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Last active June 24, 2022 14:02
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Save Vuzereus/30fd432b2d443478a029ec17169bc119 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Hopefully your knowledge about India politic should improve, go India politic for future of mankind ! FCK!
"1" Category="Astronomy" question="The North Star is commonly used to tell the direction. What constellation does it belong to?" Choice 1="Ursa Minor" Choice 2="Lyra" Choice 3="Centaurus" Hint="First"
"2" Category="Astronomy" question="If you rank planets starting from the one closest to the sun as the first, which would Earth be?" Choice 1="Third" Choice 2="Second" Choice 3="First" Hint="First"
"3" Category="Astronomy" question="The earth revolves around the sun. What shape is the orbit?" Choice 1="Ellipse" Choice 2="Round" Choice 3="Sphere" Hint="First"
"4" Category="Astronomy" question="How long does the earth take to make one orbit?" Choice 1="About 365.25 solar days" Choice 2="About 365 solar days" Choice 3="About 366 solar days" Hint="First"
"5" Category="Astronomy" question="The magnitude of stars are classed as I, II, III, IV, V, VI and VII. What does I represent?" Choice 1="Supergiant star" Choice 2="Subgiant star" Choice 3="Subdwarf star" Hint="First"
"6" Category="Astronomy" question="The composition of a normal star's atmosphere is similar to that of the sun. Which element is the most abundant?" Choice 1="Hydrogen" Choice 2="Nitrogen" Choice 3="Oxygen" Hint="First"
"7" Category="Astronomy" question="The sun is known as a yellow star. What is it classified as?" Choice 1="Dwarf star" Choice 2="White dwarf star" Choice 3="Subgiant star" Hint="First"
"8" Category="Astronomy" question="The creators of the Hertzsprung-Russel diagram are Ejnar Hertzsprung and Henry Norris Russell. What countries are they from?" Choice 1="Denmark and USA" Choice 2="France and Denmark" Choice 3="Britain and France" Hint="First"
"9" Category="Astronomy" question="What is the main component of Venus' atmosphere?" Choice 1="Carbon dioxide" Choice 2="Nitrogen" Choice 3="Helium" Hint="First"
"10" Category="Astronomy" question="Which planet from the sun is Jupiter?" Choice 1="5th" Choice 2="4th" Choice 3="3rd" Hint="First"
"11" Category="Astronomy" question="Which of the following planets has the highest density?" Choice 1="Earth" Choice 2="Mars" Choice 3="Saturn" Hint="First"
"12" Category="Astronomy" question="The highest mountain in the solar system is Olympus Mons. Which planet is it on?" Choice 1="Mars" Choice 2="Mercury" Choice 3="Venus" Hint="First"
"13" Category="Astronomy" question="How many earth years does it take for Uranus to revolve once?" Choice 1="84.81" Choice 2="29.46" Choice 3="11.86" Hint="First"
"14" Category="Astronomy" question="Which of the following is the coldest in the solar system?" Choice 1="Triton" Choice 2="Uranus" Choice 3="Saturn" Hint="First"
"15" Category="Astronomy" question="Which of the following laws describe the fact that when an planet orbits round the sun, its distance from the sun is different at different times? " Choice 1="Kepler's 1st Law" Choice 2="Kepler's 2nd Law" Choice 3="Kepler's 3rd Law" Hint="First"
"16" Category="Astronomy" question="Which scientist came up with the first theory about the formation of the solar system?" Choice 1="Rene Descartes" Choice 2="Galileo " Choice 3="Laplace" Hint="First"
"17" Category="Astronomy" question="Which of the following isn't a symptom of solar activity?" Choice 1="Great Red Spot" Choice 2="Sunspot" Choice 3="Solar prominence" Hint="First"
"18" Category="Astronomy" question="Which of the following isn't a terrestrial planet?" Choice 1="Saturn" Choice 2="Mars" Choice 3="Mercury" Hint="First"
"19" Category="Astronomy" question="Which of the following isn't a giant planet?" Choice 1="Jupiter" Choice 2="Uranus" Choice 3="Neptune" Hint="First"
"20" Category="Astronomy" question="Which of the following is now known as a dwarf planet?" Choice 1="Pluto" Choice 2="Mercury" Choice 3="Uranus" Hint="First"
"21" Category="Astronomy" question="Which of the following reflects sunlight the most?" Choice 1="Moon" Choice 2="Dione" Choice 3="Tethys" Hint="First"
"22" Category="Astronomy" question="Which of the following does not have a planetary ring?" Choice 1="Neptune" Choice 2="Saturn" Choice 3="Jupiter" Hint="First"
"23" Category="Astronomy" question="Which of the following is made up of hot gas, is round and can give off light of its own?" Choice 1="Star" Choice 2="Planet" Choice 3="Satellite" Hint="First"
"24" Category="Astronomy" question="What speed must an object reach to become a satellite of the sun?" Choice 1="11.2km/s" Choice 2="7.9km/s" Choice 3="14.1km/s" Hint="First"
"25" Category="Astronomy" question="Which year did the spacecraft "Apollo" land on the moon?" Choice 1="1969" Choice 2="1968" Choice 3="1967" Hint="First"
"26" Category="Astronomy" question="What is the world's first space station?" Choice 1="Salyut 1" Choice 2="Mir" Choice 3="Space Laboratory" Hint="First"
"27" Category="Astronomy" question="How far away is the sun from the earth?" Choice 1="150,000,000 km" Choice 2="200,000,000 km" Choice 3="250,000,000 km" Hint="First"
"28" Category="Astronomy" question="The diameter of the sun is how many times that of the earth?" Choice 1="109" Choice 2="108" Choice 3="107" Hint="First"
"29" Category="Biology" question="What position does a horse sleep in?" Choice 1="Standing" Choice 2="Lying down" Choice 3="Sitting" Hint="First"
"30" Category="Biology" question="What is the organ that breaks down and metabolizes alcohol?" Choice 1="Liver" Choice 2="Stomach" Choice 3="Mouth" Hint="First"
"31" Category="Biology" question="What is the hardest part of the human body?" Choice 1="Teeth" Choice 2="Head" Choice 3="Nails" Hint="First"
"32" Category="Biology" question="What do tadpoles use to breathe?" Choice 1="Gills" Choice 2="Nose" Choice 3="Tail" Hint="First"
"33" Category="Biology" question="A lack of which substance will cause your thyroid to swell?" Choice 1="Iodine" Choice 2="Iron" Choice 3="Calcium" Hint="First"
"34" Category="Biology" question="What vitamin can you get from sunlight?" Choice 1="Vitamin D" Choice 2="Vitamin B" Choice 3="Vitamin F" Hint="First"
"35" Category="Biology" question="Which bird lays the largest egg?" Choice 1="Ostrich" Choice 2="Eagle" Choice 3="Moa" Hint="First"
"36" Category="Biology" question="What animal pulls Santa's sleigh on Christmas Eve?" Choice 1="Reindeer" Choice 2="Horse" Choice 3="Dog" Hint="First"
"37" Category="Biology" question="Osteoporosis results from the lack of which mineral?" Choice 1="Calcium" Choice 2="Iron" Choice 3="Iodine" Hint="First"
"38" Category="Biology" question="Night blindness results from the lack of which vitamin?" Choice 1="Vitamin A" Choice 2="Vitamin B" Choice 3="Vitamin C" Hint="First"
"39" Category="Biology" question="What is the largest land mammal?" Choice 1="Elephant" Choice 2="Tiger" Choice 3="Bat" Hint="First"
"40" Category="Biology" question="What is the largest mammal in the world?" Choice 1="Whale" Choice 2="Shark" Choice 3="Octopus" Hint="First"
"41" Category="Biology" question="How many tentacles does an octopus normally have?" Choice 1="Eight" Choice 2="Four" Choice 3="One" Hint="First"
"42" Category="Biology" question="A green paste is sometimes added to sushi. What is it made of?" Choice 1="Mustard" Choice 2="Tomatoes" Choice 3="Mayonnaise" Hint="First"
"43" Category="Biology" question="Tea, cocoa and which beverage are known as the world's three great beverages?" Choice 1="Coffee" Choice 2="Coca Cola" Choice 3="Water" Hint="First"
"44" Category="Biology" question="The shortage of which mineral leads to a likelihood of cramps?" Choice 1="Calcium" Choice 2="Iron" Choice 3="Iodine" Hint="First"
"45" Category="Biology" question="What is the most toxic substance in tobacco?" Choice 1="Nicotine" Choice 2="Acetone" Choice 3="Aluminium" Hint="First"
"46" Category="Biology" question="The koala is the national animal of which country?" Choice 1="Australia" Choice 2="Japan" Choice 3="Singapore" Hint="First"
"47" Category="Biology" question="What do you ferment to make beer?" Choice 1="Wheat" Choice 2="Rice" Choice 3="Soya Beans" Hint="First"
"48" Category="Biology" question="What is the blood type commonly known as a "universal donor"?" Choice 1="O" Choice 2="AB" Choice 3="A" Hint="First"
"49" Category="Biology" question="When boarding a plane, passengers are often treated to candy by the crew. What is the purpose of giving out candy?" Choice 1="To help prevent airplane ear" Choice 2="To maintain blood sugar levels" Choice 3="A small gift" Hint="First"
"50" Category="Biology" question="Under normal conditions, which method of packaging will preserve milk powder the longest?" Choice 1="Can" Choice 2="Bag" Choice 3="Plastic Wrap" Hint="First"
"51" Category="Biology" question="In the food industry, what is the most commonly used acidity regulator?" Choice 1="Citric acid" Choice 2="Lactic acid" Choice 3="Malic acid" Hint="First"
"52" Category="Biology" question="Which of the following makes up the highest percentage of a living creature's body?" Choice 1="Water" Choice 2="Protein" Choice 3="Nucleic acid" Hint="First"
"53" Category="Biology" question="What is DNA made of?" Choice 1="Nucleotide" Choice 2="Glucose" Choice 3="Amino acid" Hint="First"
"54" Category="Biology" question="Which of the following is usually used to gauge the severity of a disease?" Choice 1="Case-fatality rate" Choice 2="Incidence rate" Choice 3="Prevalence rate" Hint="First"
"55" Category="Biology" question="What's the best source of calcium?" Choice 1="Milk and dairy products" Choice 2="Liver" Choice 3="Seafood" Hint="First"
"56" Category="Biology" question="What is an adult's normal breathing rate?" Choice 1="16-20 times per minute" Choice 2="20-30 times per minute" Choice 3="35-40 times per minute" Hint="First"
"57" Category="Biology" question="What is an adult's normal heart rate?" Choice 1="60-80 beats per minute" Choice 2="110-120 beats per minute" Choice 3="120-140 beats per minute" Hint="First"
"58" Category="Biology" question="What percentage of an adult's weight is made up of the weight of blood?" Choice 1="0.08" Choice 2="0.06" Choice 3="0.04" Hint="First"
"59" Category="Biology" question="What colour is the blood let out from a vein?" Choice 1="Dark red" Choice 2="Bright red" Choice 3="Bright red that turns dark red" Hint="First"
"60" Category="Biology" question="What is the armpit temperature of a normal adult?" Choice 1="36℃-37℃" Choice 2="36.5℃-37.5℃" Choice 3="37℃-38℃" Hint="First"
"61" Category="Biology" question="Which of the following is not spread by mosquitoes?" Choice 1="Gastroenteritis" Choice 2="Malaria" Choice 3="Dengue Fever" Hint="First"
"62" Category="Biology" question="Which of the following is not spread by flies?" Choice 1="Flu" Choice 2="Cholera" Choice 3="Dysentery" Hint="First"
"63" Category="Biology" question="High sodium salt leads to a likelihood of getting which of the following?" Choice 1="High blood pressure" Choice 2="High level of blood lipids" Choice 3="High blood sugar" Hint="First"
"64" Category="Biology" question="What is the greatest threat resulting from a lack of iodine?" Choice 1="Mental development problems" Choice 2="Physical growth problems" Choice 3="Osteoporosis" Hint="First"
"65" Category="Biology" question="How long do Sakura trees bloom?" Choice 1="7 days" Choice 2="6 days" Choice 3="5 days" Hint="First"
"66" Category="Biology" question="Which vitamin can be used to treat beriberi?" Choice 1="Vitamin B" Choice 2="Vitamin A" Choice 3="Vitamin C" Hint="First"
"67" Category="Biology" question="What kind of bee is the ruler of a bee colony?" Choice 1="Female bee" Choice 2="Male bee" Choice 3="Baby bee" Hint="First"
"68" Category="Biology" question="Where can you find growth rings in cows and horses?" Choice 1="Teeth" Choice 2="Hooves" Choice 3="Back" Hint="First"
"69" Category="Biology" question="What mineral can be found in apples that aid in enhancing memory?" Choice 1="Zinc" Choice 2="Iron" Choice 3="Iodine" Hint="First"
"70" Category="Biology" question="What is the shelf life of a food product?" Choice 1="Best consumed within this period of time" Choice 2="The expiry date" Choice 3="The production date" Hint="First"
"71" Category="Biology" question="During photosynthesis, besides sunlight and chlorophyll, what substance from the air do plants need?" Choice 1="Carbon dioxide" Choice 2="Oxygen" Choice 3="Nitrogen" Hint="First"
"72" Category="Biology" question="Which of the following is not an advisable way of drinking water?" Choice 1="Drink lots of water after a meal" Choice 2="Drink water when you're thirsty" Choice 3="Drink tap water" Hint="First"
"73" Category="Biology" question="Which of the following is a mammal?" Choice 1="Dolphin" Choice 2="Sea horse" Choice 3="Starfish" Hint="First"
"74" Category="Biology" question="What does a bat rely on to fly at night?" Choice 1="Ultrasonic waves" Choice 2="Electromagnetic waves" Choice 3="Brain waves" Hint="First"
"75" Category="Biology" question="Why do dogs pant with their tongues out?" Choice 1="Give off heat" Choice 2="They ran too fast." Choice 3="Help them breathe" Hint="First"
"76" Category="Biology" question="Why does sunflower face the sun?" Choice 1="Phototropism" Choice 2="Turns with the earth" Choice 3="Loves the sun" Hint="First"
"77" Category="Biology" question="It uses gills to breathe when it's young but uses lungs to breathe when it grows up. What is it?" Choice 1="Frog" Choice 2="Fish" Choice 3="Dolphin" Hint="First"
"78" Category="Biology" question="What are snails known as in the farming industry?" Choice 1="Pests" Choice 2="Useful creatures" Choice 3="Unrelated to the farming industry" Hint="First"
"79" Category="Biology" question="Where do cactuses originate from?" Choice 1="Desert" Choice 2="Grassland" Choice 3="Marshland" Hint="First"
"80" Category="Biology" question="Which of the following is not a mollusk?" Choice 1="Earthworm" Choice 2="Snail" Choice 3="Clam" Hint="First"
"81" Category="Biology" question="Plant roots grow downwards. What is the main cause of that?" Choice 1="Weight" Choice 2="Growth hormones" Choice 3="Light" Hint="First"
"82" Category="Biology" question="Which of the following bears is the largest?" Choice 1="Brown bear" Choice 2="Black bear" Choice 3="Koala" Hint="First"
"83" Category="Biology" question="Besides consuming iodized salt, what other food can help prevent hypothyroidism?" Choice 1="Seaweed" Choice 2="Carrot" Choice 3="Tomato" Hint="First"
"84" Category="Biology" question="Why do people yawn?" Choice 1="To take in oxygen and expel carbon dioxide" Choice 2="To take in carbon dioxide and expel oxygen" Choice 3="They're tired." Hint="First"
"85" Category="Biology" question="Which vitamin aids bone development in children?" Choice 1="Vitamin D" Choice 2="Vitamin A" Choice 3="Vitamin C" Hint="First"
"86" Category="Biology" question="What percentage of clean air is made up of oxygen?" Choice 1="0.21" Choice 2="0.31" Choice 3="0.41" Hint="First"
"87" Category="Biology" question="When you have a fever, which of the following should you not drink?" Choice 1="Strong tea" Choice 2="Plain water" Choice 3="Coca Cola" Hint="First"
"88" Category="Biology" question="What is the base particle in a living creature?" Choice 1="Cell" Choice 2="Tissue" Choice 3="Organ" Hint="First"
"89" Category="Biology" question="What is the cause of SARS?" Choice 1="Virus" Choice 2="Fungus" Choice 3="Germ" Hint="First"
"90" Category="Biology" question="Which is the main blood-producing organ in the human body?" Choice 1="Bone marrow" Choice 2="Heart" Choice 3="Spinal marrow" Hint="First"
"91" Category="Biology" question="You should avoid using flash when taking pictures of babies in order to protect their…" Choice 1="Retinas" Choice 2="Nervous system" Choice 3="Hair roots" Hint="First"
"92" Category="Biology" question="Which bird is a natural "mouse catcher"?" Choice 1="Owl" Choice 2="Eagle" Choice 3="Woodpecker" Hint="First"
"93" Category="Biology" question="Air crew are not allowed to drink which drink?" Choice 1="Beer" Choice 2="Coffee" Choice 3="Red tea" Hint="First"
"94" Category="Biology" question="After a rainstorm, earthworms often crawl up to the soil surface. Why do they do that?" Choice 1="Lack of oxygen" Choice 2="Lack of food" Choice 3="Lack of sunlight" Hint="First"
"95" Category="Biology" question="Short-sightedness is caused by changes in which part of the eye?" Choice 1="Lens" Choice 2="Pupil" Choice 3="Optic nerve" Hint="First"
"96" Category="Biology" question="What's the best temperature for drinking water?" Choice 1="44-59 degrees" Choice 2="90-100 degrees" Choice 3="1-10 degrees" Hint="First"
"97" Category="Biology" question="Which part of the human brain controls balance?" Choice 1=" Cerebellun" Choice 2="Brain stem" Choice 3="Brain marrow" Hint="First"
"98" Category="Biology" question="Why dip pineapple slices in salted water?" Choice 1="To make the tanginess go away" Choice 2="To make it less sour" Choice 3="To make it even tastier!" Hint="First"
"99" Category="Biology" question="Which of the following can you consume with an empty stomach?" Choice 1="Apple" Choice 2="Banana" Choice 3="Tomato" Hint="First"
"100" Category="Biology" question="Who came up with the idea of a food chain?" Choice 1="Hughes" Choice 2="Darwin" Choice 3="Gideon Mantell" Hint="First"
"101" Category="Biology" question="What doesn't belong in the food chain?" Choice 1="Non Living Things" Choice 2="Inert Materials" Choice 3="Polymers" Hint="First"
"102" Category="Biology" question="When did the humans start appearing on Earth?" Choice 1="4th Century" Choice 2="3rd Century" Choice 3="Jurassic" Hint="First"
"103" Category="Biology" question="Which organ in the human body has the highest concentration of water?" Choice 1="Eyeball" Choice 2="Bladder" Choice 3="Lung" Hint="First"
"104" Category="Culture" question="The Little Match Girl belongs to which set of fairytales?" Choice 1="Andersen Fairytales" Choice 2="Thousand and One Nights" Choice 3="Grimms' Fairytales" Hint="First"
"105" Category="Culture" question="Which of the following stories was not written by Hans Christian Andersen?" Choice 1="Snow White" Choice 2="The Emperor's New Clothes" Choice 3="The Ugly Duckling" Hint="First"
"106" Category="Culture" question="In the Andersen fairytales, which story describes an elder brother who was turned into a black swan by the Queen?" Choice 1="The Wild Swans" Choice 2="The Ugly Duckling" Choice 3="Thumbelina" Hint="First"
"107" Category="Culture" question="In the Grimms' Fairytales, how many elder sisters does Cinderella have?" Choice 1="2" Choice 2="1" Choice 3="3" Hint="First"
"108" Category="Culture" question="In the movie <<Transformers>>, what is the name of the enemy leader fighting against Optimus Prime?" Choice 1="Megatron" Choice 2="Galvatron" Choice 3="Shockwave" Hint="First"
"109" Category="Culture" question="In the movie <<Titanic>>, what is the name of the blue jewel that the elderly Rose throws into the sea?" Choice 1="Heart of the Ocean" Choice 2="Heart of the Sky" Choice 3="Heart of the Earth" Hint="First"
"110" Category="Culture" question="For the Oscar Awards, only one person has won the Best Actor Academy Award for two years in a row. Who is it?" Choice 1="Tom Hanks" Choice 2="Jack Nicholson" Choice 3="Marlon Brando" Hint="First"
"111" Category="Culture" question="<<La Marseillaise>> is the national anthem of which country?" Choice 1="France" Choice 2="Germany" Choice 3="Spain" Hint="First"
"112" Category="Culture" question="There is a famous speech in American history called <<I have a dream>>. Who made that speech?" Choice 1="Martin Luther King" Choice 2="Abraham Lincoln" Choice 3="Nelson Mandela" Hint="First"
"113" Category="Culture" question="What is the theme song of the movie <<Titanic>>?" Choice 1="My Heart Will Go On" Choice 2="劉禹錫" Choice 3="My Heart Will Go On" Hint="First"
"114" Category="Culture" question="There is a fairy tale about a character whose nose grows longer each time he tells a lie. What is his name?" Choice 1="Pinocchio" Choice 2="Carlo Collodi" Choice 3="Ze Pide" Hint="First"
"115" Category="Culture" question="Where are the Disney headquarters located?" Choice 1="America" Choice 2="France" Choice 3="Britain" Hint="First"
"116" Category="Culture" question="Naruto is from which country?" Choice 1="Japan" Choice 2="America" Choice 3="China" Hint="First"
"117" Category="Culture" question="How many Harry Potter movies are there?" Choice 1="8" Choice 2="9" Choice 3="10" Hint="First"
"118" Category="Culture" question="Who created Hello Kitty?" Choice 1="Yuko Shimizu" Choice 2="Yoshiki Risa" Choice 3="Shintaro Tsuji" Hint="First"
"119" Category="Culture" question="Which Youtube video was the first to get 1 billion views?" Choice 1="Psy - Gangnam Style" Choice 2="Justin Bieber - Baby" Choice 3="Justin Bieber - Call me baby" Hint="First"
"120" Category="Culture" question="Where does the company Sony come from?" Choice 1="Japan" Choice 2="China" Choice 3="US" Hint="First"
"121" Category="Culture" question="Which of the following songs isn't a Michael Jackson song?" Choice 1="Call me baby" Choice 2="Beat it" Choice 3="Dangerous" Hint="First"
"122" Category="Culture" question="In the manga "One Piece", which character ate the Gomu Gomu Fruit?" Choice 1="Monkey·D·Luffy" Choice 2="Shanks " Choice 3="Roronoa Zoro" Hint="First"
"123" Category="Culture" question="Tony Tony Chopper is from which manga?" Choice 1="One Piece" Choice 2="Naruto" Choice 3="BLEACH" Hint="First"
"124" Category="Culture" question="Who is Batman's nemesis?" Choice 1="Joker" Choice 2="Bane" Choice 3="Black Mask" Hint="First"
"125" Category="Culture" question="What is the letter on Superman's outfit?" Choice 1="S" Choice 2="G" Choice 3="D" Hint="First"
"126" Category="Culture" question="What is the colour of Superman's underwear?" Choice 1="Red" Choice 2="Blue" Choice 3="Yellow" Hint="First"
"127" Category="Culture" question="Which of the following is not one of Spiderman's powers?" Choice 1="Hardened teeth" Choice 2="Sharp vision" Choice 3="Fingers have suction" Hint="First"
"128" Category="Culture" question="Which city does Batman operate in?" Choice 1="Gotham City" Choice 2="NewYork" Choice 3="Washington" Hint="First"
"129" Category="Culture" question="What is the Incredible Hulk's original job?" Choice 1="Scientist" Choice 2="Student" Choice 3="Office worker" Hint="First"
"130" Category="Culture" question="What is Batman's real name?" Choice 1="Bruce Wayne" Choice 2="Bob Kane" Choice 3="Bill Finger" Hint="First"
"131" Category="Culture" question="When was the latest Batman movie released?" Choice 1="2012" Choice 2="2013" Choice 3="2008" Hint="First"
"132" Category="Culture" question="Which hero's motto is "With great power, comes great responsibility"?" Choice 1="Batman" Choice 2="Spiderman" Choice 3="Superman" Hint="First"
"133" Category="Culture" question="Miyazaki Hayao was not involved in which of the following shows?" Choice 1="WALL·E " Choice 2=" Laputa:Castle in the Sky " Choice 3="Spirited Away" Hint="First"
"134" Category="Culture" question="Which of the following won Best Picture in the 85th Oscar Awards in 2013?" Choice 1="Argo" Choice 2="Life of Pi " Choice 3="Abraham Lincoln" Hint="First"
"135" Category="Culture" question="Bollywood is in which country?" Choice 1="India, Mumbai" Choice 2="France, Paris" Choice 3="America, New York" Hint="First"
