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this video was created earlier in january from a stupid idea and was driven by sheer determination
despite lacking programming skill. here's a decent description of how it was made (because i am
too lazy to write a github readme):
1. the video
i downloaded the pv off youtube and used ffmpeg to resize it down to 70x54 dimensions (for easy
math calculations, i used 27 firefox windows, 7 tabs each, so it divided nicely). i then used
ffmpeg (again) to splice the source video into 15-second segments to reduce desyncing and cpu load.
2. the frames
MPThLee / enableDiscordExperiments.js
Last active August 24, 2024 18:05
This code doesn't work anymore. I just decided to remove this code. You can check working code on comments.
* !!!! This code doesn't work anymore !!!!
* - You can check working code on comments. I won't update this code anymore.
* Also, I just decided to remove this code. You can check revisions for old code.
* Since this code was made for discord client that almost 5 years ago, It seems like doesn't work anymore.
* I don't want people keep arguing in the comments, i decided to remove this code.
* Note: This code is now fulfilled with Javascript comments. This code won't work even if you pasted to console. doesn't do anything.