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Created February 14, 2021 14:09
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import csv
import os
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List
from databay import Outlet, Update, Record, Link
from databay.inlets import RandomIntInlet
from databay.outlet import MetadataKey
from databay.outlets import CsvOutlet
class BatchOutlet(Outlet):
BATCH_SPLIT: MetadataKey = 'BatchOutlet.BATCH_SPLIT'
def __init__(self):
def push(self, update: Update, batch:List[Record]):
self.push_batch(update, batch)
def push_batch(self, update:Update, batch:List[Record]):
raise NotImplementedError()
class CsvBatchOutlet(BatchOutlet):
def __init__(self, default_filepath, grouping_metadata_key, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.default_filepath = default_filepath
self.grouping_metadata_key = grouping_metadata_key
def push_batch(self, update:Update, batch:List[Record]):
filepath = batch['filepath']
Path(filepath).parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
with open(filepath, newline="") as f:
writer = csv.DictWriter(f, batch[0].payload.keys())
class Store():
def __init__(self, count_threshold : int = None, time_threshold: int = None, callbacks_list: List[callable] = None):
self.count_threshold = count_threshold
self.time_threshold = time_threshold
self.callbacks_list = callbacks_list
if self.callbacks_list is None:
self.callbacks_list = []
self.executables = []
self.records = []
if count_threshold is not None:
if time_threshold is not None:
self.executables = self.executables + self.callbacks_list
# def iteration(self, records:List[Record]):
# rv = self.executable(records)
# if rv:
# return records
# else:
# return []
def count_execute(self, records):
if len(records) > self.count_threshold:
return True
return False
def time_execute(self, records):
def execute(self, records):
self.records += records
for e in self.executables:
if e(self.records):
rv = self.records
self.records = []
return rv
return []
def prime_execute(records):
for record in records:
if is_prime(record.payload):
return True
return False
size_threshold = get_size_threshold()
def size_execute(records):
return get_size(records) > size_threshold
aapl_store = Store(count_threshold=1000, time_threshold=1000*60*3, callbacks_list=[prime_execute, size_execute])
tsla_store = Store(count_threshold=1000, time_threshold=1000*60*3, callbacks_list=[prime_execute, size_execute])
stores={'aapl': aapl_store, 'tsla': tsla_store}
def pull():
records = some_pull()
for record in records:
record['metadata'][BatchOutlet.BATCH_SPLIT] = 'aapl'
# store = [CountStore(count=1000), TimeStore(time=1000*60*3), PrimeStore, SizeStore(size=100000)]
# stores.append(CountStore(count=100))
# stores.append(TimeStore(time=1000 * 60 * 3)) # 3 min
# outlet = CsvBatchOutlet(stores={'aapl': aapl_store, 'tsla': tsla_store}, grouping_metadata_key='filepath')
outlet = CsvBatchOutlet()
def group_by_collection(self, records: List[Record], key, type='metadata'):
Group the provided records by the collection name specified in each record's metadata. Global collection provided on construction is used if no collection is specified.
:type records: list[:any:`Record`]
:param records: Records to be grouped
:return: Grouped records
:rtype: Dict[str, :any:`Record`]
collections = {'default': []}
for record in records:
if type == 'metadata':
collection_name = record.metadata.get(key, 'default')
elif type == 'payload':
collection_name = record.payload.get(key, 'default')
if collection_name not in collections:
collections[collection_name] = []
if isinstance(record.payload, list):
collections[collection_name] += record.payload
return collections
def filepath_split(records):
return group_by_collection(records, 'filepath')
def count_store_splitter(records):
r_by_symbol = group_by_collection(records, 'symbol')
batches = []
for collection in r_by_symbol:
store = stores[collection['symbol']]
rv = store.execute(collection)
if rv:
return batches
splitters = []
link = Link(inlet, outlet, splitters=splitters)
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