"136" Category="Culture" question="Which of the following is not a Walt Disney production?" Choice 1="Tom And Jerry" Choice 2="Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck" Choice 3="Lion King" Hint="First"
"137" Category="Culture" question="Which of the following cities has a Disneyland?" Choice 1="USA, Los Angeles" Choice 2="USA, Washington" Choice 3="USA, New York" Hint="First"
"138" Category="Culture" question="Who is the main character of Pirates of the Caribbean?" Choice 1="Captain Jack" Choice 2="Captain Will" Choice 3="Captain Elizabeth" Hint="First"
"139" Category="Culture" question="Which is the company that produced Toy Story?" Choice 1="The Walt Disney Company" Choice 2="Studio Ghibli" Choice 3="Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc." Hint="First"
"140" Category="Culture" question="What is the title of the first Harry Potter production?" Choice 1="Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" Choice 2="Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" Choice 3="Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban" Hint="First"
"141" Category="Culture" question="Which of the following characters has never been the principal of Hogwarts?" Choice 1="Teddy Remus Lupin" Choice 2="Minerva McGonagall " Choice 3="Severus Snape" Hint="First"
"142" Category="Culture" question="In Harry Potter, what is Ron Weasley's father called?" Choice 1="Author Weasley" Choice 2="Bill·Weasley" Choice 3="Charlie Weasley" Hint="First"
"143" Category="Culture" question="What is the name of Harry Potter's wife?" Choice 1="Ginny" Choice 2="Hermione" Choice 3="Lily" Hint="First"
"144" Category="Culture" question="In "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince", who is the "Half Blood Prince"?" Choice 1="Lord Voldemort" Choice 2="Peter Pettigrew" Choice 3="Bartemius Crouch Jr." Hint="First"
"145" Category="Culture" question="The author of the Grimms' Fairytales is from which country?" Choice 1="Germany" Choice 2="Norway" Choice 3="Spain" Hint="First"
"146" Category="Culture" question="Which of the following is not a Grimms' Fairytale?" Choice 1="Alibaba and the Fourteen Thieves" Choice 2="The Frog Prince" Choice 3="Le Petit Chaperon rouge" Hint="First"
"147" Category="Culture" question="Which of the following authors has not won a Nobel Prize before?" Choice 1="J. K. Rowling" Choice 2="Toni Morrison" Choice 3="V.S.Naipaul" Hint="First"
"148" Category="Culture" question="Albert Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in which year?" Choice 1="1921" Choice 2="1922" Choice 3="1923" Hint="First"
"149" Category="Culture" question="Stephen William Hawking teaches at which university?" Choice 1="University of Cambridge" Choice 2="University of Oxford" Choice 3="Harvard University" Hint="First"
"150" Category="Culture" question="The author of "Hamlet", William Shakespeare, is from which country?" Choice 1="Britain" Choice 2="Spain" Choice 3="Italy" Hint="First"
"151" Category="Culture" question=" Leonardo da Vinci, the artist behind "Mona Lisa", is from which country?" Choice 1="Italy" Choice 2="Spain" Choice 3="Britain" Hint="First"
"152" Category="Culture" question="Which of the following works of art was not painted by Da Vinci?" Choice 1="Madonna of the Meadow" Choice 2="Mon Lisa" Choice 3="Last Supper" Hint="First"
"153" Category="Culture" question="Which of the following authors is not representative of the Renaissance?" Choice 1="Aristotle" Choice 2="Dante" Choice 3="Petrarch" Hint="First"
"154" Category="Culture" question="Which of the following is not one of the three great philosophers of ancient Greece?" Choice 1="Thrace" Choice 2="Plato" Choice 3="Socrates" Hint="First"
"155" Category="Culture" question="Which city is Harvard University in?" Choice 1="Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA" Choice 2="Washington, USA" Choice 3="New York, USA" Hint="First"
"156" Category="Culture" question="The USA is a federal constitutional republic made up of a federal district and how many states?" Choice 1="50" Choice 2="49" Choice 3="48" Hint="First"
"157" Category="Gaming" question="When you want to purchase points while in-game, what do you do?" Choice 1="Click the "Recharge" button in the Item Mall." Choice 2="Purchase them from a merchant in-game. " Choice 3="Purchase them from a player in-game." Hint="First"
"158" Category="Gaming" question="If you become an Angel Online VIP, which of the following will you not get every month?" Choice 1="VIP Seraph" Choice 2="VIP Badge" Choice 3="Double Skill EXP" Hint="First"
"159" Category="Gaming" question="If you wish to apply for VIP status, after logging in at, what do you have to click?" Choice 1="Apply for VIP" Choice 2="VIP Service" Choice 3="VIP Live Support" Hint="First"
"160" Category="Gaming" question="Once you meet the requirements for 3-Star, what do you need to do next?" Choice 1="Nothing. You will automatically be upgraded on the 1st day of the next month." Choice 2="Log into "My Account" and click the button "Upgrade"." Choice 3="Fill in a form at" Hint="First"
"161" Category="Gaming" question="If you wish to post a message on the trade channel, what do you need?" Choice 1="Broadcasting" Choice 2="Super Broadcasting" Choice 3="Love Broadcasting" Hint="First"
"162" Category="Gaming" question="Broadcasting can be purchased under which section in the Item Mall?" Choice 1="Function" Choice 2="Special" Choice 3="On sale" Hint="First"
"163" Category="Gaming" question="Which of the following can't be purchased under the "On Sale" section in the Item Mall>" Choice 1="Exp Card" Choice 2="Maple Mark" Choice 3="Lucky Wish Bag" Hint="First"
"164" Category="Gaming" question="Which of the following can be obtained from a Lucky Bag?" Choice 1="Top equipment" Choice 2="Angel Gold" Choice 3="Coins" Hint="First"
"165" Category="Gaming" question="Under normal conditions, when a player's character dies, what is needed to avoid loss of EXP?" Choice 1="Angel Amulet Scroll" Choice 2="Super Potion" Choice 3="Bless Potion" Hint="First"
"166" Category="Gaming" question="Which of the following will not rapidly increase a player's EXP?" Choice 1="Standing still" Choice 2="Use a Double EXP Card" Choice 3="Use a Ball Ticket" Hint="First"
"167" Category="Gaming" question="When a player uses a Pestle, what is the max number of times he can enhance a piece of equipment? " Choice 1="10" Choice 2="9" Choice 3="8" Hint="First"
"168" Category="Gaming" question="What's the difference between a Lucky Enchanted Pestle and a Pestle?" Choice 1="When enhancement fails, the equipment will not be destroyed" Choice 2="Can be used to enhance a greater number of times" Choice 3="The enhancement success rate is higher" Hint="First"
"169" Category="Gaming" question="What is the item used to enhance rides?" Choice 1="Ride Feed" Choice 2="Pestle" Choice 3="Improved Pet Feed" Hint="First"
"170" Category="Gaming" question="Is there a limit to the number of times a Lucky Hammer can be used to enhance an item?" Choice 1="No" Choice 2="Yes" Choice 3="Yes for some, no for others" Hint="First"
"171" Category="Gaming" question="After an item has been enhanced with a Pestle, can it be further enhanced with a Lucky Hammer?" Choice 1="Yes" Choice 2="No" Choice 3="Yes for some items, no for others" Hint="First"
"172" Category="Gaming" question="Jade Green Arrow Kelit is a Lv 160 weapon. Which of the following Piercing Hammers can be used to create sockets in this weapon?" Choice 1="16-star Lucky Piercing Hammer" Choice 2="15-star Lucky Piercing Hammer" Choice 3="14-star Lucky Piercing Hammer" Hint="First"
"173" Category="Gaming" question="Weapons with the prefix "Jade Green" in front of their names are…" Choice 1="Weapons that have been enhanced greatly" Choice 2="Weapons that have sockets" Choice 3="Fused weapons" Hint="First"
"174" Category="Gaming" question="Under normal conditions, how much AG would you save by buying 10 horoscope Lucky Bags at a go instead of buying them one by one?" Choice 1="791" Choice 2="500" Choice 3="100" Hint="First"
"175" Category="Gaming" question="What is the maximum number of items you can buy at a go in the Item Mall?" Choice 1="120" Choice 2="50" Choice 3="12" Hint="First"
"176" Category="Gaming" question="What potion increases HP by 1000?" Choice 1="High Effect Red Potion 5" Choice 2="High Effect Red Potion 4" Choice 3="High Effect Red Potion 3" Hint="First"
"177" Category="Gaming" question="How much contribution does a league require to obtain Rank 6?" Choice 1="300000" Choice 2="250000" Choice 3="200000" Hint="First"
"178" Category="Gaming" question="How many members can join a league that is Rank 5?" Choice 1="70" Choice 2="60" Choice 3="50" Hint="First"
"179" Category="Gaming" question="Where can players below Lv 100 go to attack a totem?" Choice 1="South Mirror Lake" Choice 2="North Mirror Lake" Choice 3="卑南族" Hint="First"
"180" Category="Gaming" question="How much extra Movement Speed does a PD shapeshift give you?" Choice 1="5% MS" Choice 2="10% MS" Choice 3="11% MS" Hint="First"
"181" Category="Gaming" question="Generally speaking, which NPC do you talk to in order to exchange vouchers for a PD?" Choice 1="Fashionable" Choice 2="Fortunia" Choice 3="Angels' Tutor" Hint="First"
"182" Category="Gaming" question="Generally speaking, which NPC do you talk to in order to exchange vouchers for a Lucky Hammer?" Choice 1="Fortunia" Choice 2="Fashionable" Choice 3="Angels' Tutor" Hint="First"
"183" Category="Gaming" question="How many kinds of producers are there in Angels Online?" Choice 1="5" Choice 2="6" Choice 3="7" Hint="First"
"184" Category="Gaming" question="What level do you have to be to start wearing PDs?" Choice 1="Any level" Choice 2="Lv 5" Choice 3="Lv 10" Hint="First"
"185" Category="Gaming" question="How many types of weapons are there in the game?" Choice 1="6" Choice 2="5" Choice 3="7" Hint="First"
"186" Category="Gaming" question="What is the maximum number of PDs a player can equip on a character?" Choice 1="8" Choice 2="6" Choice 3="5" Hint="First"
"187" Category="Gaming" question="If you want to enhance a lvl 160 ride that is limited to a lvl 110 character, what level of ride feed should you use?" Choice 1="16-star Lucky Ride Feed" Choice 2="15-star Lucky Ride Feed" Choice 3="11-star Lucky Ride Feed" Hint="First"
"188" Category="Gaming" question="How many pieces of furniture can a Romantic Villa hold?" Choice 1="100" Choice 2="90" Choice 3="80" Hint="First"
"189" Category="Gaming" question="An un-enhanced Kitsune ride gives you a movement speed bonus of…" Choice 1="0.6" Choice 2="0.5" Choice 3="0.4" Hint="First"
"190" Category="Gaming" question="When IGG sends out items to players, which NPC do players talk to in order to claim the items?" Choice 1="Bao Clerk" Choice 2="Shopkeeper" Choice 3="Angel Colonel" Hint="First"
"191" Category="Gaming" question="What item do players need when they want to change their skills?" Choice 1="Skill Crystal" Choice 2="Skill Stone" Choice 3="Skill Voucher" Hint="First"
"192" Category="Gaming" question="Which NPC do players have to talk to in order to change their skills?" Choice 1="Skill Angel" Choice 2="Battle Professor" Choice 3="Magic Professor" Hint="First"
"193" Category="Gaming" question="When a pet dies, which NPC does the player have to talk to in order to resurrect the pet?" Choice 1="Pet Expert" Choice 2="Pet Tutor" Choice 3="Pet Angel" Hint="First"
"194" Category="Gaming" question="What is the maximum number of Trinkets a player can equip on a character?" Choice 1="2" Choice 2="3" Choice 3="4" Hint="First"
"195" Category="Gaming" question="How many stars does a pet have to reach before it can be fused?" Choice 1="3" Choice 2="2" Choice 3="1" Hint="First"
"196" Category="Gaming" question="What is the minimum equipment level required for fusion?" Choice 1="Lv 80" Choice 2="Lv 70" Choice 3="Lv 60" Hint="First"
"197" Category="Gaming" question="Under normal conditions, what is the maximum number of times you can water plants on a farm in AO?" Choice 1="5 times daily" Choice 2="4 times daily" Choice 3="3 times daily" Hint="First"
"198" Category="Gaming" question="Are there any requirements for setting a gem inside a weapon?" Choice 1="Yes" Choice 2="No" Choice 3="Yes for some, no for others" Hint="First"
"199" Category="Gaming" question="Under normal conditions, how many skills can a character learn?" Choice 1="6" Choice 2="7" Choice 3="8" Hint="First"
"200" Category="Gaming" question="Which of the following is NOT a ride in AO?" Choice 1="Dragon Egg" Choice 2="Kitsune" Choice 3="Ruddy Goldfish" Hint="First"
"201" Category="Gaming" question="Where can we repair our equipment?" Choice 1="Repair Angel" Choice 2="Shopkeeper" Choice 3="Cupid" Hint="Last"
"202" Category="Gaming" question="Where can we exchange top weapon vouchers?" Choice 1="Fashionable" Choice 2="Fortunia" Choice 3="Angels' Tutor" Hint="Last"
"203" Category="Gaming" question="Where can we get the Angels Blessing buff?" Choice 1="Blessing Angel" Choice 2="Battlefield Angel?" Choice 3="Angels' Tutor" Hint="Last"
"204" Category="Gaming" question="Where can we sign up for Holy Battlefield Stone war?" Choice 1="Battlefield Clerk" Choice 2="Battlefield Angel?" Choice 3="Blessing Angel" Hint="Last"
"205" Category="Gaming" question="How many jobs can you pick from at the start of the game?" Choice 1="15" Choice 2="10" Choice 3="5" Hint="Last"
"206" Category="Gaming" question="Using a Lucky Card will increase your character's luck by…?" Choice 1="3" Choice 2="2" Choice 3="1" Hint="Last"
"207" Category="Gaming" question="What rank must a league reach to start using the farm?" Choice 1="6" Choice 2="5" Choice 3="4" Hint="Last"
"208" Category="Gaming" question="At what level can a character equip an enchanted shapeshift?" Choice 1="Any level" Choice 2="80" Choice 3="100" Hint="Last"
"209" Category="Gaming" question="How much satiation does a pet feed give to your pet?" Choice 1="500" Choice 2="400" Choice 3="300" Hint="Last"
"210" Category="Gaming" question="Which skill allows you to enchant a monster for a limited period of time?" Choice 1="Earth" Choice 2="Wraith" Choice 3="Chaos" Hint="Last"
"211" Category="Gaming" question="How much cleanliness does liquid soap add to your house?" Choice 1="500" Choice 2="1000" Choice 3="2000" Hint="Last"
"212" Category="Gaming" question="How many visitors can take part in a ball held in a level 2 house?" Choice 1="10" Choice 2="15" Choice 3="20" Hint="Last"
"213" Category="Gaming" question="What class in AO allows you to manufacture staves?" Choice 1="Technician" Choice 2="Weaponsmith" Choice 3="Armorsmith" Hint="Last"
"214" Category="Gaming" question="When reviving a pet, at what level of intimacy will it have the chance to run away?" Choice 1="Below 40 " Choice 2="Below 50 " Choice 3="Below 60 " Hint="Last"
"215" Category="Gaming" question="What NPC is used to change faction?" Choice 1="Census Angel" Choice 2="Badge Angel" Choice 3="Faction Angel" Hint="Last"
"216" Category="Gaming" question="What is the first server called?" Choice 1="Haniel" Choice 2="Sofiel" Choice 3="Nyx" Hint="Last"
"217" Category="Gaming" question="What is the city for Beast Faction?" Choice 1="Breeze Woods " Choice 2="Dark City" Choice 3="Aurora City" Hint="Last"
"218" Category="Gaming" question="How much AG is needed to buy Holy Battlefield Stone in the Item Mall?" Choice 1="100AG" Choice 2="150AG" Choice 3="200AG" Hint="Last"
"219" Category="Gaming" question="Which NPC do you go to in order to claim items purchased in the Shell Mall?" Choice 1="Bao Clerk" Choice 2="Angel Clerk" Choice 3="Shopkeeper" Hint="Last"
"220" Category="Gaming" question="How many times is Totem War held per week?" Choice 1="2" Choice 2="3" Choice 3="4" Hint="Last"
"221" Category="Gaming" question="How many times is Holy Battlefield War held per week?" Choice 1="4" Choice 2="6" Choice 3="8" Hint="Last"
"222" Category="Gaming" question="Where can we plant a seed in AO?" Choice 1="Farm" Choice 2="Angel Lyceum" Choice 3="House" Hint="Last"
"223" Category="Gaming" question="Where can we collect our daily event reward?" Choice 1="Daily party reward " Choice 2="Fortunia" Choice 3="Cupid" Hint="Last"
"224" Category="Gaming" question="What level must a house be before it can host a ball?" Choice 1="2" Choice 2="3" Choice 3="4" Hint="Last"
"225" Category="Gaming" question="What does IGG mean?" Choice 1="I Got Games" Choice 2="International Game Center" Choice 3="I Like Games" Hint="Last"
"226" Category="Gaming" question="Where can we buy a Wolf ride?" Choice 1="Breeze Woods " Choice 2="Iron City" Choice 3="Aurora City" Hint="Last"
"227" Category="Gaming" question="What is the URL of the Angels Online homepage?" Choice 1="" Choice 2="" Choice 3="" Hint="Last"
"228" Category="Gaming" question="Can we charge Angels Gold through the MOL point?" Choice 1="Yes" Choice 2="No" Choice 3="Maybe" Hint="Last"
"229" Category="Gaming" question="What do you need to host a ball?" Choice 1="Ball ticket" Choice 2="Ball voucher" Choice 3="Ball scroll" Hint="Last"
"230" Category="Gaming" question="What level must your pet be before you can use an Advanced Blood Certificate on it?" Choice 1="55" Choice 2="35" Choice 3="65" Hint="Last"
"231" Category="Gaming" question="What rank must you be to get a 20% discount at NPC stores?" Choice 1="Rank 13 and above" Choice 2="Rank 15 and above" Choice 3="Rank 20 and above" Hint="Last"
"232" Category="Gaming" question="What item can you use to increase your pet's intimacy to 100?" Choice 1="Master's Love" Choice 2="Pet Amulet" Choice 3="Pet Feed" Hint="Last"
"233" Category="Gaming" question="How many earth shapeshifts are there?" Choice 1="5" Choice 2="4" Choice 3="3" Hint="Last"
"234" Category="Gaming" question="The word 'Kitsune' means fox. Which language does it come from?" Choice 1="Japanese" Choice 2="Chinese" Choice 3="Greek" Hint="Last"
"235" Category="Gaming" question="Which name is the name of a Lv 120-130 weapon?" Choice 1="Burning Dragon" Choice 2="Sadell's Doomsday" Choice 3="Force of the Dragon Phegerse" Hint="Last"
"236" Category="Gaming" question="What production skill level is required to make furniture?" Choice 1="61+" Choice 2="71+" Choice 3="81+" Hint="Last"
"237" Category="Gaming" question="Generally speaking, how much percentage increase in defence does a Pestle give you if you succeed in enhancing your armor?" Choice 1="0.03" Choice 2="0.02" Choice 3="0.01" Hint="Last"
"238" Category="Gaming" question="Generally speaking, how much percentage increase in attack does a Pestle give you if you succeed in enhancing your weapon?" Choice 1="0.06" Choice 2="0.04" Choice 3="0.02" Hint="Last"
"239" Category="Gaming" question="How many Lucky Hammers do you need to get the best stats for your equipment?" Choice 1="Random" Choice 2="40 Lucky Hammers" Choice 3="50 Lucky Hammers" Hint="Last"
"240" Category="Gaming" question="How many points do you get upon killing a statue in the Holy Battlefield?" Choice 1="2 points" Choice 2="4 points" Choice 3="6 points" Hint="Last"
"241" Category="Gaming" question="Only VIP characters can become League Leader. True or false?" Choice 1="1" Choice 2="0" Choice 3="Maybe" Hint="Last"
"242" Category="Gaming" question="How can you get double Angel Shells for spending AG?" Choice 1="Become the player who spends the most Angel Gold in the Item Mall" Choice 2="Become VIP Lvl 3" Choice 3="Become VIP Lvl 2" Hint="Last"
"243" Category="Gaming" question="How many categories are there in the Angel Arena?" Choice 1="7" Choice 2="8" Choice 3="9" Hint="Last"
"244" Category="Gaming" question="How many BattleField Angel NPCs are there in Angels Online?" Choice 1="6" Choice 2="5" Choice 3="4" Hint="Last"
"245" Category="Gaming" question="What do you get if you win in mini games like Gomoku?" Choice 1="Nothing" Choice 2="10% gold from the player who lost" Choice 3="1,000,000,000 EXP" Hint="Last"
"246" Category="Gaming" question="How many kinds of daily events are there?" Choice 1="7" Choice 2="6" Choice 3="5" Hint="Last"
"247" Category="Gaming" question="What minimum level must a Little Angel be in order to graduate from the Angel Lyceum?" Choice 1="1" Choice 2="5" Choice 3="10" Hint="Last"
"248" Category="Gaming" question="Who is the Angel you need to talk to in the Angel Lyceum to take the graduation quest?" Choice 1="Angel Tutor" Choice 2="Cupid" Choice 3="Micheal" Hint="Last"
"249" Category="Gaming" question="Which shop can you visit to buy items with AG?" Choice 1="Item Mall" Choice 2="Item Shop" Choice 3="Shopkeeper" Hint="Last"
"250" Category="Gaming" question="What job in AO permits you to become invisible and walk at the same time?" Choice 1="Assassin" Choice 2="Warrior" Choice 3="Wizard" Hint="Last"
"251" Category="Gaming" question="What is the maximum number of friends you can have in Angels Online?" Choice 1="100" Choice 2="80" Choice 3="60" Hint="Last"
"252" Category="Gaming" question="How many sides are there in the Holy Battlefield event?" Choice 1="3" Choice 2="2" Choice 3="4" Hint="Last"
"253" Category="Gaming" question="What is the name of the orange group in the Holy Battlefield event?" Choice 1="Jabaly" Choice 2="Raphael " Choice 3="Angel" Hint="Last"
"254" Category="Gaming" question="What main goal must you achieve to win in the Holy Battlefield event?" Choice 1="Steal enemy Crystals and bring them over to your own territory" Choice 2="Steal 20 enemy Crystals" Choice 3="Kill all enemies" Hint="Last"
"255" Category="Gaming" question="How many points do you get upon successfully putting an enemy's Holy Battlefield crystal in your own territory?" Choice 1="500" Choice 2="50" Choice 3="5" Hint="Last"
"256" Category="Gaming" question="What is the point of accumulating points in Holy Battlefield?" Choice 1="Gain extra EXP" Choice 2="Increase Credit" Choice 3="Increase Skill EXP" Hint="Last"
"257" Category="Gaming" question="When happens when statues get destroyed in Holy Battlefield?" Choice 1="The spawn spot is shifted back" Choice 2="The gate opens" Choice 3="One side wins" Hint="Last"
"258" Category="Gaming" question="What is the gate used for in Holy Battlefield?" Choice 1="Defend territory" Choice 2="Attack enemies" Choice 3="Nothing" Hint="Last"
"259" Category="Gaming" question="How do you build statues and gates in Holy Battlefield?" Choice 1="Use building materials " Choice 2="Use raw materials" Choice 3="Use cooking materials" Hint="Last"
"260" Category="Gaming" question="Who can participate in Angels Arena?" Choice 1="All players level 60+" Choice 2="All players level 80+" Choice 3="All players level 90+" Hint="Last"
"261" Category="Gaming" question="How many winners are there in Angels Arena?" Choice 1="8" Choice 2="9" Choice 3="10" Hint="Last"
"262" Category="Gaming" question="How do you claim the prize in Angels Arena?" Choice 1="Talk to the Arena Clerk" Choice 2="Talk to the Arena Angel" Choice 3="Talk to the Arena Cupid" Hint="Last"
"263" Category="Gaming" question="How do you join daily events?" Choice 1="Click on the event icon" Choice 2="Talk to the Arena Angel" Choice 3="Talk to the Daily Event Angel" Hint="Last"
"264" Category="Gaming" question="Name the benefits of joining daily events." Choice 1="Gain EXP and Skill EXP" Choice 2="Get money" Choice 3="Get equipment" Hint="Last"
"265" Category="Gaming" question="How many silver coins do you need to get 10 gold coins?" Choice 1="1000" Choice 2="2000" Choice 3="3000" Hint="Last"
