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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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Save WaltRiceJr/9270330 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Custom Omeka Exhibit code to skip empty pages / section headers
* Check if the provided exhibit page is empty (layout type = text, no text)
* @param ExhibitPage $exhibitPage
* @return boolean
function my_exhibit_builder_exhibit_page_is_empty($exhibitPage)
if ($exhibitPage->layout == 'text') {
$entries = $exhibitPage->getPageEntries();
if ($entry = $entries[1]) {
if (trim($entry->text) == '') {
return true;
return false;
* Return the first non-empty page in an exhibit, beginning with provided page
* If provided page is non-empty, it will be immediately returned; otherwise a search
* proceeds through the page structure to find the next non-empty page.
* @param Exhibit $exhibit
* @param ExhibitPage|null $exhibitPage
* @return ExhibitPage|null
function my_exhibit_builder_get_first_nonempty_page($exhibit, $exhibitPage = null)
// if a page is passed in, start there, otherwise load the first top page
if (!$exhibitPage)
$topPages = $exhibit->getTopPages();
if (count($topPages) > 0)
$exhibitPage = $topPages[0];
return null;
// check if page is text layout, and empty
if (my_exhibit_builder_exhibit_page_is_empty($exhibitPage))
// page is empty, look for the next page
$targetPage = null;
if ($nextPage = $exhibitPage->firstChildOrNext())
$targetPage = $nextPage;
elseif ($exhibitPage->parent_id)
$parentPage = $exhibitPage->getParent();
$nextParentPage = $parentPage->next();
if ($nextParentPage)
$targetPage = $nextPage;
return my_exhibit_builder_get_first_nonempty_page($exhibit, $targetPage);
// page is not empty, so return it
return $exhibitPage;
* Return a link to the next exhibit page
* Customized from ExhibitBuilder 2.0 code
* @param string $text Link text
* @param array $props Link attributes
* @param ExhibitPage $exhibitPage If null, will use the current exhibit page
* @return string
function my_exhibit_builder_link_to_next_page($text = null, $props = array(), $exhibitPage = null)
if (!$exhibitPage) {
$exhibitPage = get_current_record('exhibit_page');
$exhibit = get_record_by_id('Exhibit', $exhibitPage->exhibit_id);
$targetPage = null;
// if page object exists, grab link to the first child page if exists. If it doesn't, grab
// a link to the next page
if ($nextPage = $exhibitPage->firstChildOrNext()) {
$targetPage = $nextPage;
} elseif ($exhibitPage->parent_id) {
$parentPage = $exhibitPage->getParent();
$nextParentPage = $parentPage->next();
if ($nextParentPage) {
$targetPage = $nextPage;
if ($targetPage && my_exhibit_builder_exhibit_page_is_empty($targetPage)) {
return my_exhibit_builder_link_to_next_page($text, $props, $targetPage);
if ($targetPage) {
if (!isset($props['class'])) {
$props['class'] = 'next-page';
if ($text === null) {
$text = metadata($targetPage, 'title') . ' »';
return exhibit_builder_link_to_exhibit($exhibit, $text, $props, $targetPage);
return null;
* Return a link to the previous exhibit page
* Customized from ExhibitBuilder 2.0 code
* @param string $text Link text
* @param array $props Link attributes
* @param ExhibitPage $exhibitPage If null, will use the current exhibit page
* @return string
function my_exhibit_builder_link_to_previous_page($text = null, $props = array(), $exhibitPage = null)
if (!$exhibitPage) {
$exhibitPage = get_current_record('exhibit_page');
$exhibit = get_record_by_id('Exhibit', $exhibitPage->exhibit_id);
// If page object exists, grab link to previous exhibit page if exists. If it doesn't, grab
// a link to the last page on the previous parent page, or the exhibit if at top level
if ($previousPage = $exhibitPage->previousOrParent()) {
if (my_exhibit_builder_exhibit_page_is_empty($previousPage)){
return my_exhibit_builder_link_to_previous_page($text, $props, $previousPage);
if(!isset($props['class'])) {
$props['class'] = 'previous-page';
if ($text === null) {
$text = '« ' . metadata($previousPage, 'title');
return exhibit_builder_link_to_exhibit($exhibit, $text, $props, $previousPage);
return null;
function my_exhibit_builder_is_page_ancestor($page, $parent)
if (!$page) return false;
while ($page->parent_id)
$page = $page->getParent();
if ($page->id == $parent->id)
return true;
return false;
* Returns the HTML for a nested navigation for exhibit sections and pages
* Customized for my from ExhibitBuilder 1.x code, updated for Omeka 2.0
* Top level pages are treated as "sections" (eliminated in Omeka 2.0)
* @param Exhibit|null $exhibit If null, will use the current exhibit
* @param boolean $showAllPages
* @param integer $cols The number of columns to split the menu
* @param ExhibitPage $exhibitPage Page to mark as selected
* @return string
function my_exhibit_builder_nested_nav($exhibit = null, $showAllPages = false, $cols = 2, $exhibitPage = null)
if (!$exhibit) {
if (!($exhibit = get_current_record('exhibit'))) {
if (!$exhibitPage) {
$exhibitPage = get_current_record('exhibit_page', 0);
$tot = count($exhibit->getTopPages());
if ($tot <= $cols) $cols = 1;
$ctr = 0;
$html = '<ul class="exhibit-section-nav">';
foreach ($exhibit->getTopPages() as $exhibitTopPage)
if ($ctr == ceil($tot / $cols))
$html .= '</ul><ul class="exhibit-section-nav">';
$ctr = 1;
$ctr = $ctr + 1;
// note that the link is to the next non-empty page if the page is empty
$html .= '<li class="exhibit-nested-section' . ($exhibitPage->id == $exhibitTopPage->id || my_exhibit_builder_is_page_ancestor($exhibitPage, $exhibitTopPage) ? ' current' : '') . '"><a class="exhibit-section-title" href="' . html_escape(exhibit_builder_exhibit_uri($exhibit, my_exhibit_builder_get_first_nonempty_page($exhibit, $exhibitTopPage))) . '">' . str_replace('/', '/<wbr>', html_escape($exhibitTopPage->title)) . '</a>';
if ($showAllPages || $exhibitPage->id == $exhibitTopPage->id || my_exhibit_builder_is_page_ancestor($exhibitPage, $exhibitTopPage))
$html .= my_exhibit_builder_child_page_nav($exhibitTopPage);
$html .= '</li>';
$html .= '</ul>';
// $html = apply_filters('exhibit_builder_nested_nav', $html, $exhibit, $showAllPages);
return $html;
* Return the markup for the exhibit child page navigation.
* @param ExhibitPage|null $exhibitPage If null, uses the current exhibit page
* @return string
function my_exhibit_builder_child_page_nav($exhibitPage = null, $currentPage = null)
if (!$exhibitPage) {
$exhibitPage = get_current_record('exhibit_page');
if (!$currentPage) {
$currentPage = get_current_record('exhibit_page', 0);
$exhibit = $exhibitPage->getExhibit();
$children = exhibit_builder_child_pages($exhibitPage);
$html = '<ul class="exhibit-child-nav navigation">' . "\n";
foreach ($children as $child) {
$html .= '<li class="' . ((@$currentPage->id == $child->id) ? 'current' : '') . '"><a href="' . html_escape(exhibit_builder_exhibit_uri($exhibit, $child)) . '">' . html_escape($child->title) . '</a></li>';
$html .= '</ul>' . "\n";
return $html;
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