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Comparing Cloud SQL vs AlloyDB vs Cloud Spanner costs
Cost in USD (from "asia-southeast1") Cloud SQL (PostgreSQL) AlloyDB Cloud Spanner (PostgreSQL interface)
Per vCPU month
On demand - $42.194

1 year commitment - $31.6455

3 year commitment - $20.25312



Per HA vCPU month
On demand - $84.388

1 year commitment - $63.291

3 year commitment - $40.50624

$118.66 (checked from pricing calculator)

Per Memory (GB) month
On demand - $7.154

1 year commitment - $5.3655

3 year commitment - $3.43392


Per HA Memory (GB) month
On demand - $14.308

1 year commitment - $10.731

3 year commitment - $6.86784

$20.12 (checked from pricing calculator)

Per Node (1000 computing units each) month

Regional - $751.9

Regional + 1 year commitment - $601.52

Regional + 3 year commitment - $451.14

Multi-Regional - $2847

Multi-Regional + 1 year commitment - $2277.6

Multi-Regional + 3 year commitment - $451.14

Per Storage (GB) month
SSD - $0.238

HA SSD - $0.476

HDD - $0.126

HA HDD - $0.252


Regional - $0.34

Multi-regional - $0.65

Per Backup storage (GB) month


Regional - $0.1

Multi-regional - $0.5 - $0.9

Network (Ingress)



Network (Egress)
To Compute Engine - Same region: Free

To Compute Engine - Between regions within North America: $0.12/GB

To Compute Engine - Between regions outside of North America: $0.12/GB

To other GCP Services - Intra-continental: Free

To other GCP Services - Inter-continental: $0.12/GB

To same region (GCP Services) - Asia: $0.08/GB

[Lowest] To same region (GCP Services) - Northern America: $0.02/GB

[Highest] To Latin America region (GCP Services) from Asia: $0.14/GB

To same region - Asia: Free

To different region but within the US: $0.01/GB

To different region (not within the US): At Internet egress rate, $0.08 - $0.23, depending on total monthly usage for egress volume and the involved regions

*All information is accurate as of Sep 2022

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