"266" Category="Gaming" question="Where can players buy HP potions and MP potions?" Choice 1="Healer" Choice 2="Cupid" Choice 3="Repair Angel" Hint="Last"
"267" Category="Gaming" question="Which of the following potions heals 1000 HP?" Choice 1="Common Red Potion 1" Choice 2="High-Effect Red Potion 5" Choice 3="Mid-Effect Red Potion 3" Hint="Last"
"268" Category="Gaming" question="Will the main item disappear if the fusion fails and there is no Blessed Fusion potion?" Choice 1="1" Choice 2="0" Choice 3="Maybe" Hint="Last"
"269" Category="Gaming" question="Potions for pets can be obtained from the Item Mall." Choice 1="1" Choice 2="0" Choice 3="Maybe" Hint="Last"
"270" Category="Gaming" question="Which of the following is a pet you can purchase from an NPC?" Choice 1="Wind Elf Egg" Choice 2="Drake Egg" Choice 3="Shadow Pet Egg" Hint="Last"
"271" Category="Gaming" question="How many stars must a pet be before it can be equipped?" Choice 1="5 stars" Choice 2="4stars" Choice 3="3 stars" Hint="Last"
"272" Category="Gaming" question="In what way can a player gain EXP from a pet?" Choice 1="Pet Diamond" Choice 2="Rune" Choice 3="Pet Feed" Hint="Last"
"273" Category="Gaming" question="When a pet dies, the intimacy level drops." Choice 1="1" Choice 2="0" Choice 3="Maybe" Hint="Last"
"274" Category="Gaming" question="Improved Pet Feed can be used to…" Choice 1="Enhance a pet" Choice 2="Increase maximum satiation degree" Choice 3="Increase maximum intimacy degree" Hint="Last"
"275" Category="Gaming" question="There is a chance of failure after Improved Pet Feed has been used three times. " Choice 1="1" Choice 2="0" Choice 3="Maybe" Hint="Last"
"276" Category="Gaming" question="What is Angel Baby used for?" Choice 1="To automatically pilot the character" Choice 2="Training skills" Choice 3="Attack the enemy" Hint="Last"
"277" Category="Gaming" question="What was the first expansion in Angels Online?" Choice 1="Dungeon" Choice 2="Atlantis" Choice 3="Orieity" Hint="Last"
"278" Category="Gaming" question=" What is a Pestle used for?" Choice 1="Enhance equipment" Choice 2="Enhance rides" Choice 3="Pierce equipment" Hint="Last"
"279" Category="Gaming" question="Can a player enhance a trinket using a Pestle?" Choice 1="No" Choice 2="Yes" Choice 3="Maybe" Hint="Last"
"280" Category="Gaming" question="Can a player use a Lucky Hammer to change the attributes of a trinket?" Choice 1="Yes" Choice 2="No" Choice 3="Maybe" Hint="Last"
"281" Category="Gaming" question="Shadow Blade has a high attack but low attack speed." Choice 1="0" Choice 2="1" Choice 3="Maybe" Hint="Last"
"282" Category="Gaming" question="What item is used to enhance rides?" Choice 1="Ride Feed" Choice 2="Pestle" Choice 3="Improved Pet Feed" Hint="Last"
"283" Category="Gaming" question="Which of the following is an instance map in the Dungeon expansion?" Choice 1="Gulp Room" Choice 2="Hell Palace" Choice 3="Breeze Wood" Hint="Last"
"284" Category="Gaming" question="At what level can players start doing Elite Quests?" Choice 1="96+" Choice 2="100+" Choice 3="110+" Hint="Last"
"285" Category="Gaming" question="How many grids are there by default in the Album System?" Choice 1="4" Choice 2="3" Choice 3="2" Hint="Last"
"286" Category="Gaming" question="How many points does a weapon require in the Album system to gain Level 3 bonus attack and spell attack?" Choice 1="2345" Choice 2="2445" Choice 3="2545" Hint="Last"
"287" Category="Gaming" question="How much magic index do you need for house level 2?" Choice 1="500" Choice 2="750" Choice 3="1000" Hint="Last"
"288" Category="Gaming" question="Up to what level can you still change your skills without a Skill Crystal?" Choice 1="20" Choice 2="30" Choice 3="40" Hint="Last"
"289" Category="Gaming" question="What is the maximum number of players that are allowed in a team?" Choice 1="5" Choice 2="4" Choice 3="3" Hint="Last"
"290" Category="Gaming" question="At what level can you start the Orient Main Quest?" Choice 1="100+" Choice 2="110+" Choice 3="120+" Hint="Last"
"291" Category="Gaming" question="What item do you need to buy from the Item Mall if you want to have a 100% fusion success rate?" Choice 1="Pet's shapeshiftPreview Scroll" Choice 2="Blessed Fusion Pot" Choice 3="Pet Feed" Hint="Last"
"292" Category="Gaming" question="How much Angel Gold do you need to pay if you want to recover your lost items?" Choice 1="1200AG" Choice 2="1500AG" Choice 3="2000AG" Hint="Last"
"293" Category="Gaming" question="Which Faction is near Atlantis?" Choice 1="Aurora" Choice 2="Steel" Choice 3="Beast" Hint="Last"
"294" Category="Gaming" question="How many times can each player vote on one house?" Choice 1="5" Choice 2="10" Choice 3="15" Hint="Last"
"295" Category="Gaming" question="Generally speaking, how much Angel Gold must you spend on a Mark Portal Scroll?" Choice 1="9" Choice 2="10" Choice 3="11" Hint="Last"
"296" Category="Gaming" question="How many daily copper coins do you need to get a Lvl 70 Armor Box?" Choice 1="8" Choice 2="10" Choice 3="12" Hint="Last"
"297" Category="Gaming" question="What is the highest rank in Angels Online?" Choice 1="God's Mouthpiece" Choice 2="Holy Angel" Choice 3="Star rule" Hint="Last"
"298" Category="Gaming" question="Generally speaking, how much does a Broadcasting cost?" Choice 1="19AG" Choice 2="15AG" Choice 3="25AG" Hint="Last"
"299" Category="Gaming" question="Do you get a ring after you get married on Angels Online?" Choice 1="Yes" Choice 2="No" Choice 3="Maybe" Hint="Last"
"300" Category="Gaming" question="What is 1 IGG point equivalent to?" Choice 1="6 Angel Gold" Choice 2="5 Angel Gold" Choice 3="4 Angel Gold" Hint="Last"
"301" Category="Gaming" question="What does Liquid Soap add to your house?" Choice 1="500 Cleanness Index" Choice 2="400 Cleanness Index" Choice 3="300 Cleanness Index" Hint="Last"
"302" Category="Gaming" question="At what level does the pet Elf undergo its first evolution?" Choice 1="Lv 15 " Choice 2="Lv 20" Choice 3="Lv 35" Hint="Last"
"303" Category="Gaming" question="Pets can use a Medium Blood Certificate to under a second evolution, but what level must they reach first to do this?" Choice 1="Lv 35" Choice 2="Lv 20" Choice 3="Lv 15 " Hint="Last"
"304" Category="Gaming" question="Pets can undergo a third evolution at Lvl 55. What do they need to do this?" Choice 1="Advanced Blood Certificate" Choice 2="Medium Blood Certificate " Choice 3="Phantom EXP" Hint="Last"
"305" Category="Gaming" question="What is the first title in Achievements?" Choice 1="New Recruit" Choice 2="Angel Second Class " Choice 3="Angel First Class " Hint="Last"
"306" Category="Gaming" question="Generally speaking, which days do you get double EXP for free?" Choice 1="Saturday and Sunday" Choice 2="Monday To Thueday" Choice 3="Wednesday To Thursday" Hint="Last"
"307" Category="Gaming" question="What do you need to get the title "Angel Arena Expert"?" Choice 1="Win in the Angel Arena 50 Times" Choice 2="Win in the Angel Arena 40 Times" Choice 3="Win in the Angel Arena 30 Times" Hint="Last"
"308" Category="Gaming" question="Lv 15 Lucky Ride feed can be used at which of the following levels?" Choice 1="159" Choice 2="160" Choice 3="169" Hint="Last"
"309" Category="Gaming" question="What level is Na?ve Delivery Bear?" Choice 1="110 Special" Choice 2="100 Special" Choice 3="90 Special" Hint="Last"
"310" Category="Gaming" question="What is the Ring of Angel Wings for?" Choice 1="Teleport to your Cupid" Choice 2="For marriage" Choice 3="Set the place for your revival" Hint="Last"
"311" Category="Gaming" question="What is the Angel Amulet Scroll for?" Choice 1="Prevent loss of EXP upon death" Choice 2="Revive the character in the original place" Choice 3="Increase Movement Speed" Hint="Last"
"312" Category="Gaming" question="How many channels are there in Havoc server?" Choice 1="2" Choice 2="3" Choice 3="1" Hint="Last"
"313" Category="Gaming" question="Which of the following monsters can be found in the Angel Lyceum?" Choice 1="Lily" Choice 2="Fire Elf" Choice 3="Water Elf" Hint="Last"
"314" Category="Gaming" question="When the bag is not equipped, how many inventory slots are available?" Choice 1="25" Choice 2="20" Choice 3="15" Hint="Last"
"315" Category="Gaming" question="How do Enchanted PDs make you more powerful?" Choice 1="They increase your stats." Choice 2="They raise your skills. " Choice 3="They enhance the effects of your equipment." Hint="Last"
"316" Category="Gaming" question="Which of the following weapons has more attack then normal weapons but is not green?" Choice 1="Top weapon" Choice 2="Demon weapon" Choice 3="Jade-Green Weapon" Hint="Last"
"317" Category="Gaming" question="At what level can you start using the Kitsune Ride?" Choice 1="110" Choice 2="100" Choice 3="90" Hint="Last"
"318" Category="Gaming" question="What can be used to recover SP?" Choice 1="Bloody Storm" Choice 2="Crazy Roar" Choice 3="Recovery Shield" Hint="Last"
"319" Category="Gaming" question="What is the success rate at +8 when enhancing a weapon using a Pestle?" Choice 1="0.5" Choice 2="0.3" Choice 3="0.4" Hint="Last"
"320" Category="Gaming" question="How much ATK does an Orange Light Rune Piece add to a weapon?" Choice 1="104 ATK" Choice 2="100 ATK" Choice 3="94 ATK" Hint="Last"
"321" Category="Gaming" question="What happens if you use a 2X EXP Card during a 2X EXP event?" Choice 1="3X EXP" Choice 2="2X EXP" Choice 3="4X EXP" Hint="Last"
"322" Category="Gaming" question="Where can you get Lucky Enhanced Pestle Tickets in the Item Mall?" Choice 1="Lucky Wish Bag" Choice 2="PD voucher Egg" Choice 3="Furniture Egg" Hint="Last"
"323" Category="Gaming" question="Which Book allows you to fly to a teammate?" Choice 1="WitchFly Book" Choice 2="WitchSummon Book" Choice 3="Maple Mark" Hint="Last"
"324" Category="Gaming" question="How many times can a pet evolve?" Choice 1="3" Choice 2="4" Choice 3="5" Hint="Last"
"325" Category="Gaming" question="How can Angels get an Eagle egg?" Choice 1="Lucky bags" Choice 2="Pet Expert" Choice 3="Pet Angel" Hint="Last"
"326" Category="Gaming" question="What is the maximum number of sockets an Angel can pierce on a piece of equipment?" Choice 1="5" Choice 2="6" Choice 3="7" Hint="Last"
"327" Category="Gaming" question="What is a Mark Portal Scroll for?" Choice 1="To teleport you to a place you have perviously marked with a Mark Portal Stone" Choice 2="To teleport you to your revival place" Choice 3="To teleport you to your teamate" Hint="Last"
"328" Category="Gaming" question="Is account trading in AO illegal?" Choice 1="Yes" Choice 2="No" Choice 3="Maybe" Hint="Last"
"329" Category="Gaming" question="What weapon does an Assassin use in AO?" Choice 1="Shadow Blade" Choice 2="Sword" Choice 3="Spear" Hint="Last"
"330" Category="Gaming" question="How much does a Rank 1 Angel need to pay in order to purchase a Lv 30 ride from the ride seller?" Choice 1="15000 gold" Choice 2="12000 gold" Choice 3="18000 gold" Hint="Last"
"331" Category="Gaming" question="Will an IGG GM ever ask a player for his account password?" Choice 1="Never" Choice 2="Yes" Choice 3="Maybe" Hint="Last"
"332" Category="Gaming" question="How many Elite Quests are there in AO?" Choice 1="8" Choice 2="10" Choice 3="12" Hint="Last"
"333" Category="Gaming" question="Is it possible to add Pets to the Collection Album?" Choice 1="No" Choice 2="Yes" Choice 3="Maybe" Hint="Last"
"334" Category="Gaming" question="How many tiles are available for seeding in the league farm?" Choice 1="70" Choice 2="60" Choice 3="50" Hint="Last"
"335" Category="Gaming" question="When seeds ripen in the farm, what can you harvest?" Choice 1="PD" Choice 2="AG" Choice 3="HB stone" Hint="Last"
"336" Category="Gaming" question="What's the keyboard shortcut you can use to open the Daily Events window?" Choice 1="CTRL + D" Choice 2="ALT + D" Choice 3="ALT + B" Hint="Last"
"337" Category="Gaming" question="What does the Angel (Marriage) Ring do?" Choice 1="It teleports the husband to the wife" Choice 2="It teleports the wife to the husband" Choice 3="Either partner can use the ring to teleport to the other partner." Hint="Last"
"338" Category="Gaming" question="How many different hair styles are there in AO (not including hair fashion)?" Choice 1="12" Choice 2="10" Choice 3="8" Hint="Last"
"339" Category="Gaming" question="How long is the cooldown when you use a Skill ExpBall Ticket (Speed Up) on a Level 6 house?" Choice 1="1.75 day " Choice 2="1.5 day" Choice 3="1 day" Hint="Last"
"340" Category="Gaming" question="How many rest times does an Enchanted-Potpourri Patchwork Bear have?" Choice 1="1" Choice 2="2" Choice 3="3" Hint="Last"
"341" Category="Gaming" question="What does AoE stands for?" Choice 1="Area of Effect" Choice 2="Attack on Enemy " Choice 3="Angel Of Elf" Hint="Last"
"342" Category="Gaming" question=" Is Ares the only PVP server in Angels Online(IGG)?" Choice 1="Yes" Choice 2="No" Choice 3="凱撒" Hint="Last"
"343" Category="Gaming" question="How may rest times does a Romantic Villa have?" Choice 1="1" Choice 2="2" Choice 3="3" Hint="Last"
"344" Category="Gaming" question="What is the maximum amount of money a character can hold?" Choice 1="4 billion" Choice 2="2 billion" Choice 3="1 billion" Hint="Last"
"345" Category="Gaming" question="When a house is on "show", can it be decorated?" Choice 1="No" Choice 2="Yes" Choice 3="路易十六" Hint="Last"
"346" Category="Gaming" question="Under which section in the Angel Baby interface can a player unequip an item?" Choice 1="Supply" Choice 2="Gather" Choice 3="Pet" Hint="Last"
"347" Category="Gaming" question="Which card is no. 0001?" Choice 1="Water Elf" Choice 2="Fire Elf" Choice 3="Wind Elf" Hint="Last"
"348" Category="Gaming" question="After players finish collecting one set of cards, what can they do with it?" Choice 1="Exchange for items" Choice 2="Get a title" Choice 3="Equip them onto a weapon" Hint="Last"
"349" Category="Gaming" question="When a player has collected 60 sets of cards, what title does he achieve?" Choice 1="Cardset Collector" Choice 2="Cardset Angel" Choice 3="Cardset Supporter" Hint="Last"
"350" Category="Gaming" question="How many defence related stats does a character have?" Choice 1="6" Choice 2="5" Choice 3="4" Hint="Last"
"351" Category="Gaming" question="Which of the following increases pet Satiation by 5?" Choice 1="Pet Cookies" Choice 2="Pet Can" Choice 3="Pet Feed" Hint="Last"
"352" Category="Gaming" question="How many pieces of furniture can a Cottage hold?" Choice 1="35" Choice 2="32" Choice 3="30" Hint="Last"
"353" Category="Gaming" question="Can a pet's level surpass its master's?" Choice 1="No" Choice 2="Yes" Choice 3="千陽號" Hint="Last"
"354" Category="Gaming" question="What does the NPC Healer do?" Choice 1="Sell potions" Choice 2="Heal you" Choice 3="Revive you" Hint="Last"
"355" Category="Gaming" question="How many characters can you make on one account?" Choice 1="3" Choice 2="2" Choice 3="1" Hint="Last"
"356" Category="Gaming" question="What is the highest level at which you can use the Newbie Double Skill Exp Card?" Choice 1="80" Choice 2="60" Choice 3="70" Hint="Last"
"357" Category="Gaming" question="In what year did IGG launch Angels Online?" Choice 1="2007" Choice 2="2006" Choice 3="2005" Hint="Last"
"358" Category="Gaming" question="At what rank can a player equip a "Level 14 Angel Honor Badge"?" Choice 1="Rank 20" Choice 2="Rank 18" Choice 3="Rank 14" Hint="Last"
"359" Category="Gaming" question="What skill allows you to equip two swords?" Choice 1="Finesse" Choice 2="Grapple" Choice 3="Enhance" Hint="Last"
"360" Category="Gaming" question="What colour is the Enchanted Tea Tree Patchwork Bear?" Choice 1="Green" Choice 2="Red" Choice 3="Yellow" Hint="Last"
"361" Category="Gaming" question="How many Broadcastings do you need to use to get the title "Radio Host"?" Choice 1="3000" Choice 2="2000" Choice 3="1000" Hint="Last"
"362" Category="Gaming" question="Which server has 24 hour Totem War?" Choice 1="Ares" Choice 2="Haniel" Choice 3="Nyx" Hint="Last"
"363" Category="Gaming" question="When you buy IGG points, what else can you get?" Choice 1="IGG gems" Choice 2="Angel Shell" Choice 3="Angel Gold" Hint="Last"
"364" Category="Gaming" question="Which skill has a spell that makes you turn into a shark?" Choice 1="Earth" Choice 2="Wraith" Choice 3="Wizard" Hint="Last"
"365" Category="Gaming" question="What do VIPS receive monthly?" Choice 1="Double Skill EXP Card(30mins)" Choice 2="Double EXP (30mins)" Choice 3="Pet Double EXP (30min)" Hint="Last"
"366" Category="Gaming" question="How much is an Advanced Blood Certificate?" Choice 1="1500AG" Choice 2="2400AG" Choice 3="3000AG" Hint="Last"
"367" Category="Gaming" question="How long does Totem War last?" Choice 1="1 hour" Choice 2="2 hours" Choice 3="3 hours" Hint="Last"
"368" Category="Gaming" question="How many hours are there in a day?" Choice 1="24" Choice 2="48" Choice 3="32" Hint="Last"
"369" Category="Gaming" question="How much AG can you buy with 5.50USD?" Choice 1="600AG" Choice 2="900AG" Choice 3="1200AG" Hint="Last"
"370" Category="Gaming" question="How many factions are there in Angels Online?" Choice 1="4" Choice 2="5" Choice 3="6" Hint="Last"
"371" Category="Gaming" question="When are Totem Wars held?" Choice 1="Wednesdays and Saturdays" Choice 2="Fridays and Sundays" Choice 3="Wednesdays and Sundays" Hint="Last"
"372" Category="Gaming" question="What is the fee for Lvl 110-119 Angel Arena?" Choice 1="2500000" Choice 2="4500000" Choice 3="6500000" Hint="Last"
"373" Category="Gaming" question="What time zone does AO use?" Choice 1="GMT-5 " Choice 2="GMT-7" Choice 3="GMT-9" Hint="Last"
"374" Category="Gaming" question="What is the minimum RAM required by AO?" Choice 1="256MB" Choice 2="512MB" Choice 3="1GB" Hint="Last"
"375" Category="Gaming" question="During the Totem War, what do you get for killing other players (who are about the same level as you)?" Choice 1="Credits" Choice 2="Experience" Choice 3="Gold" Hint="Last"
"376" Category="General Knowledge" question="There is a type of sheepskin boot that originates from Australia. What are they called?" Choice 1="UGG" Choice 2="CCG" Choice 3="ABC" Hint="Last"
"377" Category="General Knowledge" question="What is name of the satellite navigation system used commonly worldwide?" Choice 1="GPS" Choice 2="PPS" Choice 3="GBA" Hint="Last"
"378" Category="General Knowledge" question="What three letters are known internationally as a call for help?" Choice 1="SOS" Choice 2="SSO" Choice 3="OSS" Hint="Last"
"379" Category="General Knowledge" question="In foreign exchange, what currency does "USD" refer to?" Choice 1="US Dollars" Choice 2="Japanese Yen" Choice 3="Euros" Hint="Last"
"380" Category="General Knowledge" question="Which Arabic numeral does the Roman numeral "LX" stand for?" Choice 1="9" Choice 2="8" Choice 3="10" Hint="Last"
"381" Category="General Knowledge" question="The world's first postage stamp appeared in which country?" Choice 1="America" Choice 2="Britain" Choice 3="Japan" Hint="Last"
"382" Category="General Knowledge" question="Where does the Red Cross emblem originate from?" Choice 1="Switzerland 's flag" Choice 2="The Christian cross" Choice 3="Someone's name" Hint="Last"
"383" Category="General Knowledge" question="Which day does World No-Tobacco Day fall on?" Choice 1="May 31st" Choice 2="April 22nd" Choice 3="April 7th" Hint="Last"
"384" Category="General Knowledge" question="What classifies as noise pollution?" Choice 1="80dB and above" Choice 2="70dB and above" Choice 3="60dB and above" Hint="Last"
"385" Category="General Knowledge" question="Which of the following kinds of trash does the most damage to the environment?" Choice 1="Depleted batteries" Choice 2="Glass" Choice 3="Wastepaper" Hint="Last"
"386" Category="General Knowledge" question="Which country is known as the land of windmills?" Choice 1="Denmark" Choice 2="Canada" Choice 3="Holland" Hint="Last"
"387" Category="General Knowledge" question="Which country is the Greenwich Observatory located?" Choice 1="Britain" Choice 2="America" Choice 3="Egypt" Hint="Last"
"388" Category="General Knowledge" question="How many minutes are there in an hour?" Choice 1="60" Choice 2="90" Choice 3="120" Hint="Last"
"389" Category="General Knowledge" question="How many numbers are there on a phone?" Choice 1="10" Choice 2="20" Choice 3="30" Hint="Last"
"390" Category="General Knowledge" question="Generally speaking, which of the following modes of transport is fastest?" Choice 1="Plane" Choice 2="Car" Choice 3="Walking" Hint="Last"
"391" Category="General Knowledge" question="Generally speaking, where do you go to search for things on the net?" Choice 1="" Choice 2="" Choice 3="" Hint="Last"
"392" Category="General Knowledge" question="Which day of the year does Christmas fall on?" Choice 1="December 25th" Choice 2="January 1st" Choice 3="February 14th" Hint="Last"
"393" Category="General Knowledge" question="What day falls on April the 1st?" Choice 1="April Fool" Choice 2="Valentines" Choice 3="Easter" Hint="Last"
"394" Category="General Knowledge" question="Generally speaking, which page would you visit to watch videos?" Choice 1="" Choice 2="" Choice 3="" Hint="Last"
"395" Category="General Knowledge" question="How many times must you multiply 25 to get 100?" Choice 1="4" Choice 2="5" Choice 3="6" Hint="Last"
"396" Category="General Knowledge" question="How many days are there in the year 2013?" Choice 1="365" Choice 2="366" Choice 3="364" Hint="Last"
"397" Category="General Knowledge" question="How many days were there in the month of February in 2012?" Choice 1="29" Choice 2="28" Choice 3="30" Hint="Last"
"398" Category="General Knowledge" question="What is the biggest flower in the world?" Choice 1="Rafflesia" Choice 2="Sunflower" Choice 3="Rose" Hint="Last"
"399" Category="General Knowledge" question="Generally speaking, how many keys does a modern standard piano have?" Choice 1="88" Choice 2="90" Choice 3="92" Hint="Last"
"400" Category="General Knowledge" question="Generally speaking, how many cards are there in a set of poker cards?" Choice 1="54" Choice 2="52" Choice 3="49" Hint="Last"
"401" Category="General Knowledge" question="What do you say when you are in danger?" Choice 1="SOS" Choice 2="I'm afraid" Choice 3="Please" Hint="Last"
"402" Category="General Knowledge" question="What is easy to get into but hard to get out of?" Choice 1="Trouble" Choice 2="Water" Choice 3="A school" Hint="Last"
"403" Category="General Knowledge" question="What is worse than finding a worm in your apple?" Choice 1="Finding half a worm" Choice 2="Finding nothing" Choice 3="Finding no worm" Hint="Last"
"404" Category="General Knowledge" question="Which country invented the tank?" Choice 1="Britain" Choice 2="America" Choice 3="Germany" Hint="Last"
"405" Category="Geography" question="Hawaii is a popular tourist destination. Which ocean is it located in?" Choice 1="The Pacific Ocean" Choice 2="Indian Ocean" Choice 3="The Atlantic Ocean" Hint="Last"
"406" Category="Geography" question="What is the name of the largest desert in the world?" Choice 1="The Sahara Desert" Choice 2="The Arabian Desert" Choice 3="Great Victoria Desert" Hint="Last"
"407" Category="Geography" question="What is the most well-known plant in Provence, France?" Choice 1="Lavender" Choice 2="Rose" Choice 3="Sunflower" Hint="Last"
"408" Category="Geography" question="Which country is known as the land of maples?" Choice 1="Canada" Choice 2="Brazil" Choice 3="Argentina" Hint="Last"
"409" Category="Geography" question="Fifth Avenue is a famous street in which city in the US?" Choice 1="New York" Choice 2="Washington" Choice 3="Chicago" Hint="Last"
