_start_date, week_end_date, set(holidays))
weekly_workdays.append((week_start_date, week_end_date, workdays_count))
return weekly_workdays
# Use dynamic programming (DP) and recursion to allocate workdays for each cycle
def calculate_workdays_dp(weekly_workdays, total_cycles):
Calculate the allocation of workdays for each cycle using dynamic programming and recursion.
- weekly_workdays: List of tuples, each containing (week_start_date, week_end_date, workdays_count)
- total_cycles: Total number of cycles to divide the weeks into
- max_difference: Maximum allowable difference between the cycle with the most and least workdays
- A list of end week indices for each cycle
memo = {} # Memoization dictionary to store the results of subproblems
total_weeks = len(weekly_workdays) # Total number of weeks in the year
def dp(week_index, cycle_index):
Recursive function to calculate the maximum and minimum workdays for each cycle.
- week_index: Current week index being processed
- cycle_index: Current cycle index being processed
- A tuple containing ((max_workdays_in_a_cycle, min_workdays_in_a_cycle), week_end_index)
where week_end_index is the index of the last week included in the current cycle.
#print(f"Processing dp(week_index={week_index}, cycle_index={cycle_index})", end="") # Debug output
# If remaining weeks are less than the remaining cycles, return infinity
if total_weeks - week_index < total_cycles - cycle_index:
result = ((float("inf"), float("-inf")), -1)
#print(f" -> early return {result}") # Debug output
return result
# If memoization contains the result, return it
if (week_index, cycle_index) in memo:
result = memo[(week_index, cycle_index)]
#print(f" -> memo hit {result}") # Debug output
return result
# If it's the last cycle, sum up the remaining workdays
if total_cycles - cycle_index == 1:
sum_of_days = sum(weekly_workdays[i][2] for i in range(week_index, total_weeks))
result = ((sum_of_days, sum_of_days), total_weeks - 1)
memo[(week_index, cycle_index)] = result
#print(f" -> last cycle {result}") # Debug output
return result
#print() # To ensure the following output is on a new line
smallest_difference = float("inf") # Initialize the smallest difference variable
best_result = None
for i in range(week_index, total_weeks):
current_cycle_workdays = sum(weekly_workdays[j][2] for j in range(week_index, i + 1))
((next_max, next_min), _) = dp(i + 1, cycle_index + 1)
current_max = max(current_cycle_workdays, next_max)
current_min = min(current_cycle_workdays, next_min)
if current_max - current_min < smallest_difference:
smallest_difference = current_max - current_min
best_result = ((current_max, current_min), i)
#print(f"Processing dp(week_index={week_index}, cycle_index={cycle_index}) -> new best {best_result}") # Debug output
memo[(week_index, cycle_index)] = best_result
#print(f"Processing dp(week_index={week_index}, cycle_index={cycle_index}) -> memoizing {best_result}") # Debug output
return best_result
dp(0, 0)
end_week_indices = [memo[(0, 0)][1]]
for i in range(0, total_cycles - 1):
end_week_indices.append(memo[(end_week_indices[i] + 1, i + 1)][1])
return end_week_indices
# Function to calculate cycle ranges and workdays
def calculate_cycle_ranges(weekly_workdays, end_week_indices):
Calculate the range and workdays for each cycle.
- weekly_workdays: List of tuples, each containing (week_start_date, week_end_date, workdays_count)
- end_week_indices: List of end week indices for each cycle
- A DataFrame containing the cycle ranges and workdays
cycle_ranges = []
start_idx = 0
for end_idx in end_week_indices: # [TODO] Bug: wrong year display while cross year
start_date_week = weekly_workdays[start_idx][0].strftime("%Y-W%V")
end_date_week = weekly_workdays[end_idx][1].strftime("%Y-W%V")
start_date = weekly_workdays[start_idx][0].strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
end_date = weekly_workdays[end_idx][1].strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
total_days = sum(weekly_workdays[i][2] for i in range(start_idx, end_idx + 1))
cycle_ranges.append((start_date_week, end_date_week, start_date, end_date, total_days))
start_idx = end_idx + 1
df = pd.DataFrame(cycle_ranges, columns=["Start Week", "End Week", "Start Date", "End Date", "Workdays"])
return df
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Calculate weekly workdays for 2024
print("Calculating weekly workdays for 2024...")
weekly_workdays_2024 = calculate_weekly_workdays_for_year(2024, holidays_2024)
print("Weekly workdays for 2024:")
for week in weekly_workdays_2024:
# # Calculate weekly workdays for 2024
# print("Calculating weekly workdays for 2025...")
# weekly_workdays_2025 = calculate_weekly_workdays_for_year(2025, holidays_2025)
# print("Weekly workdays for 2025:")
# for week in weekly_workdays_2025:
# print(week)
weekly_workdays = weekly_workdays_2024
# Use DP and recursion to calculate the cycles
print("\nCalculating workdays per cycle using DP and recursion...")
end_week_indices = calculate_workdays_dp(weekly_workdays, total_cycles=10)
print("Workdays per cycle (end week indices):")
# Calculate the cycle ranges and workdays
print("\nCalculating cycle ranges and workdays...")
cycle_ranges_df = calculate_cycle_ranges(weekly_workdays, end_week_indices)
print("Cycle ranges and workdays:")
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