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Created February 26, 2021 21:06
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Light Version:
<div class="player">
<span id="arm"></span>
<li class="artwork">
<li class="info">
<h1 id="artist">loading</h1>
<h4 id="album">loading</h4>
<h2 id="song">loading</h2>
<div class="button-items">
<audio id="music" preload="auto">
<div id="slider">
<div id="elapsed"></div>
<div id="buffered"></div>
<p id="timer">0:00</p>
<div class="controls">
<span class="expend">
<svg id="previous" class="step-backward" viewBox="0 0 25 25" xml:space="preserve">
<polygon points="4.9,4.3 9,4.3 9,11.6 21.4,4.3 21.4,20.7 9,13.4 9,20.7 4.9,20.7"/>
<svg id="play" viewBox="0 0 25 25" xml:space="preserve">
<rect x="-49.5" y="-132.9" width="446.4" height="366.4"/>
<circle fill="none" cx="12.5" cy="12.5" r="10.8"/>
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<svg id="pause" viewBox="0 0 25 25" xml:space="preserve">
<rect x="6" y="4.6" width="3.8" height="15.7"/>
<rect x="14" y="4.6" width="3.9" height="15.7"/>
<span class="expend">
<svg id="next" class="step-foreward" viewBox="0 0 25 25" xml:space="preserve">
<polygon points="20.7,4.3 16.6,4.3 16.6,11.6 4.3,4.3 4.3,20.7 16.7,13.4 16.6,20.7 20.7,20.7"/>
<div class="slider">
<div class="volume"></div>
<input type="range" id="volume" min="0" max="1" step="0.01" value="1" />
/* Music
var playlist = [
"song" : "",
"album" : "By Bmw_x6",
"artist" : "SKORPION2014",
"artwork" : "",
"mp3" : ";"
"song" : "Superstition",
"album" : "Talking Book",
"artist" : "Stevie Wonder",
"artwork" : "",
"mp3" : ""
"song" : "I Need You Back",
"album" : "Premiere",
"artist" : "The Noisy Freaks",
"artwork" : "",
"mp3" : ""
/* General Load / Variables
var rot = 0;
var duration;
var playPercent;
var rotate_timer;
var armrot = -45;
var bufferPercent;
var currentSong = 0;
var arm_rotate_timer;
var arm = document.getElementById("arm");
var next = document.getElementById("next");
var song = document.getElementById("song");
var timer = document.getElementById("timer");
var music = document.getElementById("music");
var album = document.getElementById("album");
var artist = document.getElementById("artist");
var volume = document.getElementById("volume");
var playButton = document.getElementById("play");
var timeline = document.getElementById("slider");
var playhead = document.getElementById("elapsed");
var previous = document.getElementById("previous");
var pauseButton = document.getElementById("pause");
var bufferhead = document.getElementById("buffered");
var artwork = document.getElementsByClassName("artwork")[0];
var timelineWidth = timeline.offsetWidth - playhead.offsetWidth;
var visablevolume = document.getElementsByClassName("volume")[0];
music.addEventListener("ended", _next, false);
music.addEventListener("timeupdate", timeUpdate, false);
music.addEventListener("progress", bufferUpdate, false);
/* Functions
function load(){ = "hidden";
song.innerHTML = playlist[currentSong]['song'];
song.title = playlist[currentSong]['song'];
album.innerHTML = playlist[currentSong]['album'];
album.title = playlist[currentSong]['album'];
artist.innerHTML = playlist[currentSong]['artist'];
artist.title = playlist[currentSong]['artist'];
artwork.setAttribute("style", "background:url(, url('"+playlist[currentSong]['artwork']+"') center no-repeat;");
music.innerHTML = '<source src="'+playlist[currentSong]['mp3']+'" type="audio/mp3">';
function reset(){
rotate_reset = setInterval(function(){
if(rot == 0){
}, 1);
fireEvent(pauseButton, 'click');
armrot = -45; = "0px"; = "0px";
timer.innerHTML = "0:00";
music.innerHTML = "";
currentSong = 0; // set to first song, to stay on last song: currentSong = playlist.length - 1;
song.innerHTML = playlist[currentSong]['song'];
song.title = playlist[currentSong]['song'];
album.innerHTML = playlist[currentSong]['album'];
album.title = playlist[currentSong]['album'];
artist.innerHTML = playlist[currentSong]['artist'];
artist.title = playlist[currentSong]['artist'];
artwork.setAttribute("style", "background:url(, url('"+playlist[currentSong]['artwork']+"') center no-repeat;");