"410" Category="Geography" question="This was originally classified as the ninth planet from the sun, but is now considered a dwarf planet. What is it?" Choice 1="Pluto" Choice 2="Neptune" Choice 3="Earth" Hint="Last"
"411" Category="Geography" question="Which is the nearest planet to the sun in the solar system?" Choice 1="Mercury" Choice 2="Venus" Choice 3="Mars" Hint="Last"
"412" Category="Geography" question="How long does it take Halley's Comet to go round the sun once?" Choice 1="76 years" Choice 2="75 years" Choice 3="74 years" Hint="Last"
"413" Category="Geography" question="The famous Eiffel Tower is a landmark of which city?" Choice 1="Paris" Choice 2="London" Choice 3="New York" Hint="Last"
"414" Category="Geography" question="Which ocean lies in between Asia, Africa, Antartica and Oceania?" Choice 1="Indian Ocean" Choice 2="Pacific Ocean" Choice 3="Atlantic Ocean" Hint="Last"
"415" Category="Geography" question="When "1: 1,000,000" is marked on a map, how many centimeters does one centimeter represent?" Choice 1="10000" Choice 2="100000" Choice 3="1000000" Hint="Last"
"416" Category="Geography" question="On a standard map that uses colours to represent different kinds of land, what does yellow represent?" Choice 1="Hills" Choice 2="Flat ground" Choice 3="Highland" Hint="Last"
"417" Category="Geography" question="Which of the following is the best way to describe the shape of the earth?" Choice 1="An irregular oblate sphere" Choice 2="A sphere" Choice 3="Oblate sphere" Hint="Last"
"418" Category="Geography" question="Which navigator went sailing round the world and proved that the earth was round?" Choice 1="Magallanes" Choice 2="Da Gama" Choice 3="Columbus" Hint="Last"
"419" Category="Geography" question="Which physicist in the UK used the law of universal gravitation to calculate the earth's gravitational constant?" Choice 1="Cavendish" Choice 2="Newton" Choice 3="Faraday" Hint="Last"
"420" Category="Geography" question="When you look at the Earth's internal composition, what is the third layer from the center?" Choice 1="Mantle" Choice 2="Crust" Choice 3="Core" Hint="Last"
"421" Category="Geography" question="How far down does the earth's crust go at its thinnest areas?" Choice 1="15km" Choice 2="10km" Choice 3="5km" Hint="Last"
"422" Category="Geography" question="Who was the first to experiment on and measure the acceleration of gravity?" Choice 1="Galileo" Choice 2="Newton" Choice 3="Cavendish" Hint="Last"
"423" Category="Geography" question="Which of the following does not affect the internal pressure of the earth?" Choice 1="Earth movement" Choice 2="Average density" Choice 3="Average gravitational force" Hint="Last"
"424" Category="Geography" question="What kind of rock is the sea bed made out of?" Choice 1="Basalt" Choice 2="Granite" Choice 3="Metamorphic rock" Hint="Last"
"425" Category="Geography" question="What is the source of the earth's internal thermal energy?" Choice 1="
Radioactive decay" Choice 2="Changes in gravitational energy" Choice 3="Revolution" Hint="Last"
"426" Category="Geography" question="What is known as the earth's protective "umbrella"?" Choice 1="Ozone" Choice 2=" Ionosphere" Choice 3="Troposphere" Hint="Last"
"427" Category="Geography" question="How much of the earth's surface water is made up of fresh water?" Choice 1="1/10,000" Choice 2="1/1000" Choice 3="1/100" Hint="Last"
"428" Category="Geography" question="What's the most abundant type of water on earth?" Choice 1="Sea water" Choice 2="Land water" Choice 3="Atmospheric water" Hint="Last"
"429" Category="Geography" question="What percentage of the earth is made up of the crust?" Choice 1="2E-3" Choice 2="3.0000000000000001E-3" Choice 3="4.0000000000000001E-3" Hint="Last"
"430" Category="Geography" question="What is the top layer of the crust made of?" Choice 1="Granite" Choice 2="Metamorphic rock" Choice 3="Sedimentary rock" Hint="Last"
"431" Category="Geography" question="What's the third most dominant element in the earth's crust?" Choice 1="Aluminium" Choice 2="Calcium" Choice 3="Silicon" Hint="Last"
"432" Category="Geography" question="What's below the earth's mantle?" Choice 1="Core" Choice 2="Crust" Choice 3="Interlayer" Hint="Last"
"433" Category="Geography" question="What's the main element in the earth's core?" Choice 1="Iron" Choice 2="Magnesium" Choice 3="Aluminium" Hint="Last"
"434" Category="Geography" question="When did humans appear on earth?" Choice 1=" Quaternary Period" Choice 2=" Jurassic Period" Choice 3="Tertiary Period" Hint="Last"
"435" Category="Geography" question="Where is the lowest point on the earth's surface?" Choice 1="Dead Sea" Choice 2="Black Sea" Choice 3="Caspian Sea" Hint="Last"
"436" Category="Geography" question="Which is the earth's deepest oceanic trench?" Choice 1="Mariana Trench" Choice 2="Peru-Chile Trench" Choice 3="Tonga Trench" Hint="Last"
"437" Category="Geography" question="Which of these has the lowest geothermal flow?" Choice 1="Oceanic trench" Choice 2="Ocean ridge" Choice 3="Continental margin" Hint="Last"
"438" Category="Geography" question="Where does the actual continental margin lie?" Choice 1="Continental slope" Choice 2="Marine shelf " Choice 3="Oceanic trench" Hint="Last"
"439" Category="Geography" question="Where do you find the most active earthquake areas? " Choice 1="Oceanic trench" Choice 2="Ocean basin" Choice 3="Continental slope" Hint="Last"
"440" Category="Geography" question="Where do you find the most oil?" Choice 1="Marine shelf" Choice 2="Oceanic trench" Choice 3="Ocean basin" Hint="Last"
"441" Category="Geography" question="The earth's atmosphere consists of stable and unstable parts. Which of the following is unstable? " Choice 1="Ozone" Choice 2="Nitrogen" Choice 3="Hydrogen" Hint="Last"
"442" Category="Geography" question="If the percentage of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere keeps rising, which of the following will occur?" Choice 1="Greenhouse effect" Choice 2="Heat island effect" Choice 3="Ozone hole" Hint="Last"
"443" Category="Geography" question="If the percentage of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere decreases, which of the following will occur?" Choice 1="Air temperature decreases" Choice 2="Rainfall decreases" Choice 3="Air temperature increases" Hint="Last"
"444" Category="Geography" question="There are different layers in the atmosphere with different properties. Which is the third layer from the earth's surface?" Choice 1="Mesosphere" Choice 2="Stratosphere" Choice 3="Troposphere" Hint="Last"
"445" Category="Geography" question="Which is the most active layer of the atmosphere?" Choice 1="Troposphere" Choice 2="Stratosphere" Choice 3="Mesosphere" Hint="Last"
"446" Category="Geography" question="Where do the beautiful polar lights appear?" Choice 1=" Ionosphere" Choice 2="Exosphere" Choice 3="Mesosphere" Hint="Last"
"447" Category="Geography" question="Which of the following metals are coloured?" Choice 1="Aluminium" Choice 2="Iron" Choice 3="Chromium" Hint="Last"
"448" Category="Geography" question="Which of the following is mined for energy?" Choice 1="Oil-shale " Choice 2="Wood" Choice 3="Crystal" Hint="Last"
"449" Category="Geography" question="Which of the following is usually not referred to as a water resource?" Choice 1="Sea water" Choice 2="Glacier" Choice 3="River water" Hint="Last"
"450" Category="Geography" question="Which of the following statements about water is incorrect?" Choice 1="Something that some living creatures can live without. " Choice 2="Regulates the weather" Choice 3="Can be used to transport items" Hint="Last"
"451" Category="Geography" question="Which water conservation method is a way of raising the efficiency of water usage?" Choice 1="Recycle a city's water" Choice 2="Desalinate sea water" Choice 3="Diverting water flow" Hint="Last"
"452" Category="Geography" question="Which of the following is a renewable fuel that can be turned into a solid state, liquid state or gaseous state?" Choice 1="Biomass emergy" Choice 2="Natural gas" Choice 3="Marine energy" Hint="Last"
"453" Category="Geography" question="Which of the following is not considered a source of biomass energy?" Choice 1="Marsh resources" Choice 2="Forest resources" Choice 3="Grassland resources" Hint="Last"
"454" Category="Geography" question="Which of the following is the largest ecosystem on land?" Choice 1="Forest" Choice 2="Grassland" Choice 3="Marsh" Hint="Last"
"455" Category="Geography" question="Which of the following is an incorrect statement on forests?" Choice 1="They are the "kidneys" of the earth." Choice 2="They purify air and get rid of pollution." Choice 3="They can be used to prevent sandstorms." Hint="Last"
"456" Category="Geography" question="Which of the following is the largest island?" Choice 1="Greenland" Choice 2="Iceland" Choice 3="Madagascar" Hint="Last"
"457" Category="Geography" question="There are hills of different heights. What height in meters would classify as a mountain?" Choice 1="3500" Choice 2="2500" Choice 3="1500" Hint="Last"
"458" Category="Geography" question="What is the world's largest plateau?" Choice 1="Brazil Plateau" Choice 2="Tibetan Plateau" Choice 3="East African Plateau" Hint="Last"
"459" Category="Geography" question="What is the world's largest basin?" Choice 1="Congo basin" Choice 2="Tarim basin" Choice 3="Junggar basin" Hint="Last"
"460" Category="Geography" question="Which of the following is a geological disaster?" Choice 1="Mud avalanche" Choice 2="Tsunami" Choice 3="Typhoon" Hint="Last"
"461" Category="Geography" question="Where do you find typhoons?" Choice 1="NS latitude 5 to 20 degrees" Choice 2="Tropic of Capricorn" Choice 3="Equator" Hint="Last"
"462" Category="Geography" question="What's the good thing about typhoons and hurricanes?" Choice 1="Relieves drought" Choice 2="Rainstorm" Choice 3="Storm tide" Hint="Last"
"463" Category="Geography" question="What type of waterlogging is the most common and most devastating?" Choice 1="River floods" Choice 2="Windstorm floods" Choice 3="Typhoon floods" Hint="Last"
"464" Category="Geography" question="Which of the following is not considered one of the three largest acid rain regions?" Choice 1="South America" Choice 2="North America" Choice 3="Europe" Hint="Last"
"465" Category="Geography" question="Which of the following is the number two greenhouse gas?" Choice 1="CH2FCl" Choice 2="Carbon dioxide" Choice 3=" Nitric oxide" Hint="Last"
"466" Category="Geography" question="Which gas is harmful to the ozone layer?" Choice 1="CFC" Choice 2="Carbon dioxide" Choice 3="Nitrogen dioxide" Hint="Last"
"467" Category="Geography" question="Which of the following is not considered a cause of desertification?" Choice 1="Wind force" Choice 2="Rapid population growth" Choice 3="Unsustainable usage of water resources" Hint="Last"
"468" Category="Geography" question="Which of the following is not a desertification threat?" Choice 1="Manufacturing yield per unit area remains the same" Choice 2="Land resource ruin" Choice 3="Decrease in farm land" Hint="Last"
"469" Category="Geography" question="Ever since multicellular organisms appeared on earth, there have been five mass extinction events. When was the fifth?" Choice 1="Cretaceous Period" Choice 2="End of Ordovician Period" Choice 3="End of Permian Period" Hint="Last"
"470" Category="Geography" question="Which of the following is a water resource that's currently not easily accessible to man?" Choice 1="Subterranean Water" Choice 2="Freshwater lakes" Choice 3="River water" Hint="Last"
"471" Category="Geography" question="Which of the following is a natural cause of soil erosion?" Choice 1="There are no plants anchoring the soil." Choice 2="Destruction of plants" Choice 3="Overgrazing" Hint="Last"
"472" Category="Geography" question="Which of the following is not a soil erosion threat?" Choice 1="Rise in crop production" Choice 2="Desertification" Choice 3="River obstruction" Hint="Last"
"473" Category="Geography" question="Which of the following is not a main cause of environmental problems?" Choice 1="Continuous population growth" Choice 2="Unsustainable usage of resources" Choice 3="Population pressure" Hint="Last"
"474" Category="Geography" question="America has declared which day as "Earth Day"?" Choice 1="May 22nd" Choice 2="April 22nd" Choice 3="March 22nd" Hint="Last"
"475" Category="Geography" question="The United Nations have declared which day as "World Environment Day"?" Choice 1="June 5th" Choice 2="May 5th" Choice 3="April 5th" Hint="Last"
"476" Category="Geography" question="In the history of World Earth Day, what was the theme in 1977?" Choice 1="About ozone depletion, soil erosion, soil deterioration and timber mining" Choice 2="Water is an important source of life." Choice 3="There is only one Earth." Hint="Last"
"477" Category="Geography" question="Where is manganese commonly found?" Choice 1="Bottom of the deep seas" Choice 2="Ocean ridge" Choice 3="Oceanic trench" Hint="Last"
"478" Category="Geography" question="What country is the third "pioneer investor" in manganese mining?" Choice 1="Japan" Choice 2="China" Choice 3="Korea" Hint="Last"
"479" Category="Geography" question="Which of the following is an incorrect statement on the characteristics of shoal mining?" Choice 1="Inefficient separation of ore" Choice 2="Concentration of heavy minerals" Choice 3="Lesser and rounder grains" Hint="Last"
"480" Category="Geography" question="Which of the following is not a current trend in the use of living marine resources?" Choice 1="Keep fishing in coastal waters" Choice 2="Fishing industry expands to deepsea fishing" Choice 3="Develop fish farms" Hint="Last"
"481" Category="Geography" question="Which of the following is not a way of getting salt from the ocean?" Choice 1="Sedimentation method" Choice 2="Electrodialysis" Choice 3="Solar evaporation" Hint="Last"
"482" Category="Geography" question="What is known as the "national defense metal"?" Choice 1="Magnesium" Choice 2="Iron" Choice 3="Aluminium" Hint="Last"
"483" Category="Geography" question="What marine energy is considered heat energy?" Choice 1="Ocean thermal energy" Choice 2="Ocean current" Choice 3="Ocean wave" Hint="Last"
"484" Category="Geography" question="Which of the following is the world's first airport on water?" Choice 1="Nagasaki Airport" Choice 2="Laguardia Airport" Choice 3="Macau International Airport" Hint="Last"
"485" Category="Geography" question="Which of the following is currently the world's longest submarine tunnel?" Choice 1="Seikan Tunnel" Choice 2="Japan–Korea Undersea Tunnel" Choice 3="Manhattan Tunnel" Hint="Last"
"486" Category="Geography" question="What is the capital city of the United Kingdom?" Choice 1="London" Choice 2="Manchester" Choice 3="Leeds" Hint="Last"
"487" Category="Geography" question="What is the capital of Greece?" Choice 1="Athens" Choice 2="Crete" Choice 3="Mykonos" Hint="Last"
"488" Category="Geography" question="Which is the deepest lake in the world?" Choice 1="Lake Baikal" Choice 2="Crater Lake" Choice 3="Caspian Sea" Hint="Last"
"489" Category="Geography" question="What is the capital of Hawaii?" Choice 1="Honolulu County " Choice 2="Maui" Choice 3="O?ahu" Hint="Last"
"490" Category="Geography" question="Which of the following countries is the largest?" Choice 1="Russia" Choice 2="China" Choice 3="America" Hint="Last"
"491" Category="Geography" question="Which is the largest ocean in the world?" Choice 1="Pacific Ocean" Choice 2="Atlantic Ocean" Choice 3="Indian Ocean" Hint="Last"
"492" Category="Geography" question="Where is Mount Fuji?" Choice 1="Japan" Choice 2="China" Choice 3="Australia" Hint="Last"
"493" Category="Geography" question="Taking a flight that flies towards the eastern regions of the world requires you to _____ to account for the timezone difference." Choice 1="minus a day" Choice 2="add 2 days" Choice 3="add a day" Hint="Last"
"494" Category="Geography" question="Shadows are bigger in the North Pole; where do the shadows get smaller?" Choice 1="Near the North Pole" Choice 2="Equator" Choice 3="South Pole" Hint="Last"
"495" Category="Geography" question="Which of the following cities will you come out at if you started from Shanghai, and went right through the Earth's core?" Choice 1="Buenos Aires" Choice 2="Mexico" Choice 3="Cape Town" Hint="Last"
"496" Category="Geography" question="Who said that the Earth was round?" Choice 1="Pythagoras" Choice 2="Aristotle" Choice 3="Newton" Hint="Last"
"497" Category="Geography" question="Why is the surface of the Earth so complicated?" Choice 1="The existence of gravity and the various forces at work within Earth itself makes it so." Choice 2="Rain and corrosion." Choice 3="Natural weather elements." Hint="Last"
"498" Category="Geography" question="Which saefarer sailed across the globe to prove that Earth was round?" Choice 1="Magellan" Choice 2="Diaz" Choice 3="Columbus" Hint="Last"
"499" Category="Geography" question="Earth is the _____ planet from the Sun." Choice 1="Third" Choice 2="First" Choice 3="Fourth" Hint="Last"
"500" Category="Geography" question="How long does it take for the Earth to make 1 complete orbit?" Choice 1="365.25 Solar Days" Choice 2="365 Sidereal Days" Choice 3="366 Solar Days" Hint="Last"
"501" Category="Geography" question="What angel does the ecliptic intersect the equator at?" Choice 1="26.34" Choice 2="36.24" Choice 3="23.26" Hint="Last"
"502" Category="Geography" question="Which scientist came up with a theory regarding Earth and its different later beneath the surface in 1970?" Choice 1="Borough" Choice 2="Galeria" Choice 3="Lehmann" Hint="Last"
"503" Category="Geography" question="The 3rd layer within the Earth is…" Choice 1="Mantle" Choice 2="Core" Choice 3="Crust" Hint="Last"
"504" Category="Geography" question="The depth of the Earth's exterior is approximately…" Choice 1="15 KM" Choice 2="20 KM" Choice 3="10 KM" Hint="Last"
"505" Category="Geography" question="Which of the following causes most impact to gravity via centrifugal force?" Choice 1="Equator" Choice 2="Tropics of Cancer/Capricorn" Choice 3="格陵蘭島" Hint="Last"
"506" Category="Geography" question="What kind of rocks make up the seabed?" Choice 1="Basalt" Choice 2="Granite" Choice 3="Slate" Hint="Last"
"507" Category="Geography" question="The first person to come up with the idea of a compass needle is…" Choice 1="Robert Hooke" Choice 2="Gilbert" Choice 3="Shen Kuo" Hint="Last"
"508" Category="Geography" question="The source of the heat within the Earth's core come from…" Choice 1="Radioactive Decay" Choice 2="Gravitational Energy" Choice 3="Chemistry" Hint="Last"
"509" Category="Geography" question="The ozone layer is ______ away from the surface of the Earth." Choice 1="3,000 KM" Choice 2="5,000 KM" Choice 3="2,000 KM" Hint="Last"
"510" Category="Geography" question="_____ of the water on Earth is potable." Choice 1="1/10,000" Choice 2="1/100,000,000" Choice 3="1/1,000" Hint="Last"
"511" Category="Geography" question="The water cycle most relevant to survival of the human species would be…" Choice 1="Land+Sea" Choice 2="Land" Choice 3="Sea" Hint="Last"
"512" Category="Geography" question="Matter on the Earth's crust is _____% of the total matter on Earth." Choice 1="0.2" Choice 2="30" Choice 3="10" Hint="Last"
"513" Category="Geography" question="The Earth's crust comprises mainly of…" Choice 1="Granite" Choice 2="Basalt" Choice 3="Marble" Hint="Last"
"514" Category="Geography" question="The 3rd most commonly found element in the Earth's crust is…" Choice 1="Aluminium" Choice 2="Calcium" Choice 3="Silicon" Hint="Last"
"515" Category="Geography" question="What is below the earth's mantle?" Choice 1="Core" Choice 2="Crust" Choice 3="Mid Layer" Hint="Last"
"516" Category="Geography" question="The Earth's core is majorly made up of..." Choice 1="Iron" Choice 2="Magnesium" Choice 3="Sodium" Hint="Last"
"517" Category="Geography" question="The 5 ages of Earth since the beginning - name the 3rd Age." Choice 1="Archean" Choice 2="Proterozoic" Choice 3="Phanerozoic" Hint="Last"
"518" Category="Geography" question="The deepest sea gorge in the world is..." Choice 1="Marianas Trench" Choice 2="Horizon Deep" Choice 3="Peru-Chile Trench" Hint="Last"
"519" Category="Geography" question="Which scientist in Germany came up with the continental drift theory?" Choice 1="Alfred Wegener" Choice 2="Hertz" Choice 3="Arthur Holmes" Hint="Last"
"520" Category="Geography" question="The first person to suggest that temperature increases nearer to the Earth's core is…" Choice 1="Boyle" Choice 2="Hess" Choice 3="Maxwell" Hint="Last"
"521" Category="Geography" question="The true "edge of the world" is…" Choice 1="Continental Slope" Choice 2="Continental Shelf" Choice 3="Trench" Hint="Last"
"522" Category="Geography" question="Which group of continents are still drifting?" Choice 1="Europe & North America" Choice 2="Europe & Asia" Choice 3="Hawaii & South America" Hint="Last"
"523" Category="Geography" question="The first geologist to come up with the theory of tectonic plates is…" Choice 1="Wilson" Choice 2="Mackenzie" Choice 3="Morgan" Hint="Last"
"524" Category="Geography" question="The strongest seismic activity comes from…" Choice 1="Trench" Choice 2="Continental Slope" Choice 3="Basin" Hint="Last"
"525" Category="Geography" question="The location with the highest content of petroleum oil is…" Choice 1="Continental Shelf" Choice 2="Trench" Choice 3="Basin" Hint="Last"
"526" Category="Geography" question="The most unstable component of the makeup of the gases within the ozone layer is…" Choice 1="Ozon" Choice 2="Oxygen" Choice 3="Hydrogen" Hint="Last"
"527" Category="History" question="What US President was elected to four terms of office?" Choice 1="Roosevelt" Choice 2="Bush" Choice 3="Obama" Hint="Last"
"528" Category="History" question="Which country does Yoga originate from?" Choice 1="India" Choice 2="USA" Choice 3="Japan" Hint="Last"
"529" Category="History" question="People play tricks on each other on this day. Which day is it?" Choice 1="April 1st" Choice 2="February 14th" Choice 3="January 1st" Hint="Last"
"530" Category="History" question="Champagne is often poured during festive occasions. Which country does it originate from?" Choice 1="France" Choice 2="Britain" Choice 3="USA" Hint="Last"
"531" Category="History" question="Who invented karaoke?" Choice 1="Japanese" Choice 2="British" Choice 3="Americans" Hint="Last"
"532" Category="History" question="Which country invented the air-conditioner?" Choice 1="USA" Choice 2="Britain" Choice 3="Japan" Hint="Last"
"533" Category="History" question="The 8-hour work day guideline first appeared in which country?" Choice 1="Britain" Choice 2="USA" Choice 3="Japan" Hint="Last"
"534" Category="History" question="What rank does the creator of KFC hold?" Choice 1="Colonel" Choice 2="Lieutenant" Choice 3="General" Hint="Last"
"535" Category="History" question="Which is the first military academy in the US?" Choice 1="West Point" Choice 2="Harvard" Choice 3="Yale" Hint="Last"
"536" Category="History" question="The kimono is the traditional attire of which country?" Choice 1="Japan" Choice 2="Britain" Choice 3="USA" Hint="Last"
"537" Category="History" question="World War I lasted from 1914 to which year?" Choice 1="1918" Choice 2="1917" Choice 3="1919" Hint="Last"
