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Last active February 7, 2017 13:46
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find_package( PythonLibs 2.7 REQUIRED ) # if it already has a find_package(PythonLibs)
needed to use python2.7 to compile an older library, but cmake keeps picking up my python3.2 libraries (and executable).
First, I ran cmake with default options, then edited the CMakeCache.txt file which it generated. I did it this way primarily because I didn't know the proper -D... incantations to cause cmake to get the python library and include paths, etc right in the first place.
In my CmakeCache.txt, I found lines like this
And replaced every occurrence of python3.2 with python2.7. I also had to rename the PYTHON_EXECUTABLE to use python2.7, since python is a symlink to python3.2 on my system.
Then I reran cmake. Because it prefers its cached values to actually looking for the libraries, this should work in all cases. At least, it did in mine.
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