music.innerHTML = '<source src="'+playlist[currentSong]['mp3']+'" type="audio/mp3">';
function formatSecondsAsTime(secs, format) {
var hr = Math.floor(secs / 3600);
var min = Math.floor((secs - (hr * 3600))/60);
var sec = Math.floor(secs - (hr * 3600) - (min * 60));
if (sec < 10){
sec = "0" + sec;
return min + ':' + sec;
function timeUpdate() {
playPercent = timelineWidth * (music.currentTime / duration); = playPercent + "px";
timer.innerHTML = formatSecondsAsTime(music.currentTime.toString());
function bufferUpdate() {
bufferPercent = timelineWidth * (music.buffered.end(0) / duration); = bufferPercent + "px";
function Rotate(){
if(rot == 361){ = 'rotate(0deg)';
rot = 0;
} else { = 'rotate('+rot+'deg)';
function RotateArm(){
if(armrot > -12){ = 'rotate(-38deg)';
armrot = -45;
} else { = 'rotate('+armrot+'deg)';
armrot = armrot + (26 / duration);
function fireEvent(el, etype){
if (el.fireEvent) {
el.fireEvent('on' + etype);
} else {
var evObj = document.createEvent('Events');
evObj.initEvent(etype, true, false);
function _next(){
if(currentSong == playlist.length - 1){
} else {
fireEvent(next, 'click');
playButton.onclick = function() {;
pauseButton.onclick = function() {
music.addEventListener("play", function () { = "hidden"; = "visible";
rotate_timer = setInterval(function(){
if(!music.paused && !music.ended && 0 < music.currentTime){
}, 10);
if(armrot != -45){
arm.setAttribute("style", "transition: transform 800ms;"); = 'rotate('+armrot+'deg)';
arm_rotate_timer = setInterval(function(){
if(!music.paused && !music.ended && 0 < music.currentTime){
if(armrot == -45){
arm.setAttribute("style", "transition: transform 800ms;"); = 'rotate(-38deg)';
armrot = -38;
if( != ""){
setTimeout(function(){ = "";
}, 1000);
}, 1000);
}, false);
music.addEventListener("pause", function () {
arm.setAttribute("style", "transition: transform 800ms;"); = 'rotate(-45deg)'; = "visible"; = "hidden";
}, false);
next.onclick = function(){
arm.setAttribute("style", "transition: transform 800ms;"); = 'rotate(-45deg)';
clearTimeout(arm_rotate_timer); = "0px"; = "0px";
timer.innerHTML = "0:00";
music.innerHTML = ""; = 'rotate(-45deg)';
armrot = -45;
if((currentSong + 1) == playlist.length){
currentSong = 0;
music.innerHTML = '<source src="'+playlist[currentSong]['mp3']+'" type="audio/mp3">';
} else {
music.innerHTML = '<source src="'+playlist[currentSong]['mp3']+'" type="audio/mp3">';
song.innerHTML = playlist[currentSong]['song'];
song.title = playlist[currentSong]['song'];
album.innerHTML = playlist[currentSong]['album'];
album.title = playlist[currentSong]['album'];
artist.innerHTML = playlist[currentSong]['artist'];
artist.title = playlist[currentSong]['artist'];
artwork.setAttribute("style", "transform: rotate("+rot+"deg); background:url(, url('"+playlist[currentSong]['artwork']+"') center no-repeat;");
duration = music.duration;;
previous.onclick = function(){
arm.setAttribute("style", "transition: transform 800ms;"); = 'rotate(-45deg)';
clearTimeout(arm_rotate_timer); = "0px"; = "0px";
timer.innerHTML = "0:00";
music.innerHTML = ""; = 'rotate(-45deg)';
armrot = -45;
if((currentSong - 1) == -1){
currentSong = playlist.length - 1;
music.innerHTML = '<source src="'+playlist[currentSong]['mp3']+'" type="audio/mp3">';
} else {
music.innerHTML = '<source src="'+playlist[currentSong]['mp3']+'" type="audio/mp3">';
song.innerHTML = playlist[currentSong]['song'];
song.title = playlist[currentSong]['song'];
album.innerHTML = playlist[currentSong]['album'];
album.title = playlist[currentSong]['album'];
artist.innerHTML = playlist[currentSong]['artist'];
artist.title = playlist[currentSong]['artist'];
artwork.setAttribute("style", "transform: rotate("+rot+"deg); background:url(, url('"+playlist[currentSong]['artwork']+"') center no-repeat;");
duration = music.duration;;
volume.oninput = function(){
music.volume = volume.value; = (80 - 11) * volume.value + "px";
music.addEventListener("canplay", function () {
duration = music.duration;
}, false);
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