"538" Category="History" question="There is a famous Italian brand of cars that manufactures sports cars and race cars. Its logo is that of a rearing horse. What is the brand?" Choice 1="Ferrari" Choice 2="Benz" Choice 3="Toyota" Hint="Last"
"539" Category="History" question="The Arc de Triomphe in France was built to remember which person?" Choice 1="Napoleon" Choice 2="Joan Of Arc" Choice 3="Louis XV" Hint="Last"
"540" Category="History" question="The world's first successful airplane was built by who in America?" Choice 1="Wright brothers" Choice 2="Henri Coanda" Choice 3="Edwin Link " Hint="Last"
"541" Category="History" question="After the second world war, the German court that held the trial for fascists was in which city?" Choice 1="Nuremberg" Choice 2="Frankfurt" Choice 3="Berlin" Hint="Last"
"542" Category="History" question="In which city can you find the world famous "Statue of Liberty"?" Choice 1="New York" Choice 2="Washington" Choice 3="Chicago" Hint="Last"
"543" Category="History" question="Where were the 1908 Olympics held?" Choice 1="London" Choice 2="NewYork" Choice 3="Pairs" Hint="Last"
"544" Category="History" question="How many times has Great Britain hosted the Summer Olympic Games?" Choice 1="3" Choice 2="4" Choice 3="5" Hint="Last"
"545" Category="History" question="What is the flag of Britain called?" Choice 1="The Union Flag" Choice 2="The St George's Cross Flag" Choice 3="The United Kingdom Flag " Hint="Last"
"546" Category="History" question="Who was the Fuhrer of Germany during World War II?" Choice 1="Adolf Hitler" Choice 2="Benny Shoordien" Choice 3="Erwin Rommel" Hint="Last"
"547" Category="History" question="Who was the first president of the USA?" Choice 1="George Washington" Choice 2="Franklin Roosevelt" Choice 3="Abraham Lincoln" Hint="Last"
"548" Category="History" question="Who was the first person to step on the moon?" Choice 1="Neil Armstrong " Choice 2="Mike Collins" Choice 3="Buzz Aldrin" Hint="Last"
"549" Category="History" question="When did the American Civil War take place?" Choice 1="1861-1865" Choice 2="1871-1875" Choice 3="1851-1855" Hint="Last"
"550" Category="History" question="When did the Berlin Wall fall?" Choice 1="1989-11-09T00:00:00.000" Choice 2="1989-12-02T00:00:00.000" Choice 3="1989-11-05T00:00:00.000" Hint="Last"
"551" Category="History" question="What year did Hitler become chancellor of Germany?" Choice 1="1934" Choice 2="1935" Choice 3="1919" Hint="Last"
"552" Category="History" question="When did Britain and her allies declare war on Germany?" Choice 1="3rd September 1939 " Choice 2="30th August 1939 " Choice 3="9th December 1938 " Hint="Last"
"553" Category="History" question="Operation Barbarossa started on which date?" Choice 1="22nd June 1942 " Choice 2="6th June 1944 " Choice 3="22nd May 1941 " Hint="Last"
"554" Category="History" question="Who won a decisive victory in the Battle of Midway in June 1942?" Choice 1="USA " Choice 2="Germany " Choice 3="Japan" Hint="Last"
"555" Category="History" question="Which two Japanese cities were the only major settlements in history to be bombed using an atomic bomb?" Choice 1="Nagasaki and Hiroshima " Choice 2="Tokyo and Nagasaki " Choice 3="Hiroshima and Tokyo " Hint="Last"
"556" Category="History" question="During WWI, which country was the first to use poison gas?" Choice 1="France" Choice 2="Britain" Choice 3="Germany" Hint="Last"
"557" Category="History" question="During WWI, which type of military force was created?" Choice 1="Airforce" Choice 2="Navy" Choice 3="Land forces" Hint="Last"
"558" Category="History" question="When did WWI end?" Choice 1="1914 August" Choice 2="1915 August" Choice 3="1914 March" Hint="Last"
"559" Category="History" question="Which of the following countries was not one of the allied powers during WWI? " Choice 1="Germany" Choice 2="Britain" Choice 3="France" Hint="Last"
"560" Category="History" question="Roughly how many people were involved in WWI?" Choice 1="65000000" Choice 2="54976000" Choice 3="33825000" Hint="Last"
"561" Category="History" question="Which of the following countries was the first to send a satellite into outer space?" Choice 1="Russia" Choice 2="England" Choice 3="China" Hint="Last"
"562" Category="Physics" question="What is the unit used for measuring the weight of diamonds?" Choice 1="Carat" Choice 2="Gram" Choice 3="Kilogram" Hint="Last"
"563" Category="Physics" question="Which of the following appliances requires earth wires?" Choice 1="Washing Machine" Choice 2="Television" Choice 3="Radio" Hint="Last"
"564" Category="Physics" question="When a vacuum cleaner is sucking in dust, what is it like inside the vacuum cleaner?" Choice 1="Vacuum" Choice 2="High pressure" Choice 3="High temperature" Hint="Last"
"565" Category="Physics" question="Who invented the telephone?" Choice 1="Bell" Choice 2="Edison" Choice 3="Baird" Hint="Last"
"566" Category="Physics" question="What kind of pollution results from incorrect disposal of depleted batteries?" Choice 1="Heavy metal pollution" Choice 2="White pollution" Choice 3="Acid rain" Hint="Last"
"567" Category="Physics" question="When is the radiation level of a mobile phone at its highest?" Choice 1="When a call connects" Choice 2="While talking on the phone" Choice 3="When the phone has just been turned off" Hint="Last"
"568" Category="Physics" question="When is the tungsten filament of a light bulb more likely to break?" Choice 1="When the light is turned on" Choice 2="When it has been glowing for a long time" Choice 3="When the light is turned off" Hint="Last"
"569" Category="Physics" question="Compared to the filament of other light bulbs, the filament of a more efficient light bulb is…" Choice 1="Thick and short" Choice 2="Thick and long" Choice 3="Thin and short" Hint="Last"
"570" Category="Physics" question="Which of the following requires a direct current?" Choice 1="Telephone" Choice 2="Television" Choice 3="Light" Hint="Last"
"571" Category="Physics" question="When a train turns, are the tracks of the same height?" Choice 1="No, the outer track is higher" Choice 2="No, the inner track is higher" Choice 3="They are of the same height." Hint="Last"
"572" Category="Physics" question="What kind of mirror is a car's backview mirror?" Choice 1="Convex" Choice 2="Concave" Choice 3="Flat" Hint="Last"
"573" Category="Physics" question="When there's a thunderstorm while you're out driving, where's the safest place to be?" Choice 1="Inside the car" Choice 2="Under a big tree" Choice 3="Under an umbrella" Hint="Last"
"574" Category="Physics" question="What is the gas inside a car's safety airbag?" Choice 1="Nitrogen" Choice 2="Hydrogen" Choice 3="Ammonia" Hint="Last"
"575" Category="Physics" question="What is the standard value of gravitational acceleration g?" Choice 1="9.8m/s?" Choice 2="9.9m/s?" Choice 3="10.0m/s?" Hint="Last"
"576" Category="Physics" question="What is the freezing point in degrees Fahrenheit?" Choice 1="32" Choice 2="31" Choice 3="30" Hint="Last"
"577" Category="Physics" question="What is the boiling point in degrees Fahrenheit?" Choice 1="212" Choice 2="211" Choice 3="210" Hint="Last"
"578" Category="Physics" question="Who came up with the theory of relativity?" Choice 1="Einstein" Choice 2="Newton" Choice 3="Galileo" Hint="Last"
"579" Category="Physics" question="What visible light has the shortest wavelength?" Choice 1="Purple" Choice 2="Blue" Choice 3="Red" Hint="Last"
"580" Category="Physics" question="What's the smallest particle of any element or compound?" Choice 1="Atom" Choice 2="Molecule" Choice 3="Quark" Hint="Last"
"581" Category="Physics" question="Noise is harmful to which system within the human body?" Choice 1="Cardiovascular system" Choice 2="Digestive system" Choice 3="Respiratory system" Hint="Last"
"582" Category="Physics" question="Why is the sky blue?" Choice 1="The blue light in the sun's rays is scattered and reflected as blue." Choice 2="The light reflecting off the ocean makes the sky look blue." Choice 3="The blue light in the sun's rays are reflected off objects as blue." Hint="Last"
"583" Category="Physics" question="During winter, when you touch metal and wood outdoors…" Choice 1="The metal is colder than the wood." Choice 2="They are both equally cold." Choice 3="The wood is colder than the metal." Hint="Last"
"584" Category="Physics" question="Why do we see lightning before we hear thunder?" Choice 1="Light travels faster than sound." Choice 2="The lightning and the thunder didn't occur at the same time." Choice 3="Sound travels faster than light." Hint="Last"
"585" Category="Physics" question="What happens to water at 0 degrees Celsius?" Choice 1="Freezes" Choice 2="Boils" Choice 3="Distills" Hint="Last"
"586" Category="Physics" question="Which of the following results in a rise in temperatures all over the world?" Choice 1="Greenhouse effect" Choice 2="Reduction in snowfall" Choice 3="Increase in population" Hint="Last"
"587" Category="Physics" question="What property of light does a mirror make use of?" Choice 1="Reflection" Choice 2="Refraction" Choice 3="Total reflection" Hint="Last"
"588" Category="Physics" question="In the evening, after rainfall, a rainbow appears. Where is the rainbow?" Choice 1="In the east" Choice 2="In the west" Choice 3="In the south" Hint="Last"
"589" Category="Physics" question="Why does sea water sometimes rises and sometimes falls?" Choice 1="It's related to how far or near the sun and moon are. " Choice 2="It's related to the air temperature." Choice 3="It's related to the earth's gravitational attraction. " Hint="Last"
"590" Category="Physics" question="What is the main reason why ultraviolet rays kill germs?" Choice 1="They damage the nuclein of germs." Choice 2="They damage the carbohydrates of germs." Choice 3="They damage the lining cell lipid of germs." Hint="Last"
"591" Category="Physics" question="What type of clothes should you wear in summer to keep cool?" Choice 1="White" Choice 2="Black" Choice 3="Red" Hint="Last"
"592" Category="Physics" question="At what temperature does liquid evaporate?" Choice 1="Any temperature" Choice 2="100℃" Choice 3="0℃ and above" Hint="Last"
"593" Category="Physics" question="What's the most harmful substance to the ozone layer?" Choice 1="CFC" Choice 2="Methane" Choice 3="Carbon dioxide" Hint="Last"
"594" Category="Physics" question="What's the main cause of "urban heat island"?" Choice 1="Air polllution" Choice 2="Water pollution" Choice 3="Soil pollution" Hint="Last"
"595" Category="Physics" question="What's the hardest known substance on earth?" Choice 1="Diamond" Choice 2="Gold" Choice 3="Teeth" Hint="Last"
"596" Category="Physics" question="You dropped your phone in your coffee! What should you do first?" Choice 1="Take out the battery!" Choice 2="Blow it dry with a hairdryer!" Choice 3="Just wipe it clean with a cloth." Hint="Last"
"597" Category="Physics" question="Which of the following gases does a photocoyping machine produce?" Choice 1="Ozon" Choice 2="Carbon Dioxide" Choice 3="Nitrogen" Hint="Last"
"598" Category="Physics" question="Which famous physicist had a theory to do with gravitational law?" Choice 1="Cavendish" Choice 2="Faraday" Choice 3="Joule" Hint="Last"
"599" Category="Physics" question="The first scientist to research into gravitational acceleration is…" Choice 1="Galileo" Choice 2="Descartes" Choice 3="Archimedes" Hint="Last"
"600" Category="Physics" question="Who discovered Uranium emits natural radiation?" Choice 1="Becquerel" Choice 2="Rutherford" Choice 3="George FitzGerald" Hint="Last"
"601" Category="Physics" question="What would a gradual increase of carbon dioxide content in the ozone lead to?" Choice 1="Global Warming" Choice 2="Hole in the ozone layer" Choice 3="Rainforest Effect" Hint="Last"
"602" Category="Physics" question="What would a gradual decrease of carbon dioxide content in the ozone lead to?" Choice 1="Temperatrure decrease" Choice 2="Less rainfall" Choice 3="Temperature increase" Hint="Last"
"603" Category="Physics" question="When using ice cubes to chill food, where's the best place to put the ice?" Choice 1="Under" Choice 2="On top" Choice 3="In the middle" Hint="Last"
"604" Category="Science" question="What is the character limit for Twitter posts?" Choice 1="140" Choice 2="120" Choice 3="160" Hint="Last"
"605" Category="Science" question="There is a Windows game that requires the player to place flags on tiles using the surrounding numbers as guides. What is the game called?" Choice 1="Minesweeper" Choice 2="Solitaire" Choice 3="Pool" Hint="Last"
"606" Category="Sports" question="During a volleyball match, how many players can a team send onto the court?" Choice 1="Six" Choice 2="Five" Choice 3="Four" Hint="Last"
"607" Category="Sports" question="How high is the platform for the diving segment of the Olympics?" Choice 1="10 meters" Choice 2="8 meters" Choice 3="3 meters" Hint="Last"
"608" Category="Sports" question="A Formula One driver from Germany has won the F1 championship seven times and is known as the F1 king. Who is it?" Choice 1="Michael Schumacher" Choice 2="Sebastian Vettel" Choice 3="Lewis Hamilton " Hint="Last"
"609" Category="Sports" question="Which country was the first Asian country to win the Women's World Cup for soccer?" Choice 1="Japan" Choice 2="China" Choice 3="Korea" Hint="Last"
"610" Category="Sports" question="Which city hosted the summer 2000 Olympics?" Choice 1="Sydney" Choice 2="Beijing" Choice 3="Athens" Hint="Last"
"611" Category="Sports" question="How often is the World Cup held?" Choice 1="Every four years" Choice 2="Every three years" Choice 3="Every five years" Hint="Last"
"612" Category="Sports" question="The famous Adidas brand of sports merchandise is from which country?" Choice 1="Germany" Choice 2="USA" Choice 3="Britain" Hint="Last"
"613" Category="Sports" question="In the 2004 Athens Olympics, the winners wore wreaths on their heads. What plant are the wreaths made of?" Choice 1="Olive" Choice 2="Lemon" Choice 3="Rose" Hint="Last"
"614" Category="Sports" question="During the 2010 South African Cup, which country won first prize?" Choice 1="Spain" Choice 2="France" Choice 3="Germany" Hint="Last"
"615" Category="Sports" question="The women-only segments of the Olympics are synchronized swimming and which other segment? " Choice 1="Rhythmic Gymnastics" Choice 2="Sumo" Choice 3="Tennis" Hint="Last"
"616" Category="Sports" question="How many teams are included in the South African Cup finals?" Choice 1="32" Choice 2="16" Choice 3="64" Hint="Last"
"617" Category="Sports" question="Which country did the Olympics originate from?" Choice 1="Greece" Choice 2="Britain" Choice 3="America" Hint="Last"
"618" Category="Sports" question="Which city hosted the summer 2004 Olympics?" Choice 1="Athens" Choice 2="Beijing" Choice 3="Sydney" Hint="Last"
"619" Category="Sports" question="During snooker matches, how many points does the black ball represent?" Choice 1="7" Choice 2="6" Choice 3="5" Hint="Last"
"620" Category="Sports" question="Which team won the 2010-2011 UEFA Champions League?" Choice 1="Barcelona" Choice 2="Madrid" Choice 3="Milan" Hint="Last"
"621" Category="Sports" question="White belts, yellow belts and black belts represent rank for which Korean martial arts?" Choice 1="Taekwondo" Choice 2="Judo" Choice 3="Sumo" Hint="Last"
"622" Category="Sports" question="What is used in soccer to determine which team will kick off?" Choice 1="Coin toss" Choice 2="Finger guessing game" Choice 3="Toss a dice" Hint="Last"
"623" Category="Sports" question="During a volleyball match, once the referee blows the whistle, the ball must be served within how many seconds? " Choice 1="8" Choice 2="7" Choice 3="9" Hint="Last"
"624" Category="Sports" question="How long is a full marathon?" Choice 1="42.129km" Choice 2="41.129km" Choice 3="35.129km" Hint="Last"
"625" Category="Sports" question="The penalty cards were invented by the British referee Aston. What was he inspired by?" Choice 1="Traffic lights" Choice 2="Poker cards" Choice 3="The flags in the stadium" Hint="Last"
"626" Category="Sports" question="How many players are there on a soccer team?" Choice 1="11" Choice 2="10" Choice 3="9" Hint="Last"
"627" Category="Sports" question="During a soccer match, who is allowed to touch the ball with his hands and not break any rules?" Choice 1="Goalkeeper" Choice 2="Captain " Choice 3="Striker" Hint="Last"
"628" Category="Sports" question="During a basketball match, how many players are there in a team?" Choice 1="5" Choice 2="6" Choice 3="7" Hint="Last"
"629" Category="Sports" question="Which is the acronym for the most well-known American basketball tournament?" Choice 1="NBA" Choice 2="CBA" Choice 3="HBA" Hint="Last"
"630" Category="Sports" question="During the NBA, how many times can a player flout the rules before he gets called off the court?" Choice 1="6" Choice 2="7" Choice 3="8" Hint="Last"
"631" Category="Sports" question="During the NBA, how many matches are there in a round?" Choice 1="4" Choice 2="5" Choice 3="6" Hint="Last"
"632" Category="Sports" question="During a standard basketball match, if a player scores a goal within 3 minutes, how many points are awarded?" Choice 1="2" Choice 2="3" Choice 3="1" Hint="Last"
"633" Category="Sports" question="Which of the following is allowed in basketball?" Choice 1="Touch the ball with five fingers" Choice 2="Move while holding the ball" Choice 3="Kick the ball" Hint="Last"
"634" Category="Sports" question="How big is a standard soccer field?" Choice 1="105x68" Choice 2="100x50" Choice 3="80x80" Hint="Last"
"635" Category="Sports" question="How often is the World Cup held?" Choice 1="Once every four years" Choice 2="Once every five years" Choice 3="Once every six years" Hint="Last"
"636" Category="Sports" question="Who was the FIFA World Player of the Year in 2012?" Choice 1="Messi" Choice 2="Kak?" Choice 3="Cristiano Ronaldo" Hint="Last"
"637" Category="Sports" question="When was the first European Football Championship held?" Choice 1="1960" Choice 2="1965" Choice 3="1970" Hint="Last"
"638" Category="Sports" question="Which country won the most World Cups?" Choice 1="Brazil" Choice 2="Germany " Choice 3="Spain" Hint="Last"
"639" Category="Sports" question="Who is the world's fastest for the 100m event?" Choice 1="Usain St. Leo Bolt" Choice 2="Asafa Powell" Choice 3="Carl Lewis" Hint="Last"
"640" Category="Sports" question="What is the name of the women-only tennis tournament?" Choice 1="WTA" Choice 2="ATP" Choice 3="ACE" Hint="Last"
"641" Category="Sports" question="Which of the following is not part of Grand Slam Tennis?" Choice 1="Chinese Open" Choice 2="Australian Open" Choice 3="French Open" Hint="Last"
"642" Category="Sports" question="Which region does the yellow ring in the Olympics logo represent?" Choice 1="Asia" Choice 2="Europe" Choice 3="Africa" Hint="Last"
"643" Category="Sports" question="Which of the following is not part of the Olympics slogan?" Choice 1="Further" Choice 2="Faster" Choice 3="Higher" Hint="Last"
"644" Category="Sports" question="Where was the first modern Olympics held?" Choice 1="Athens" Choice 2="Paris" Choice 3="London" Hint="Last"
"645" Category="Sports" question="American swimmer Michael Fred Phelps won how many gold medals in the Olympics?" Choice 1="18" Choice 2="19" Choice 3="20" Hint="Last"
"646" Category="Sports" question="How many times has London hosted the Olympics?" Choice 1="3" Choice 2="4" Choice 3="5" Hint="Last"
"647" Category="Technology" question="Which company in the US produces phones that use the LUI application called Siri?" Choice 1="Apple" Choice 2="Blackberry" Choice 3="Google" Hint="Last"
"648" Category="Technology" question="The earliest FC Super Mario game was created by which company in Japan?" Choice 1="Nintendo" Choice 2="SQUARE ENIX 
" Choice 3="Sony" Hint="Last"
"649" Category="Technology" question="There is a kind of sports vehicle that be used offroad. What is the acronym used to refer to this vehicle?" Choice 1="SUV" Choice 2="CRV" Choice 3="VVV" Hint="Last"
"650" Category="Technology" question="What is the letter on a helipad?" Choice 1="H" Choice 2="F" Choice 3="A" Hint="Last"
"651" Category="Technology" question="One of the largest camera and film companies went bankrupt in 2012. Which company was it?" Choice 1="Kodak" Choice 2="SONY" Choice 3="Samsung" Hint="Last"
"652" Category="Technology" question="The part of a computer that is known as its "brain" is which component?" Choice 1="CPU" Choice 2="GPU" Choice 3="Memory" Hint="Last"
"653" Category="Technology" question="What is the acronym used to refer to mysterious flying things such as flying saucers?" Choice 1="UFO" Choice 2="EDC" Choice 3="CEO" Hint="Last"
"654" Category="Technology" question="BMWs are from which country?" Choice 1="Germany" Choice 2="Spain" Choice 3="Italy" Hint="Last"
"655" Category="Technology" question="What is considered the world's largest internet search engine?" Choice 1="Google" Choice 2="Yahoo" Choice 3="Bing" Hint="Last"
"656" Category="Technology" question="What is the acronym commonly used to refer to internet forums?" Choice 1="BBS" Choice 2="BSS" Choice 3="IGG" Hint="Last"
"657" Category="Technology" question="Which Asian country calls the Ganges River "mother" and thrives on the IT industry?" Choice 1="India" Choice 2="Vietnam" Choice 3="Malaysia" Hint="Last"
"658" Category="Technology" question="The world's first calculator ENIAC was developed in which year?" Choice 1="1945" Choice 2="1944" Choice 3="1943" Hint="Last"
"659" Category="Technology" question="To prolong the lifespan of the monitor, which is the correct way to turn on the computer?" Choice 1="First, turn on the monitor, then turn on the CPU. " Choice 2="Turn on the CPU, then turn on the monitor." Choice 3="It doesn't matter whether you turn on the monitor or the CPU first. " Hint="Last"
"660" Category="Technology" question="What's special about a computer network?" Choice 1="Resource sharing" Choice 2="High precision" Choice 3="Speedy calculation" Hint="Last"
"661" Category="Technology" question="Which company first came up with the concept of "cloud computing"?" Choice 1="Google" Choice 2="Microsoft" Choice 3="Apple" Hint="Last"
"662" Category="Technology" question="Which of the following is not computer hardware?" Choice 1="System application" Choice 2="CPU" Choice 3="Memory" Hint="Last"
"663" Category="Technology" question="Who used the first mobile phone in the world?" Choice 1="Martin Cooper" Choice 2="Steve Jobs" Choice 3="Bill Gates" Hint="Last"
"664" Category="Technology" question="What animal represents the Operating System "Linux"?" Choice 1="Penguin" Choice 2="Bear" Choice 3="Panda" Hint="Last"
"665" Category="Technology" question="How many bits are there in 1 byte?" Choice 1="1024" Choice 2="512" Choice 3="256" Hint="Last"
"666" Category="Technology" question="Who is the founder of Microsoft?" Choice 1="Bill Gates & Paul Allen" Choice 2="Michael S. Dell & Will Wright" Choice 3="Steve Jobs" Hint="Last"
"667" Category="Technology" question="What year was Twitter founded?" Choice 1="2006" Choice 2="2007" Choice 3="2008" Hint="Last"
"668" Category="Technology" question="Which of the following game companies is not American?" Choice 1="Nintendo" Choice 2="Blizzard" Choice 3="Electronic Arts" Hint="Last"
"669" Category="Technology" question="Which of the following games belongs to IGG?" Choice 1="Wings Of Destiny" Choice 2="World Of Warcraft" Choice 3="Need For Speed" Hint="Last"
"670" Category="Technology" question="Which of the following companies was set up in Japan?" Choice 1="Sony" Choice 2="Apple" Choice 3="Google" Hint="Last"
"671" Category="Technology" question="Which of the following consoles was developed by Microsoft?" Choice 1="XBOX" Choice 2="PS3" Choice 3="GBA" Hint="Last"
"672" Category="Technology" question="Which is Microsoft's latest operating system?" Choice 1="WINDOWS 8" Choice 2="WINDOWS VISTA" Choice 3="WINDOWS XP" Hint="Last"
"673" Category="Advanced" question=" The United Nations was founded on _________." Choice 1="16734" Choice 2="16520" Choice 3="17981" Hint="Last"
"674" Category="Advanced" question="Which country from the following is NOT a member of UNO?" Choice 1="Vatican City" Choice 2="Afghanistan" Choice 3="North Korea" Hint="Last"
"675" Category="Advanced" question="The International Court of Justice is located in _________." Choice 1="The Hague" Choice 2="Geneva" Choice 3="Washington" Hint="Last"
"676" Category="Advanced" question="Which from the following countries does NOT yield veto-power?" Choice 1="Canada" Choice 2="United Kingdom" Choice 3="France" Hint="Last"
"677" Category="Advanced" question="The headquarterss of IMF is located in _________." Choice 1="Washington" Choice 2="Geneva" Choice 3="London" Hint="Last"
"678" Category="Advanced" question="There are _________ non-permanent members of the security council." Choice 1="10" Choice 2="7" Choice 3="15" Hint="Last"
"679" Category="Advanced" question="The currency of Indonesia is _________." Choice 1="Rupiah" Choice 2="Dinar" Choice 3="Riyal" Hint="Last"
"680" Category="Advanced" question="2016 Olympics will be held in ________." Choice 1="Rio de Janeiro" Choice 2="London" Choice 3="Beijing" Hint="Last"
"681" Category="Advanced" question="2022 FIFA world cup will be held in _________." Choice 1="Qatar" Choice 2="Russia" Choice 3="UK" Hint="Last"
"682" Category="Advanced" question="The headquarters of NATO is located in _________." Choice 1="Brussels" Choice 2="Paris" Choice 3="New York" Hint="Last"
"683" Category="Advanced" question="Secretary General UNO Ban-Ki-Mon belongs to __________." Choice 1="South Korea." Choice 2="North Korea" Choice 3="Japan" Hint="Last"
"684" Category="Advanced" question="SAARC was founded by __________." Choice 1="Zia-ur-Rehman of Bangladesh" Choice 2="Muhammad Nasheed of Maldives" Choice 3="Indira Gandhi of India" Hint="Last"
"685" Category="Advanced" question="The headquarters of SAARC is in __________ ." Choice 1="Kathmandu" Choice 2="Colombo" Choice 3="New Delhi" Hint="Last"
"686" Category="Advanced" question="There are __________ members of SAARC." Choice 1="8" Choice 2="7" Choice 3="6" Hint="Last"
"687" Category="Advanced" question="Secretary General SAARC Ahmed Salem belongs to __________." Choice 1="Maldives" Choice 2="India" Choice 3="Pakistan" Hint="Last"
"688" Category="Advanced" question="SAARC was founded in __________." Choice 1="1985" Choice 2="1983" Choice 3="1989" Hint="Last"
"689" Category="Advanced" question="PTI is the NEWS Agency of __________." Choice 1="India" Choice 2="Iran" Choice 3="Iraq" Hint="Last"
"690" Category="Advanced" question="Al-Jazeera TV Channel belongs to ___________." Choice 1="Qatar" Choice 2="Kuwait" Choice 3="Egypt" Hint="Last"
"691" Category="Advanced" question="The capital of Syria is __________." Choice 1="Damascus" Choice 2="Doha" Choice 3="Manama" Hint="Last"
"692" Category="Advanced" question="Bouraq is the airline of __________." Choice 1="Indonesia" Choice 2="Malaysia" Choice 3="Maldives" Hint="Last"
"693" Category="Advanced" question="Name the animal rights crusader who was presented the Shining World Compassion Award from Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association is Name the animal rights crusader who was presented the Shining World Compassion Award from Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association is _______." Choice 1="Maneka Gandhi" Choice 2="Sunder Lal Bahuguna" Choice 3="Vandana Shiva" Hint="Last"
"694" Category="Advanced" question="Lok Pal Bill is associated with _______." Choice 1="Anti-Corruption" Choice 2="Security" Choice 3="Bio-diversity" Hint="Last"
"695" Category="Advanced" question="Miss World 2010 is _______." Choice 1="Alexandria Mills" Choice 2="Emma Wareus" Choice 3="Mansavi Mamgai" Hint="Last"
"696" Category="Advanced" question="The annual India-European Union (EU) Summit was held in Dec 2010 in _______." Choice 1="Brussels" Choice 2="Berlin" Choice 3="Paris" Hint="Last"
"697" Category="Advanced" question="Who has been re-appointed as the prime minister of France?" Choice 1="Francois Fillon" Choice 2="Jean-Peirre Raffarin" Choice 3="Dominique de Villepin" Hint="Last"
"698" Category="Advanced" question="With which of the following countries has India recently agreed to establish hotline between the two countries’ commerce and Industries ministries?" Choice 1="Germany" Choice 2="Poland" Choice 3="England" Hint="Last"
"699" Category="Advanced" question="Sanam Singh is related to _______." Choice 1="Tennis" Choice 2="Badminton" Choice 3="Discus Throw" Hint="Last"
"700" Category="Advanced" question="Which among the following are TOP 3 debtors of World Bank?" Choice 1="India, Mexico, South Africa" Choice 2="India, South Africa, Mexico" Choice 3="India, Mexico, Pakistan" Hint="Last"
"701" Category="Advanced" question="Serbia has won the Davis Cup title by defeating" Choice 1="France" Choice 2="US" Choice 3="Switzerland" Hint="Last"
"702" Category="Advanced" question="The opposition parties had been demanding JPC of the probe in 2G spectrum scam. JPC stands for" Choice 1="Joint Parliamentary Committee" Choice 2="Joint Parliamentary Commission" Choice 3="Joint Parliamentary Controversy" Hint="Last"
"703" Category="Advanced" question="Lal Bahadur Shastri Award 2010 for Excellence in Public Administration Academia and Management has been given to -" Choice 1="Aruna Roy" Choice 2="Kapil Sibal" Choice 3="Arvind Kezeriwal" Hint="Last"
"704" Category="Advanced" question="Who among the following has won the Durand Cup held in New Delhi recently?" Choice 1="Chirag United" Choice 2="JCT" Choice 3="East Bengal" Hint="Last"
"705" Category="Advanced" question="What is India’s Rank in World Uranium Production as per the latest data of World Nuclear Association?" Choice 1="13th" Choice 2="10th" Choice 3="12th" Hint="Last"
"706" Category="Advanced" question="Which of the following is the first-ever pollution-control warship?" Choice 1="Samudra Prahan" Choice 2="Sagar Manthan" Choice 3="Sagar Rattan" Hint="Last"
"707" Category="Advanced" question="According to the Chief Election Commissioner SY Quraishi, the National Voters’ Day will be observed on" Choice 1="41299" Choice 2="41279" Choice 3="41289" Hint="Last"
"708" Category="Advanced" question="Which country stands at the top in 2010 Human Development Index (HDI) rankings of 169 nations in Human Development Report 2010?" Choice 1="Norway" Choice 2="Australia" Choice 3="New Zealand" Hint="Last"
"709" Category="Advanced" question="Where was recently a referendum held to support constitutional reforms?" Choice 1="Turkey" Choice 2="Iran" Choice 3="Saudi Arabia" Hint="Last"
"710" Category="Advanced" question="The 43rd Jananpith Award 2007 has been conferred on -" Choice 1="ONV Kurup" Choice 2="Arundhati Roy" Choice 3="None of the above" Hint="Last"
"711" Category="Advanced" question="Recently in news Lavasa Corporation’s township project is situated in _______." Choice 1="Maharashtra" Choice 2="Goa" Choice 3="Kerala" Hint="Last"
"712" Category="Advanced" question="‘Conversations with Myself’ is the book written by -" Choice 1="Nelson Mandela" Choice 2="MarioVargas Llosa" Choice 3="Prince Charles" Hint="Last"
"713" Category="Advanced" question="Which of the following has won the Best Film Award at 57th National Film Awards?" Choice 1="Kutty Srank" Choice 2="Lahore" Choice 3="Abohoman" Hint="Last"
"714" Category="Advanced" question="Justice Nissar Ahmed Kakru has been appointed an the New Chief Justice of _______." Choice 1="Jammu & Kashmir" Choice 2="Andhra Pradesh" Choice 3="Tamil Nadu" Hint="Last"
"715" Category="Advanced" question="Who is the author of the book World of All Human Rights?" Choice 1="Soli J Sorabjee" Choice 2="Harish Salve" Choice 3="Santosh Hegde" Hint="Last"
"716" Category="Advanced" question="A new scheme for the health improvement of expectant mothers and ensuring proper nutrition for the newborns has been named as" Choice 1="Indira Gandhi Matritva Sahyog Yojana" Choice 2="Rajiv Gandhi Matritva Sahyog Yojana" Choice 3="Kasturba Gandhi Matritva Sahyog Yojana" Hint="Last"
"717" Category="Advanced" question="Nallari Kiran Kumar Reddy has been appointed as the Chief Minister of" Choice 1="Andhra Pradesh" Choice 2="Kerala" Choice 3="Tamil Nadu" Hint="Last"
"718" Category="Advanced" question="Name the founder of the whistleblower website Wikileaks." Choice 1="Julian Assange" Choice 2="Navi Pillay" Choice 3="Phillip Adams" Hint="Last"
"719" Category="Advanced" question="Who is the chairman of Parliament’s Public Accounts Committee (PAC)?" Choice 1="Murli Manohar Joshi" Choice 2="Sandeep Dikshit" Choice 3="Jaswant Singh" Hint="Last"
"720" Category="Advanced" question="The theme of 17th ASEAN Summit was _______." Choice 1="Towards the ASEAN Community from Vision to Action" Choice 2="Action Oriented Approach of ASEAN Community" Choice 3="ASEAN with New Actionable Approach" Hint="Last"
"721" Category="Advanced" question="Who is the author of the book Yes, We Can?" Choice 1="Vaiko" Choice 2="Dr. Ramadoss" Choice 3="M Karunanidhi" Hint="Last"
"722" Category="Advanced" question="Who has been awarded LG ICC Test Player of the year Award for 2010?" Choice 1="Virender Sehwag" Choice 2="A. B. de Villlers" Choice 3="None of the above" Hint="Last"
"723" Category="Advanced" question="Who among the following became the first enlisted Sikh soldier in the US Army in more than two decades to complete basic training after getting a rare religious exemption for his turban and beard because the military requires his language skills?" Choice 1="Simran Preet Singh Lamba" Choice 2="Kamaljeet Singh Kalsi" Choice 3="Bob Singh Dhillon" Hint="Last"
"724" Category="Advanced" question="The Nobel Prize winner for 2010 in Medicine is _______." Choice 1="Robert Edwards" Choice 2="Liu Xlaobo" Choice 3="Mario Vargas Llosa" Hint="Last"
"725" Category="Advanced" question="Lal Bahadur Shastri Award 2010 for Excellence in Public Administration Academia and Management has been given to -" Choice 1="Aruna Roy" Choice 2="Zia Modi" Choice 3="Kapil Sibal" Hint="Last"
"726" Category="Advanced" question="The best actress award under the 57th National Film Awards for 2009 has been bagged by _______." Choice 1="Ananya ChatterJee" Choice 2="Vidya Balan" Choice 3="Kareena Kapoor" Hint="Last"
"727" Category="Advanced" question="Which of the following organisation recently celebrated the Silver Jubilee Year of its establishment?" Choice 1="SAARC" Choice 2="ASEAN" Choice 3="APEC" Hint="Last"
"728" Category="Advanced" question="Jiaolong which made a trip into deep sea recently belongs to _______." Choice 1="China" Choice 2="U.S.A." Choice 3="Australia" Hint="Last"
"729" Category="Advanced" question="With which of the following countries did India recently agree to set up a joint venture to co-develop and produce a new Multi role Transport Aircraft (MTA)?" Choice 1="Russia" Choice 2="U.S.A." Choice 3="Poland" Hint="Last"
"730" Category="Advanced" question="Which Indian state continues to top the list with an adult HIV infection prevalence rate of (A).40 percent?" Choice 1="Manipur" Choice 2="Andhra Pradesh" Choice 3="Nagaland" Hint="Last"
"731" Category="Advanced" question="Name the country’s only government award for an environmental film." Choice 1="Vasudha Award" Choice 2="Vasundhara Award" Choice 3="Vriksha Mitra Award" Hint="Last"
"732" Category="Advanced" question="In World University Ranking which of the following has topped?" Choice 1="The University of Cambridge" Choice 2="Yale University" Choice 3="University of Oxford" Hint="Last"
"733" Category="Advanced" question="World leaders from 193 countries signed a new global climate regime on Dec 11 called" Choice 1="Cancun Agreement" Choice 2="Kyoto Agreement" Choice 3="Copenhagen Agreement" Hint="Last"
"734" Category="Advanced" question="Who recently clinched Italian Grand Prix and Singapore Grand Prix?" Choice 1="Fernando Alonso" Choice 2="Sebastian Vettel" Choice 3="Casey Stoner" Hint="Last"
"735" Category="Advanced" question="Who is the author of the book A Rainbow in the Night?" Choice 1="Dominique Lapierre" Choice 2="Jim Corbett" Choice 3="George Orwell" Hint="Last"
"736" Category="Advanced" question="Name the person who has been honoured with the prestigious 2010 Intel Environment Award for his efforts to solve global safe drinking water and sanitation crises." Choice 1="Rajesh Shah" Choice 2="Subir Bhomick" Choice 3="Sundarlal Bahuguna" Hint="Last"
"737" Category="Advanced" question="The Union Cabinet has decided that street vendors will now enjoy the benefits of cashless-based health insurance scheme. They will be covered by" Choice 1="Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana" Choice 2="Janshree Bima Yojana" Choice 3="Sampoom Bima Yojana" Hint="Last"
"738" Category="Advanced" question="Gangan Narang is related to _______." Choice 1="Shooting" Choice 2="Polo" Choice 3="Boxing" Hint="Last"
"739" Category="Advanced" question="Name the tiny and energy-rich gulf Arab country that has been picked to host the FIFA 2022 World Cup." Choice 1="Qatar" Choice 2="Oman" Choice 3="Saudi Arabia" Hint="Last"
"740" Category="Advanced" question="The winner of US Open 2010 (Tennis Championship) women’s singles title is -" Choice 1="Kim Clijster" Choice 2="Vera Zvonaeva" Choice 3="Liezel Huber" Hint="Last"
"741" Category="Advanced" question="Which of the following has been raised by the Indian Navy after 26/11 Mumbai terror attack?" Choice 1="Sagar Prahari Bal" Choice 2="Sagar Suraksha Bal" Choice 3="Coastal Protection Force" Hint="Last"
"742" Category="Advanced" question="The controversial UDRS system used in cricket is" Choice 1="Umpire Decision Review System" Choice 2="Unified Decision Review System" Choice 3="Unmanned Decision Review System" Hint="Last"
"743" Category="Advanced" question="Name the player who was named as the Most Valuable Player at Guangzhou Asian Games." Choice 1="Lin Dan" Choice 2="Liu Xiang" Choice 3="Sun Yang" Hint="Last"
"744" Category="Advanced" question="K. Vijay Kumar has been appointed as Director General of _______." Choice 1="CRPF" Choice 2="ITBP" Choice 3="BSF" Hint="Last"
"745" Category="Advanced" question="Who has been conferred Indira Gandhi Prize for Peace, Disarmament and Development for 2010?" Choice 1="Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva" Choice 2="Aung San Suu Kyi" Choice 3="Nelson Mandela" Hint="Last"
"746" Category="Advanced" question="The total number of medals won by India in Guagzhou Asian Games was" Choice 1="64" Choice 2="54" Choice 3="75" Hint="Last"
"747" Category="Advanced" question="In Global Gender Gap Report India has been ranked _______." Choice 1="112th" Choice 2="50th" Choice 3="20th" Hint="Last"
"748" Category="Advanced" question="The 10th Russi-India-China (RIC) meeting was held in" Choice 1="Wuhan (China)" Choice 2="Guilin (China)" Choice 3="Beijing (China)" Hint="Last"
"749" Category="Advanced" question="Pankaj Advani has recently bagged National Snooker Title for _______." Choice 1="Fifth time" Choice 2="Fourth time" Choice 3="Third time" Hint="Last"
"750" Category="Advanced" question="Which of the following is the last book of VS Naipaul?" Choice 1="The Masque of Africa" Choice 2="A House for Mr Biswas" Choice 3="India: A Wounded Civilization" Hint="Last"
"751" Category="Advanced" question="Who refused to accept the China – India Friendship Award conferred by Premier Wen Jiabao?" Choice 1="Karan Singh" Choice 2="Kapil Sibal" Choice 3="L.K. Advani" Hint="Last"
"752" Category="Advanced" question="In which of the Following states India’s First Tidal Power Plant was proposed. It is currently under construction?" Choice 1="West Bengal" Choice 2="Gujarat" Choice 3="Andhra Pradesh" Hint="Last"
"753" Category="Advanced" question="World Disabled Day is observed on _______." Choice 1="Dce 3" Choice 2="Dec l" Choice 3="Dce 2" Hint="Last"
"754" Category="Advanced" question="Which country recently completed its 20 years of unity?" Choice 1="Germany" Choice 2="France" Choice 3="Belgium" Hint="Last"
"755" Category="Advanced" question="As per the draft of Lok Pal Bill recently finalised by the Union Government, the Lok Pal would be a _______." Choice 1="Three Member Boby" Choice 2="Four Member Boby" Choice 3="Five Member Boby" Hint="Last"
"756" Category="Advanced" question="Which of the following has been removed from the United Nations list of unresolved disputes, in a setback to Pakistan which has been asking the world body to intervene on the issue?" Choice 1="Jammu and Kashmir" Choice 2="Siachin" Choice 3="Sir Creek" Hint="Last"
"757" Category="Advanced" question="Name the Ethiopian legend who announced his retirement after dropping out of the New York City Marathon with a knee injury." Choice 1="Haile Gebreslassie" Choice 2="Duncan Kibet" Choice 3="James Kwambai" Hint="Last"
"758" Category="Advanced" question="The 44th Jnanpith Award for 2008 has been bagged by -" Choice 1="Akhlaq Sharayar Khan" Choice 2="ONV Kurup" Choice 3="Sir Mota Singh" Hint="Last"
"759" Category="Advanced" question="NATO and Afghanistan agreed to the goal of a phased transfer of security responsibility to the Afghan govt by the end of _______." Choice 1="2014" Choice 2="2012" Choice 3="2020" Hint="Last"
"760" Category="Advanced" question="According to the Asian Development Bank Report for Urbanisation India ranks at _______." Choice 1="34th place" Choice 2="26th Place" Choice 3="10th Place" Hint="Last"
"761" Category="Advanced" question="The man who has been recently been re-elected as Interpol Secretary General is _______." Choice 1="Ronald Noble" Choice 2="Nancy Octland" Choice 3="Dilma Rousseff" Hint="Last"
"762" Category="Advanced" question="Which of the following state became the first state to introduce Public Service Guarantee Act 2010?" Choice 1="Madhya Pradesh" Choice 2="Gujarat" Choice 3="Bihar" Hint="Last"
"763" Category="Advanced" question="With the aim of giving a fillip to development schemes in tribal and backward regions, mostly affected by Naxal violence, the Cabinet has approved the commencement of an Intergrated Action Plan (IAP) in _______." Choice 1="60 districts" Choice 2="20 districts" Choice 3="40 districts" Hint="Last"
"764" Category="Advanced" question="Where is located the “Centre for Earth Science Studies”?" Choice 1="Thiruvananthapuram" Choice 2="Bangalore" Choice 3="Goa" Hint="Last"
"765" Category="Advanced" question="Who among the following has been appointed as the new director of the Central Bureau of investigation (CBI)?" Choice 1="Amar Pratap Singh" Choice 2="Ashwani Kumar" Choice 3="DP Kohli" Hint="Last"
"766" Category="Advanced" question="Which of the following countries recently signed Arctic Border Pact?" Choice 1="Russia-Norway" Choice 2="Norway-Sweden" Choice 3="Russia-Finland" Hint="Last"
"767" Category="Advanced" question="India recently signed cultural accord with _______." Choice 1="Germany" Choice 2="Australia" Choice 3="Malaysia" Hint="Last"
"768" Category="Advanced" question="Kenyan runner David Rudisha and Croatian high jump star Blanka Vlasic were named male and female athletes of the year respectively by the" Choice 1="IAAF" Choice 2="World Athletic Organisation" Choice 3="European Athletic Organisation" Hint="Last"
"769" Category="Advanced" question="The five-member panel, headed by retired judge of the Supreme Court, Justice BN Srikrishna and appointed by the centre on _________ issue, submitted its report to union home ministry on 30 December, 2010." Choice 1="Telengana" Choice 2="Naxal" Choice 3="Kashmir" Hint="Last"
"770" Category="Advanced" question="Global Family Day is celebrated on _______." Choice 1="41275" Choice 2="41279" Choice 3="41639" Hint="Last"
"771" Category="Advanced" question="Yeonpyeong Island is a source of dispute between which two countries -" Choice 1="North Korea and South Korea" Choice 2="Japan and China" Choice 3="Japan and South Korea" Hint="Last"
"772" Category="Advanced" question="Who won the 21st Lal Bahadur Shastri hockey tournament?" Choice 1="Air India" Choice 2="ONGC" Choice 3="Indian Oil" Hint="Last"
"773" Category="Advanced" question="World leaders from 193 countries signed a new global climate regime on Dec 11 called" Choice 1="Cancun Agreement" Choice 2="Kyoto Agreement" Choice 3="London Agreement" Hint="Last"
"774" Category="Advanced" question="Who recently clinched Italian Grand Prix and Singapore Grand Prix?" Choice 1="Fernando Alonso" Choice 2="Sebastian Vettel" Choice 3="Casey Stoner" Hint="Last"
"775" Category="Advanced" question="Who is the author of the book A Rainbow in the Night?" Choice 1="Dominique Lapierre" Choice 2="Jim Corbett" Choice 3="George Orwell" Hint="Last"
"776" Category="Advanced" question="Name the person who has been honoured with the prestigious 2010 Intel Environment Award for his efforts to solve global safe drinking water and sanitation crises." Choice 1="Rajesh Shah" Choice 2="Sundarlal Bahuguna" Choice 3="Chandi Prasad" Hint="Last"
"777" Category="Advanced" question="The Union Cabinet has decided that street vendors will now enjoy the benefits of cashless-based health insurance scheme. They will be covered by" Choice 1="Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana" Choice 2="Janshree Bima Yojana" Choice 3="Aam Aadtni Bima Yojana" Hint="Last"
"778" Category="Advanced" question="Gangan Narang is related to _______." Choice 1="Shooting" Choice 2="Boxing" Choice 3="Polo" Hint="Last"
"779" Category="Advanced" question="Name the tiny and energy-rich gulf Arab country that has been picked to host the FIFA 2022 World Cup." Choice 1="Qatar" Choice 2="Oman" Choice 3="Saudi Arabia" Hint="Last"
"780" Category="Advanced" question="The winner of US Open 2010 (Tennis Championship) women’s singles title is _______." Choice 1="Kim Clijster" Choice 2="Vera Zvonaeva" Choice 3="Liezel Huber" Hint="Last"
"781" Category="Advanced" question="Which of the following has been raised by the Indian Navy after 26/11 Mumbai terror attack?" Choice 1="Sagar Prahari Bal" Choice 2="Sagar Suraksha Bal" Choice 3="Coast Security Guard" Hint="Last"
"782" Category="Advanced" question="The controversial UDRS system used in cricket is" Choice 1="Umpire Decision Review System" Choice 2="Universal Decision Review System" Choice 3="Unified Decision Review System" Hint="Last"
"783" Category="Advanced" question="Name the player who was named as the Most Valuable Player at Guangzhou Asian Games." Choice 1="Lin Dan" Choice 2="Liu Xiang" Choice 3="Sun Yang" Hint="Last"
"784" Category="Advanced" question="K. Vijay Kumar has been appointed as Director General of _______." Choice 1="CRPF" Choice 2="ITBP" Choice 3="RAF" Hint="Last"
"785" Category="Advanced" question="Who has been conferred Indira Gandhi Prize for Peace, Disarmament and Development for 2010?" Choice 1="Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva" Choice 2="Aung San Suu Kyi" Choice 3="Bingu Wa Mutharika" Hint="Last"
"786" Category="Advanced" question="The total number of medals won by India in Guagzhou Asian Games was" Choice 1="64" Choice 2="54" Choice 3="75" Hint="Last"
"787" Category="Advanced" question="In Global Gender Gap Report India has been ranked _______." Choice 1="112th" Choice 2="50th" Choice 3="20th" Hint="Last"
"788" Category="Advanced" question="The 10th Russi-India-China (RIC) meeting was held in" Choice 1="Wuhan (China)" Choice 2="Guilin (China)" Choice 3="Bangalore (India)" Hint="Last"
"789" Category="Advanced" question="Pankaj Advani has recently bagged National Snooker Title for _______." Choice 1="Fifth time" Choice 2="Fourth time" Choice 3="Third time" Hint="Last"
"790" Category="Advanced" question="Which of the following is the last book of VS Naipaul?" Choice 1="The Masque of Africa" Choice 2="A House for Mr Biswas" Choice 3="India: A Wounded Civilization" Hint="Last"
"791" Category="Advanced" question="Who refused to accept the China – India Friendship Award conferred by Premier Wen Jiabao?" Choice 1="Karan Singh" Choice 2="L.K. Advani" Choice 3="Kapil Sibal" Hint="Last"
"792" Category="Advanced" question="In which of the Following states India’s First Tidal Power Plant was proposed. It is currently under construction?" Choice 1="West Bengal" Choice 2="Gujarat" Choice 3="Andhra Pradesh" Hint="Last"
"793" Category="Advanced" question="World Disabled Day is observed on" Choice 1="41611" Choice 2="Dec l" Choice 3="41610" Hint="Last"
"794" Category="Advanced" question="Which country recently completed its 20 years of unity?" Choice 1="Germany" Choice 2="France" Choice 3="Belgium" Hint="Last"
"795" Category="Advanced" question="As per the draft of Lok Pal Bill recently finalised by the Union Government, the Lok Pal would be a -" Choice 1="Three Member Boby" Choice 2="Four Member Boby" Choice 3="Five Member Boby" Hint="Last"
"796" Category="Advanced" question="Which of the following has been removed from the United Nations list of unresolved disputes, in a setback to Pakistan which has been asking the world body to intervene on the issue?" Choice 1="Jammu and Kashmir" Choice 2="Baglihar dam" Choice 3="Siachin" Hint="Last"
"797" Category="Advanced" question="Name the Ethiopian legend who announced his retirement after dropping out of the New York City Marathon with a knee injury." Choice 1="Haile Gebreslassie" Choice 2="Duncan Kibet" Choice 3="James Kwambai" Hint="Last"
"798" Category="Advanced" question="The 44th Jnanpith Award for 2008 has been bagged by _______." Choice 1="Akhlaq Sharayar Khan" Choice 2="ONV Kurup" Choice 3="Sir Mota Singh" Hint="Last"
"799" Category="Advanced" question="NATO and Afghanistan agreed to the goal of a phased transfer of security responsibility to the Afghan govt by the end of" Choice 1="2014" Choice 2="2012" Choice 3="2020" Hint="Last"
"800" Category="Advanced" question="According to the Asian Development Bank Report for Urbanisation India ranks at _______." Choice 1="34th place" Choice 2="10th Place" Choice 3="26th Place" Hint="Last"
"801" Category="Advanced" question="The man who has been recently been re-elected as Interpol Secretary General is" Choice 1="Ronald Noble" Choice 2="Nancy Octland" Choice 3="Dilma Rousseff" Hint="Last"
"802" Category="Advanced" question="Which of the following state became the first state to introduce Public Service Guarantee Act 2010?" Choice 1="Madhya Pradesh" Choice 2="Gujarat" Choice 3="Bihar" Hint="Last"
"803" Category="Advanced" question="With the aim of giving a fillip to development schemes in tribal and backward regions, mostly affected by Naxal violence, the Cabinet has approved the commencement of an Intergrated Action Plan (IAP) in" Choice 1="60 districts" Choice 2="20 districts" Choice 3="40 districts" Hint="Last"
"804" Category="Advanced" question="Where is located the “Centre for Earth Science Studies”?" Choice 1="Thiruvananthapuram" Choice 2="Goa" Choice 3="Bangalore" Hint="Last"
"805" Category="Advanced" question="Who among the following has been appointed as the new director of the Central Bureau of investigation (CBI)?" Choice 1="Amar Pratap Singh" Choice 2="Ashwani Kumar" Choice 3="DP Kohli" Hint="Last"
"806" Category="Advanced" question="Which of the following countries recently signed Arctic Border Pact?" Choice 1="Russia-Norway" Choice 2="Norway-Sweden" Choice 3="Russia-Finland" Hint="Last"
"807" Category="Advanced" question="India recently signed cultural accord with _______." Choice 1="Germany" Choice 2="Australia" Choice 3="Malaysia" Hint="Last"
"808" Category="Advanced" question="Kenyan runner David Rudisha and Croatian high jump star Blanka Vlasic were named male and female athletes of the year respectively by the" Choice 1="IAAF" Choice 2="World Athletic Organisation" Choice 3="European Athletic Organisation" Hint="Last"
"809" Category="Advanced" question="The five-member panel, headed by retired judge of the Supreme Court, Justice BN Srikrishna and appointed by the centre on _________ issue, submitted its report to union home ministry on 30 December, 2010." Choice 1="Telengana" Choice 2="Naxal" Choice 3="Kashmir" Hint="Last"
"810" Category="Advanced" question="Global Family Day is celebrated on _______." Choice 1="41275" Choice 2="41639" Choice 3="41279" Hint="Last"
"811" Category="Advanced" question="Yeonpyeong Island is a source of dispute between which two countries -" Choice 1="North Korea and South Korea" Choice 2="Japan and China" Choice 3="Japan and South Korea" Hint="Last"
"812" Category="Advanced" question="Who won the 21st Lal Bahadur Shastri hockey tournament?" Choice 1="Air India" Choice 2="ONGC" Choice 3="Indian Oil" Hint="Last"
"813" Category="Advanced" question="The Nanhi Chhan programme is lending voice against" Choice 1="female foeticide" Choice 2="infant mortality" Choice 3="female literacy" Hint="Last"
"814" Category="Advanced" question="Name the Parliament which has approved president’s pension overhaul plan causing a wave of protests in the country" Choice 1="France" Choice 2="Sweden" Choice 3="Denmark" Hint="Last"
"815" Category="Advanced" question="Which state govt has decided to restore free power to the farm sector?" Choice 1="Punjab" Choice 2="Haryana" Choice 3="MP" Hint="Last"
"816" Category="Advanced" question="Name the Miss USA who was crowned Miss World 2010 in China’s Sanya city." Choice 1="Alexandria Mills" Choice 2="Emma Wareus" Choice 3="Adriana Vasini" Hint="Last"
"817" Category="Advanced" question="The proposed Renuka Dam project is being denied approval on the ground that it involves cutting down of a large number of trees. This project is associated with" Choice 1="Himachal Pradesh" Choice 2="Uttarakhand" Choice 3="Arunachal Pradesh" Hint="Last"
"818" Category="Advanced" question="Who among the following has equalled Pete Sampras’s haul of 64 ATP titles by winning the Stockholm Open?" Choice 1="Roger Federer" Choice 2="Rafael Nadal" Choice 3="Andy Murray" Hint="Last"
"819" Category="Advanced" question="Which of the following books has not been written by Mario Vargas Llosa who received Nobel Prize in Literature 2010?" Choice 1="Wolf Hall" Choice 2="The Time of the Hero" Choice 3="The Green House" Hint="Last"
"820" Category="Advanced" question="Name the former Argentine President and the country’s most powerful politician who died recently." Choice 1="Nestor Kirchner" Choice 2="Criistina Fernandez" Choice 3="Kanayo Nwanze" Hint="Last"
"821" Category="Advanced" question="The IPS officer YS Dadwal has been appointed as the director-general of" Choice 1="SSB" Choice 2="CRPF" Choice 3="BSF" Hint="Last"
"822" Category="Advanced" question="Who among the following has been elected as the first woman President of Brazil?" Choice 1="Dilma Rousseff" Choice 2="Maria das Gracas Foster" Choice 3="Eve Morales" Hint="Last"
"823" Category="Advanced" question="Name the Canada-based author who has lashed out at the Shiv Sena for its “sorry spectacle of book-burning and book-banning”, leading to the withdrawal of his novel Such A Long Journey from Mumbai University’s syllabus." Choice 1="Rohinton Mistry" Choice 2="Salman Rushdie" Choice 3="Amitav Ghosh" Hint="Last"
"824" Category="Advanced" question="A joint exercise named “Indradhanush” by the Indian Air Force (IAF) and the Royal Air Force (RAF) of the _______ was held at the Kalaikunda Air Force station in West Bengal." Choice 1="UK" Choice 2="US" Choice 3="France" Hint="Last"
"825" Category="Advanced" question="Recently 2G controversy was in news. G stands for" Choice 1="Generation" Choice 2="General" Choice 3="Government" Hint="Last"
"826" Category="Advanced" question="Name the country in which more than 200 people died due to volcano eruption from the Mount Meraki, which means “Mountain of Fire”." Choice 1="Indonesia" Choice 2="Malaysia" Choice 3="Vietnam" Hint="Last"
"827" Category="Advanced" question="Adarsh scam is associated with" Choice 1="Housing" Choice 2="Defence purchase" Choice 3="Duty drawback" Hint="Last"
"828" Category="Advanced" question="Name Saddam Hussein’s longtime foreign minister who was sentenced to death by hanging for persecuting members of Shilite religious parties under the former regime." Choice 1="Tariq Aziz" Choice 2="Qusay Hussein" Choice 3="Uday Hussein" Hint="Last"
"829" Category="Advanced" question="Who has become the first Indian American woman to hold gubernatorial post in the US?" Choice 1="Nikki Haley" Choice 2="Bobby Jindal" Choice 3="Kamala Harris" Hint="Last"
"830" Category="Advanced" question="Name the Pakistan wicket-keeper who abandoned the team and flew to London and who announced his retirement from international cricket after revealing that he had received death threat." Choice 1="Zulqarnain Haider" Choice 2="Tasleem Arif" Choice 3="Shoeb Akmal" Hint="Last"
"831" Category="Advanced" question="Guangzhou is the second Chinese city to host the Asian Games after Beijing in" Choice 1="1990" Choice 2="1986" Choice 3="1994" Hint="Last"
"832" Category="Advanced" question="Which of the following welfare scheme has been launched by Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mayawati to empower the poorest of the poor whose basic objective is to enable the beneficiaries to meet their daily needs." Choice 1="Mukhya Mantri Mahamaya Garib Arthik Madad Yojana" Choice 2="Kanshi Ram Mahamaya Garib Arthik Madad Yojana" Choice 3="Gautam Buddha Mahamaya Garib Arthik Madad Yojana" Hint="Last"
"833" Category="Advanced" question="According to the 2010 Human Development Report released by the United Nations Development Programme, as per its Gender Inequality Index India ranks at" Choice 1="122" Choice 2="110" Choice 3="92" Hint="Last"
"834" Category="Advanced" question="Aung San Suu Kyi is associated with" Choice 1="Myanmar" Choice 2="North Korea" Choice 3="China" Hint="Last"
"835" Category="Advanced" question="Suggesting “gross injustice” in his four-month suspension from the British House of Lords, Lord Swraj Paul has resigned as" Choice 1="Deputy Speaker of the House" Choice 2="Speaker of the House" Choice 3="Leader of the Opposition" Hint="Last"
"836" Category="Advanced" question="Karen rebels are fighting in the country which has been ruled by the military near-continuously since 196(B) Identify the country." Choice 1="Myanmar" Choice 2="N Korea" Choice 3="Vietnam" Hint="Last"
"837" Category="Advanced" question="Name the person who has been secretary-general of Interpol for the past 10 years, and who has been reelected to the post for a third five-year term at the global police agency’s general assembly in Doha." Choice 1="Ronald Noble" Choice 2="Boon Hui Khoo" Choice 3="James R Clapper" Hint="Last"
"838" Category="Advanced" question="Justice Soumitra Sen of the Calcutta High Court is the second judge in the country’s history to face removal proceeding in the Parliament. Who was the first?" Choice 1="Justice V Ramaswami" Choice 2="Justice Subhash Bhattacharya" Choice 3="Justice Subhash Kashyap" Hint="Last"
"839" Category="Advanced" question="The government has approved amendments to the Enemy Property Act, 1968, to ensure that legal heirs can inherit properties of relatives who migrated to" Choice 1="Pakistan in 1947" Choice 2="Bangladesh in 1971" Choice 3="Myanmar in 1947" Hint="Last"
"840" Category="Advanced" question="Name Lie former Comptroller and Auditor-General who is probing into the alleged irregularities in the Commonwealth Games." Choice 1="VK Shunglu" Choice 2="VN Kaul" Choice 3="TN Chaturvedi" Hint="Last"
"841" Category="Advanced" question="Name the Indonesian President who will be the chief guest at next year’s Republic Day parade in Delhi." Choice 1="Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono" Choice 2="Abdurrahman Wahid" Choice 3="Megawati Sukarnoputri" Hint="Last"
"842" Category="Advanced" question="Name the veteran human rights activist of Pakistan who has won a keenly-contested election for president of the Supreme Court Bar Association, becoming the first woman to hold this office." Choice 1="Asma Jehangir" Choice 2="Hina Jilani" Choice 3="Sherry Rahman" Hint="Last"
"843" Category="Advanced" question="Name Pakistan’s eighth President who died in a Rawalpindi hospital recently after a prolonged illness." Choice 1="Farooq Ahmed Khan Leghari" Choice 2="Bulkh Sher Mazari" Choice 3="Rafique Tarar" Hint="Last"
"844" Category="Advanced" question="The President of US Barack Obama arrived in India by" Choice 1="Air Force One" Choice 2="US Air Force Plane" Choice 3="Delta Force" Hint="Last"
"845" Category="Advanced" question="Name the New Zealand public television host who mocked Delhi Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit’s name and invited racism charge and resigned as a consequence" Choice 1="Paul Henry" Choice 2="Robert Edwards" Choice 3="Carlos Barrios" Hint="Last"
"846" Category="Advanced" question="Name the person who has been named as the most powerful person in the world by Forbes." Choice 1="Hu Jintao" Choice 2="Barack Obama" Choice 3="King Abdullah" Hint="Last"
"847" Category="Advanced" question="The strike infantry units from India and Russia concluded joint military exercises whose thrust was terror attacks. The 10-day exercise was held in the Kumaon Hills near Ranikhet in Uttarakhand The exercise was named" Choice 1="Indra" Choice 2="Vajra" Choice 3="Rainbow" Hint="Last"
"848" Category="Advanced" question="Name the former Inspector General of Police in Kerala who has been sentenced to life imprisonment by a CBI Special Court in the case relating to the killing of Naxalite leader a Varghese in a fake encounter." Choice 1="K Lakshmana" Choice 2="Girish Kumar" Choice 3="L Ganeshan" Hint="Last"
"849" Category="Advanced" question="Who is the president of the Olympic Council of Asia (OCA)?" Choice 1="Sheikh Ahmad Al-Fahad" Choice 2="Sheikh Jabir Ahmad" Choice 3="Sheikh Ahmad Ali" Hint="Last"
"850" Category="Advanced" question="Who has taken over as Director-General of Border Roads Organisation (BRO)?" Choice 1="Lt Gen Ravi Shankar" Choice 2="Lt Gen Ata Hasnain" Choice 3="Lt Gen Chandra Shekhar" Hint="Last"
"851" Category="Advanced" question="Who has ended the year as World No. 1 female lawn tennis player despite losing to Kim Clijsters in the final of the WTA Championships in Doha on Oct 30?" Choice 1="Caroline Wozniacki" Choice 2="Vera Zvonarevo" Choice 3="Serena Williams" Hint="Last"
"852" Category="Advanced" question="Name the United Liberation Front of Asom’s self-styled deputy commander-in-chief who was granted bail by a court in Guwahati." Choice 1="Raju Barua" Choice 2="Paresh Barua" Choice 3="Arbinda Rajkhowa" Hint="Last"
"853" Category="Advanced" question="The Planning Commission rejected demands for an increase in the corpus allocated to MPs for development of their constituencies under the Member of Parliament Local Area Development (MPLAD) scheme to Rs. 5 crore recently. How much does the government provide all Members of Parliament annually to develop their constituencies currently?" Choice 1="Rs. 2 crore" Choice 2="Rs. 1 crore" Choice 3="Rs. 3 crore" Hint="Last"
"854" Category="Advanced" question="Name the country which has announced that it would provide a whopping $(B)29 b as military aid to Pakistan to bolster its army’s anti-terror capabilities, notwithstanding India’s concerns that Islamabad has been diverting portion of such assistance against it." Choice 1="United States" Choice 2="Germany" Choice 3="UK" Hint="Last"
"855" Category="Advanced" question="Name the classical flute exponent who will be conferred the Chevalier dans ‘Ordre Des Arts et des Lettres, the highest civilian award in France." Choice 1="Had Prasad Chauraria" Choice 2="Pt Amarnath" Choice 3="Ronu Mazumdar" Hint="Last"
"856" Category="Advanced" question="Which Indian state attracted the highest number of domestic tourists in 2009, according to data on ‘Indians travelling within India’ unveiled by the market research division of the Union Ministry of Tourism recently?" Choice 1="Andhra Pradesh" Choice 2="Uttar Pradesh" Choice 3="Tamil Nadu" Hint="Last"
"857" Category="Advanced" question="Which Indian Professor has been named for the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) award?" Choice 1="Anand Siyasubramaniam" Choice 2="K. Sidhwani" Choice 3="K.L. Supriya" Hint="Last"
"858" Category="Advanced" question="Which of the following became the first Asian country to sign a free trade agreement (FTA) with the European Union (EU) recently?" Choice 1="South Korea" Choice 2="Japan" Choice 3="India" Hint="Last"
"859" Category="Advanced" question="Manavjit Singh Sandhu is related to_______." Choice 1="Shooting" Choice 2="Hockey" Choice 3="Wrestling" Hint="Last"
"860" Category="Advanced" question="Name the French-American mathematician who explored a new class of mathematical shapes known as “fractals” and who died at age 85 in Cambridge, Massachusetts." Choice 1="Benoit Mandlebrot" Choice 2="Frank Adams" Choice 3="William Kingdom Clifford" Hint="Last"
"861" Category="Advanced" question="16th National Youth Festival will be held in" Choice 1="Udaipur" Choice 2="Ajmer" Choice 3="Bikaner" Hint="Last"
"862" Category="Advanced" question="The New and Renewable Energy Minister, Farooq Abdullah said that as many as 10,000 remote villages across the country will be electrified with renewable energy sources by March 2012 Much of the power is slated to come from the first 1,000 megawatts (MW) added to the national grid as part of the" Choice 1="Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission" Choice 2="Rajiv Gandhi National Solar Mission" Choice 3="Indira Gandhi National Solar Mission" Hint="Last"
"863" Category="Advanced" question="Name the British author who has won the prestigious Booker Prize for his comic novel The Finkler Question." Choice 1="Howard Jacobson" Choice 2="Tom McCarthy" Choice 3="Peter Carey" Hint="Last"
"864" Category="Advanced" question="Mike Russell cruised to his 10th World professional title in Leeds after defeating India’s Dhruv SitwalAns:- (A) They are associated with" Choice 1="Billiards" Choice 2="Golf" Choice 3="Chess" Hint="Last"
"865" Category="Advanced" question="Who is the author of the book The Bridge-The life and rise of Barack Obama?" Choice 1="David Remnick" Choice 2="Maureen Harrison" Choice 3="Shelby Steele" Hint="Last"
"866" Category="Advanced" question="“Ecology is Permanent Economy” This slogan is related to which of the following?" Choice 1="Chipko Movement" Choice 2="Narmada Bachao Andolan" Choice 3="Appiko Movement" Hint="Last"
"867" Category="Advanced" question="Which well known US University was in news for announcing a partnership with IIM, Kozhikode and IIT, Kanpur to develop academic leadership development programs for higher education leaders in India recently?" Choice 1="Yale University" Choice 2="Stanford University" Choice 3="Princeton University" Hint="Last"
"868" Category="Advanced" question="What is the title of South African opener Herschelle Gibbs’ controversial autobiography?" Choice 1="To The Point" Choice 2="My Cricket Story" Choice 3="New Era of South Africa Cricket" Hint="Last"
"869" Category="Advanced" question="Name the medium-altitude and long-endurance Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) developed by the Bangalore-based Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE) that was successfully test-flown." Choice 1="Rustom-l" Choice 2="Sohrab-l" Choice 3="Gada-l" Hint="Last"
"870" Category="Advanced" question="Name the chief minister of Maharashtra who resigned over the Adarsh Housing Society scam." Choice 1="Ashok Chavan" Choice 2="Vilasrao Deshmukh" Choice 3="Prithviraj Chavan" Hint="Last"
"871" Category="Advanced" question="Who amongst the following is not related to the 2010 Nobel Prize in Economics?" Choice 1="Liu Xiaobo" Choice 2="Christopher Pissarides" Choice 3="Peter Diamond" Hint="Last"
"872" Category="Advanced" question="VK Shunglu, who heads the two-member high-level committee set up to probe the alleged financial irregularities in the Common Wealth Games (CWG), has been given the status of" Choice 1="a Supreme Court Judge" Choice 2="a High Court Judge" Choice 3="State Minister" Hint="Last"
"873" Category="Advanced" question="Which department of the government of India is celebrating 150 years of its existence in 2010?" Choice 1="Income tax" Choice 2="Customs and Excise" Choice 3="Planning Commission" Hint="Last"
"874" Category="Advanced" question="In which of the following countries, Anand Satyanand is the de facto head of state (Constitutional Head)?" Choice 1="New Zealand" Choice 2="Trinidad & Tobago" Choice 3="Laos" Hint="Last"
"875" Category="Advanced" question="Who is the writer of ‘Conversations with Myself’?" Choice 1="Nelson Mandela" Choice 2="Sonia Gandhi" Choice 3="Barack Obama" Hint="Last"
"876" Category="Advanced" question="Who among the following has won the Shanghai Masters tennis title recently?" Choice 1="Andy Murray" Choice 2="Rafael Nadal" Choice 3="Roger Federer" Hint="Last"
"877" Category="Advanced" question="What is the new GDP growth rate of the Indian economy in 2010 projected by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in its World Economic Outlook report unveiled recently?" Choice 1="9.7000000000000003E-2" Choice 2="6.3E-2" Choice 3="6.5000000000000002E-2" Hint="Last"
"878" Category="Advanced" question="Name the president of Hockey India who resigned from the post to honour her commitment to the Union Sports Minister, Dr. MS Gill, that she would quit after the Commonwealth Games." Choice 1="Vidya Stokes" Choice 2="Girija Vyas" Choice 3="Kiran Bedi" Hint="Last"
"879" Category="Advanced" question="Which former Indian cricketer has been elected the President of Karnataka Cricket Association?" Choice 1="Anil Kumble" Choice 2="Javagal Srinath" Choice 3="Venkatesh Prasad" Hint="Last"
"880" Category="Advanced" question="Which of the following became the first tax haven to sign a Tax Information Exchange Agreement with India that will allow exchange of information on criminal tax matters with the Indian government recently?" Choice 1="Bermuda" Choice 2="British Virgin Island" Choice 3="Bahamas" Hint="Last"
"881" Category="Advanced" question="Asian Games 2010 were held in_________." Choice 1="China" Choice 2="Singapore" Choice 3="Japan" Hint="Last"
"882" Category="Advanced" question="The WAN-IFRA India 2010 annual conference organized in Jaipur recently was on which of the following subjects?" Choice 1="Journalism" Choice 2="Telecom services" Choice 3="Education" Hint="Last"
"883" Category="Advanced" question="Which committee has probed “misappropriation” charges against Calcutta High Court Judge Soumitra Sen in the removal proceedings initiated by Parliament?" Choice 1="Justice B Sudershan Reddy" Choice 2="Justice Balakrishanan" Choice 3="Justice Jeewan Reddy" Hint="Last"
"884" Category="Advanced" question="The winner of recent edition of Ryder Cup (Golf) is______." Choice 1="Europe" Choice 2="North America" Choice 3="Asia" Hint="Last"
"885" Category="Advanced" question="Who is the Governor of Karnataka?" Choice 1="Hansraj Bhardwaj" Choice 2="M.K. Narayanan" Choice 3="Shivraj Patil" Hint="Last"
"886" Category="Advanced" question="Which football club won the Durand Cup?" Choice 1="Chirag United" Choice 2="Mohan Bagan" Choice 3="East Bengal" Hint="Last"
"887" Category="Advanced" question="Who won the final match of men’s single Australian Open (Tennis)-2011?" Choice 1="Novak Djokovic" Choice 2="Andy Murray" Choice 3="Rafael Nadal" Hint="Last"
"888" Category="Advanced" question="Name the former chief minister of Kerala who died recently." Choice 1="K Karunakaran" Choice 2="ESL Narasimhan" Choice 3="VS Achutanandan" Hint="Last"
"889" Category="Advanced" question="Army’s Strategic Forces Command recently tested _______." Choice 1="Agni-I" Choice 2="Agni-II" Choice 3="Prithvi-III" Hint="Last"
"890" Category="Advanced" question="‘Decision Points’ is a book written by _______." Choice 1="George Bush" Choice 2="Barack Obama" Choice 3="Bill Clinton" Hint="Last"
"891" Category="Advanced" question="Which of the following is not correctly matched about the Golden Globe Awards given on Jan 16?" Choice 1="Best Original Score – AR Rahman for “If I Rise” from 127 Hours" Choice 2="Best Motion Picture – The Social Network" Choice 3="Best Actor – Colin Firth for The King’s Speech" Hint="Last"
"892" Category="Advanced" question="Who amongst the following 2011 Padma Shri awardee from sports field is wrongly matched?" Choice 1="Krishna Poonia – Javelin Throw" Choice 2="Sushil Kumar – Wrestling" Choice 3="Gagan Narang – Shooting" Hint="Last"
"893" Category="Advanced" question="India is purchasing the gigantic C-17 Globemaster-III giant strategic airlift aircraft from _______." Choice 1="USA" Choice 2="Japan" Choice 3="Australia" Hint="Last"
"894" Category="Advanced" question="Who amongst the following is 2011 Padma Vibhushan Awardee?" Choice 1="Azim Premji" Choice 2="Analjit Singh" Choice 3="G.V.K. Reddy" Hint="Last"
"895" Category="Advanced" question="The Hindu Best Fiction Award 2010 has been conferred on _______." Choice 1="Manu Joseph" Choice 2="Vikram Seth" Choice 3="Anita Desai" Hint="Last"
"896" Category="Advanced" question="Who is the central vigilance commissioner (CVC)?" Choice 1="P.J. Thomas" Choice 2="P.J. Hudda" Choice 3="P.J. Thapar" Hint="Last"
"897" Category="Advanced" question="India’s first ‘Water and Wastewater Gallery’ was inaugurated in" Choice 1="Delhi" Choice 2="Kolkata" Choice 3="Chennai" Hint="Last"
"898" Category="Advanced" question="Name the chief executive officer of Prasar Bharati who has been suspended on charges of irregulatities." Choice 1="BS Lalli" Choice 2="Vinod Rai" Choice 3="MV Nair" Hint="Last"
"899" Category="Advanced" question="The United Kingdom signed treaties agreeing to military cooperation including testing of nuclear warheads with _______." Choice 1="France" Choice 2="Belgium" Choice 3="The Netherlands" Hint="Last"
"900" Category="Advanced" question="Who is the director of the film ‘Dil To Baccha Hai Ji”?" Choice 1="Madhur Bhandarkar" Choice 2="Ajay Devgan" Choice 3="Emraan Hashmi" Hint="Last"
"901" Category="Advanced" question="Dilma Rouseff has been elected a the new President of _______." Choice 1="Brazil" Choice 2="Argentina" Choice 3="Peru" Hint="Last"
"902" Category="Advanced" question="Who is the author of the book My Life With Taliban?" Choice 1="Abdul Salam Zaeef" Choice 2="Nayantara Sahgal" Choice 3="RK Narayan" Hint="Last"
"903" Category="Advanced" question="Which year has been set as a deadline for withdrawal of troops by North Atlantic Treaty Organisation from Afghanistan?" Choice 1="Year 2014" Choice 2="Year 2013" Choice 3="Year 2015" Hint="Last"
"904" Category="Advanced" question="Name the governor of Pakistan’s Punjab province who was shot dead by his own bodyguard recently." Choice 1="Salman Taseer" Choice 2="Rana Muhammad Iqbal" Choice 3="Zulfikar Ali Magsi" Hint="Last"
"905" Category="Advanced" question="Britain’s economy shrank by, a shocking ______ percent in the fourth quarter of 2010, dashing expectations for growth; the data showed on 25, January, 2011?" Choice 1="0.5" Choice 2="0.6" Choice 3="0.7" Hint="Last"
"906" Category="Advanced" question="Ali Akbar Salehi is the foreign minister of" Choice 1="Iran" Choice 2="Pakistan" Choice 3="Iraq" Hint="Last"
"907" Category="Advanced" question="Who is the writer of ‘Curfewed Nigh’?" Choice 1="Basharat Peer" Choice 2="Martin Amis" Choice 3="Johan Self" Hint="Last"
"908" Category="Advanced" question="Judge Soumitra Sen has been found guilty of corruption by a Rajya Sabha- appointed committee and thus is liable for impeachment? He is from -" Choice 1="Calcutta High Court" Choice 2="Allahabad High Court" Choice 3="Delhi High Court" Hint="Last"
"909" Category="Advanced" question="According to the Election Commission, how man national parties are there in the country?" Choice 1="6" Choice 2="8" Choice 3="10" Hint="Last"
"910" Category="Advanced" question="2011 Padma Shri Awardee Sheetal Mahajan is related to ____." Choice 1="Jumping" Choice 2="Mountain Climbing" Choice 3="Weightlifting" Hint="Last"
"911" Category="Advanced" question="Which of the following has won the Ranji Trophy title after defeating hosts Baroda on basis of their first innings lead in the final in Vadodara?" Choice 1="Rajasthan" Choice 2="Delhi" Choice 3="UP" Hint="Last"
"912" Category="Advanced" question="Indira Gandhi Prize for Peace, Disarmament and Development for 2010 has been conferred on _______." Choice 1="Lula Da Silva" Choice 2="Atal Bihari Vajpayee" Choice 3="Asma Jahangir" Hint="Last"
"913" Category="Advanced" question="Legendary vocalist, Pandit Bhimsen Joshi who died on 24 January, 2011 was a recipient of" Choice 1="Bharat Ratna" Choice 2="Padma Shri" Choice 3="Padma Vibhushan" Hint="Last"
"914" Category="Advanced" question="Russian Parliament has recently approved the Russian-American new START. It stands for _______." Choice 1="Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty" Choice 2="Short Arms Reduction Treaty" Choice 3="Serious Arms Reduction treaty" Hint="Last"
"915" Category="Advanced" question="Recently the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) approved the commencement of an Integrated Action Plan (IAP) in _______." Choice 1="60 Naxal hit districts" Choice 2="80 Naxal hit districts" Choice 3="50 Naxal hit districts" Hint="Last"
"916" Category="Advanced" question="Who has been named Time magazine’s 2010 Person of the year?" Choice 1="Mark Zuckerburg" Choice 2="Wen Jiabao" Choice 3="Julian Assange" Hint="Last"
"917" Category="Advanced" question="A Parliamentary committee in January 2011 has given the go ahead to the revised tax treaty between India and _____." Choice 1="Switzerland" Choice 2="Brazil" Choice 3="America" Hint="Last"
"918" Category="Advanced" question="Who is the author of the book Jawaharlal Nehru: civilizing a Savage World?" Choice 1="Nayantara Sahgal" Choice 2="Arun Shourie" Choice 3="RK Narayan" Hint="Last"
"919" Category="Advanced" question="Name the chief minister who has been chosen as the CNN-IBN person of the Year 2010?" Choice 1="Nitish Kumar" Choice 2="Shivraj Singh Chauhan" Choice 3="Bhupinder Singh Hooda" Hint="Last"
"920" Category="Advanced" question="Tejas is" Choice 1="Light combat aircraft" Choice 2="anti-tank missile" Choice 3="Surface-to-air missile" Hint="Last"
"921" Category="Advanced" question="The New Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh is _______." Choice 1="Kiran Kumar Reddy" Choice 2="Jaganmohan Reddy" Choice 3="Chitranjeevi" Hint="Last"
"922" Category="Advanced" question="Who among the following has been ranked World No. 1 badminton player?" Choice 1="Wang Xin" Choice 2="Wang Shixian" Choice 3="Saina Nehwal" Hint="Last"
"923" Category="Advanced" question="Amar Pratap Singh has been appointed as the new Director of _______." Choice 1="Central Bureau of Investigation" Choice 2="Research and Analysis Wing" Choice 3="Prasar Bharti" Hint="Last"
"924" Category="Advanced" question="As per a recent global report the country which tops the terrorism risk list is _______." Choice 1="Somalia" Choice 2="Pakistan" Choice 3="Iraq" Hint="Last"
"925" Category="Advanced" question="Who was adjusted Man of the Match in the final of Asia Cup Cricket Tournament 2008 ?" Choice 1="Ajanta Mendis" Choice 2="Kumar Sankara" Choice 3="Mutthiya Murlidharan" Hint="Last"
"926" Category="Advanced" question="Name the longest river in the world ?" Choice 1="Nile" Choice 2="Mississippi" Choice 3="Missouri" Hint="Last"
"927" Category="Advanced" question="Who is the author of “Asian drama”?" Choice 1="Gunnar Myrdal" Choice 2="William Shakespeare" Choice 3="Jawahar Lal Nehru" Hint="Last"
"928" Category="Advanced" question="Which composer wrote 27 piano concertos, 23 string quartets, 35 violin sonatas and more than 50 symphonies?" Choice 1="Mozart" Choice 2="James Galway" Choice 3="None of these" Hint="Last"
"929" Category="Advanced" question="What is the order of magnitude of electric resistance of the human body (dry)?" Choice 1="106 ohm" Choice 2="102 ohm" Choice 3="104 ohm" Hint="Last"
"930" Category="Advanced" question="What is a non-working male bee called?" Choice 1="Drone" Choice 2="Male-Bee" Choice 3="King" Hint="Last"
"931" Category="Advanced" question="Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya’s Dargah is located at _______." Choice 1="Delhi" Choice 2="Ajmer" Choice 3="Mumbai" Hint="Last"
"932" Category="Advanced" question="What does the latin word 'vox populi' mean ?" Choice 1="The voice of the people" Choice 2="Pen name" Choice 3="To infinity" Hint="Last"
"933" Category="Advanced" question="The largest bay in the world is" Choice 1="Hudson Bay" Choice 2="Baffin Bay" Choice 3="Mezenskaya Bay" Hint="Last"
"934" Category="Advanced" question="The First Global Agro Industries Forum met in April, 2008 at _______." Choice 1="New Delhi" Choice 2="Geneva" Choice 3="Doha" Hint="Last"
"935" Category="Advanced" question="Which one of the following cities is a birth place of Urdu poet Mirza Ghalib, and musician Ustad Faiyaz Khan ?" Choice 1="Agra" Choice 2="Lucknow" Choice 3="Barabanki" Hint="Last"
"936" Category="Advanced" question="The planet nearest to the earth is" Choice 1="Mars" Choice 2="Jupiter" Choice 3="Mercury" Hint="Last"
"937" Category="Advanced" question="Who is India's ambassador to the US?" Choice 1="Ronen Sen" Choice 2="Montek Singh Ahluwalia" Choice 3="Lalit Mansingh" Hint="Last"
"938" Category="Advanced" question="Which of the following is the brightest star in our solar system?" Choice 1="Sirius" Choice 2="Proxima Centauri" Choice 3="Canopus" Hint="Last"
"939" Category="Advanced" question="In which of the following cities has the monument of Martyr and War of independence been established?" Choice 1="Kanpur" Choice 2="Allahabad" Choice 3="Meerut" Hint="Last"
"940" Category="Advanced" question="What is the baby owl called ?" Choice 1="Owlet" Choice 2="Chick" Choice 3="Spat" Hint="Last"
"941" Category="Advanced" question="Where is the seat of International Court of Justice" Choice 1="The Hague" Choice 2="Rome" Choice 3="New Delhi" Hint="Last"
"942" Category="Advanced" question="The in Arjun Awards were instituted the year" Choice 1="1961" Choice 2="1965" Choice 3="1963" Hint="Last"
"943" Category="Advanced" question="Titagarh in West Bengal is famous for _______." Choice 1="Paper manufacturing" Choice 2="Locomotive manufacturing" Choice 3="Fertilisers industry" Hint="Last"
"944" Category="Advanced" question="Which one of the following is the first space craft to go beyond our solar system?" Choice 1="Pioneer 10" Choice 2="Viking I" Choice 3="Salyut" Hint="Last"
"945" Category="Advanced" question="Which of the following Trophies/Cups is associated with the game of Golf ?" Choice 1="Topolino Trophy" Choice 2="Iran Cup" Choice 3="Padmawati Trophy" Hint="Last"
"946" Category="Advanced" question="Which of the following is an antibiotic?" Choice 1="Penicillin" Choice 2="Aspirin" Choice 3="Paracetamol" Hint="Last"
"947" Category="Advanced" question="The galaxy we live in is called the Milky Way. It is shaped approximately like" Choice 1="A flat spiral" Choice 3="A doughnut" Hint="Last"
"948" Category="Advanced" question="First Asian Woman Lord Mayor of Britain:" Choice 1="Reshma Shah" Choice 2="Anju Sood" Choice 3="Kavita Sahni" Hint="Last"
"949" Category="Advanced" question="In which Olympic the first Olympic Torch was lighted?" Choice 1="Amsterdam" Choice 2="Mexico" Choice 3="Germany" Hint="Last"
"950" Category="Advanced" question="The name United Nations was suggested by" Choice 1="F.D.Roosevelt" Choice 2="Stalin" Choice 3="Sir Winston Churchill" Hint="Last"
"951" Category="Advanced" question="The first recipient of Nehru Award was" Choice 1="Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan" Choice 2="Mother Teresa" Choice 3="U Thant" Hint="Last"
"952" Category="Advanced" question="Doctor who deals with cancer in body is known as" Choice 1="Oncologist" Choice 2="Pediatrition" Choice 3="Urologist" Hint="Last"
"953" Category="Advanced" question="Dal Lake is situated in" Choice 1="Jammu & Kashmir" Choice 2="Orissa" Choice 3="Punjab" Hint="Last"
"954" Category="Advanced" question="In the early Olympic Games, only free, male Greek citizens could compete. After Rome conquered Greece, Romans participated as well. Which Roman emperor competed at Olympia in a ten-horse chariot race" Choice 1="Nero" Choice 2="Augustus" Choice 3="Tiberius" Hint="Last"
"955" Category="Advanced" question="Aymara and Quechua are" Choice 1="Languages" Choice 2="Trees" Choice 3="Mountains" Hint="Last"
"956" Category="Advanced" question="Which blood group is called Universal Doner?" Choice 1="O" Choice 2="A" Choice 3="B" Hint="Last"
"957" Category="Advanced" question="Which of the following is not the principal organ of the united nations?" Choice 1="Trusteeship Council" Choice 2="General Assembly" Choice 3="Security Council" Hint="Last"
"958" Category="Advanced" question="How long is the lifespan of a cloned animal compared to that of the original animal?" Choice 1="same as the original" Choice 2="lesser than the original" Choice 3="greater than the original" Hint="Last"
"959" Category="Advanced" question="Which female lawn tennis player had won the Wimbledon tournament maximum ?" Choice 1="Martina navratilova" Choice 2="Steffi graph" Choice 3="Monica seles" Hint="Last"
"960" Category="Advanced" question="Lord Buddha Died At ?" Choice 1="Kushinagara" Choice 2="Nalanda" Choice 3="Humbi" Hint="Last"
"961" Category="Advanced" question="In 1921, a session of the Indian National Congress was held when its President was in prison and with some other leader acting as its President. Who was the Congress President in prison ?" Choice 1="C.R. Das" Choice 2="Mohammead Ali" Choice 3="Abul Kalam Azad" Hint="Last"
"962" Category="Advanced" question="China has signed an agreement with which of the following countries, which will help both the parties to make the East China Sea "a sea of peace, co-operation and friendship" ?" Choice 1="Japan" Choice 2="North Korea" Choice 3="South Korea" Hint="Last"
"963" Category="Advanced" question="Who invented cycle?" Choice 1="Mac millan" Choice 2="Joseph aspdin" Choice 3="Charles babbage" Hint="Last"
"964" Category="Advanced" question="In which all carbon atoms are quaternary in nature?" Choice 1="diamond" Choice 2="graphite" Choice 3="teflon" Hint="Last"
"965" Category="Advanced" question="Mendel's name is associated with:" Choice 1="Genetics" Choice 2="Linguistics" Choice 3="Physics" Hint="Last"
"966" Category="Advanced" question="Lithosphere is the part of" Choice 1="Earth" Choice 2="Moon" Choice 3="Sun" Hint="Last"
"967" Category="Advanced" question="World Environment Day falls on" Choice 1="41430" Choice 2="41592" Choice 3="41597" Hint="Last"
"968" Category="Advanced" question="When was slavery abolished in Britain ?" Choice 1="1833" Choice 2="1830" Choice 3="1837" Hint="Last"
"969" Category="Advanced" question="‘Zazia’ was re-imposed during the reign of _______." Choice 1="Aurangzeb" Choice 2="Akbar" Choice 3="Jahangir" Hint="Last"
"970" Category="Advanced" question=" Who among the following invented Lasers?" Choice 1="Theodore Maiman" Choice 2="Denis Papin" Choice 3="Francis Crick" Hint="Last"
"971" Category="Advanced" question="Who is the founder of the decimal system?" Choice 1="Arya Bhatta" Choice 2="Bhaskara Acharya" Choice 3="Archimedes" Hint="Last"
"972" Category="Advanced" question="Who among the following will host 5th CISM World Military games 2011?" Choice 1="Brazil" Choice 2="China" Choice 3="Russia" Hint="Last"
"973" Category="Advanced" question="When more than one banks are allowing credit facilities to one party in coordination with each other under a formal arrangement, the arrangement is generally known as _______." Choice 1="Consortium" Choice 2="Participation" Choice 3="Syndication" Hint="Last"
"974" Category="Advanced" question="Open market operations, one of the measures taken by RBI in order to control credit expansion in the economy means _______." Choice 1="Sale or purchase of Govt. securities" Choice 2="Issuance of different types of bonds" Choice 3="Auction of gold" Hint="Last"
"975" Category="Advanced" question="The bank rate means _______." Choice 1="Rate at which RBI purchases or rediscounts bills of exchange of commercial banks" Choice 2="Rate of interest charged by commercial banks from borrowers" Choice 3="Rate of interest at which commercial banks discounted bills of their borrowers" Hint="Last"
"976" Category="Advanced" question="An instrument that derives its value from a specified underlying (currency, gold, stocks etc.) is known as _______." Choice 1="Hedge Fund" Choice 2="Derivative" Choice 3="Securitisation Receipts" Hint="Last"
"977" Category="Advanced" question="Fiscal deficit is _______." Choice 1="total expenditure less total receipts excluding borrowing" Choice 2="total income less Govt. borrowing" Choice 3="total payments less total receipts" Hint="Last"
"978" Category="Advanced" question="In the Capital Market, the term arbitrage is used with reference to _______." Choice 1="simultaneous purchase and sale of securities to make profits from price" Choice 2="purchase of securities to cover the sale" Choice 3="sale of securities to reduce the loss on purchase" Hint="Last"
"979" Category="Advanced" question="Reverse repo means _______." Choice 1="Injecting liquidity by the Central Bank of a country through purchase of Govt. securities" Choice 2="Absorption of liquidity from the market by sale of Govt. securities" Choice 3="Balancing liquidity with a view to enhancing economic growth rate" Hint="Last"
"980" Category="Advanced" question="Currency Swap is an instrument to manage _______." Choice 1="cash flows in different currencies" Choice 2="Currency risk" Choice 3="interest rate risk" Hint="Last"
"981" Category="Advanced" question="‘Sub-prime’ refers to _______." Choice 1="lending done by financing institutions including banks to customers not meeting with normally required credit appraisal standards" Choice 2="lending done by banks at rates below PLR" Choice 3="funds raised by the banks at sub-Libor rates" Hint="Last"
"982" Category="Advanced" question="Euro Bond is an instrument _______." Choice 1="issued in a country other than the country of the currency of the Bond" Choice 2="issued in the European market" Choice 3="issued in Euro Currency" Hint="Last"
"983" Category="Advanced" question="Capital Market Regulator is _______." Choice 1="SEBI" Choice 2="IRDA" Choice 3="NSE" Hint="Last"
"984" Category="Advanced" question="In the term BRIC, R stands for _______." Choice 1="Russia" Choice 2="Romania" Choice 3="Regulation" Hint="Last"
"985" Category="Advanced" question="FDI refers to _______." Choice 1="Foreign Direct Investment" Choice 2="Fixed Deposit Interest" Choice 3="Fixed Deposit Investment" Hint="Last"
"986" Category="Advanced" question="What is Call Money ?" Choice 1="Money borrowed or lent for a day or over night" Choice 2="Money borrowed for more than one day but upto 3 days" Choice 3="Money borrowed for more than one day but upto 7 days" Hint="Last"
"987" Category="Advanced" question="Which is the first Indian company to be listed in NASDAQ ?" Choice 1="Infosys" Choice 2="Reliance" Choice 3="TCS" Hint="Last"
"988" Category="Advanced" question="Which of the following is the Regulator of the credit rating agencies in India ?" Choice 1="SEBI" Choice 2="RBI" Choice 3="SBI" Hint="Last"
"989" Category="Advanced" question="The branding line of Bank of Baroda is _______." Choice 1="India’s International Bank" Choice 2="International Bank of India" Choice 3="India’s Multinational Bank" Hint="Last"
"990" Category="Advanced" question="The logo of Bank of Baroda is known as _______." Choice 1="Baroda Sun" Choice 2="Sun of Bank of Baroda" Choice 3="Bank of Baroda’s Rays" Hint="Last"
"991" Category="Advanced" question="Lots of banks in India these days are offering M-Banking Facility to their customers. What is the full form of ‘M’ in ‘M-Banking’ ?" Choice 1="Mobile Phone" Choice 2="Money" Choice 3="Marginal" Hint="Last"
"992" Category="Advanced" question="Which of the following is not the part of the structure of the Financial System in India ?" Choice 1="Personal Finance" Choice 2="Industrial Finance" Choice 3="Agricultural Finance" Hint="Last"
"993" Category="Advanced" question="Which of the following is not the part of the scheduled banking structure in India ?" Choice 1="Money Lenders" Choice 2="Public Sector Banks" Choice 3="Private Sector Banks" Hint="Last"
"994" Category="Advanced" question="Which of the following groups of countries has almost 50% share in global emission of carbon?" Choice 1="US, Russia, China & India" Choice 2="US, China, India, South Africa" Choice 3="India, China, Russia, Britain" Hint="Last"
"995" Category="Advanced" question="Inflation in India is measured on which of the following indexes/indicators ?" Choice 1="Wholesale Price Index (WPI)" Choice 2="Cost of Living Index (COLI)" Choice 3="Consumer Price Index (CPI)" Hint="Last"
"996" Category="Advanced" question="The World Health Organisation has urged that advertisements of which of the following should be banned to protect youth from bad effects of the same ?" Choice 1="Tobacco" Choice 2="Alcoholic drinks" Choice 3="Junk Food" Hint="Last"
"997" Category="Advanced" question="Which of the following countries has allocated a huge amount of US $ 10 billion to provide relief to its earthquake victims ?" Choice 1="China" Choice 2="Japan" Choice 3="South Korea" Hint="Last"
"998" Category="Advanced" question="Which of the following was the theme of the Olympic Torch ?" Choice 1="Journey of Harmony" Choice 2="Green World Clean World" Choice 3="Journey of Peace" Hint="Last"
"999" Category="Advanced" question="Which of the following is not a member of the ASEAN ?" Choice 1="Britain" Choice 2="Malaysia" Choice 3="Indonesia" Hint="Last"
"1000" Category="Advanced" question="Which of the following Awards are given for excellence in the field of Sports ?" Choice 1="Arjun Award" Choice 2="Kalinga Prize" Choice 3="Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Award" Hint="Last"
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