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Last active March 22, 2021 03:14
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Databay Inlet for IBKR CP Web API
TS_DATE_FORMAT_DB_ISO = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S,%f' # comma works for mongodb and is valid ISO
def datetimeindex_to_UTC(_dti):
dti = _dti.copy(deep=True)
if 'tz' not in dti or is None:
dti = dti.tz_localize('UTC')
dti = dti.tz_convert('UTC')
dti = dti.dt.strftime(TS_DATE_FORMAT_DB_ISO).astype(str).str.slice(0, -3)
return dti
def timestamp_to_UTC(df, key:str = 't'):
df[key] = pd.to_datetime(df[key], unit='ms')
df.set_index(key, inplace=True, drop=True)
df.index = datetimeindex_to_UTC(df.index.to_series())
df[key] = df.index
return df
def parse_data(data):
# print(data)
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
if df.empty:
return []
df.rename(columns={'o': 'open', 'h': 'high', 'l': 'low', 'c': 'close', 'v': 'volume', 't': 'date'}, inplace=True)
df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date'], unit='ms')
# do your own data parsing here if needed
df = timestamp_to_UTC(df, key='date')
df = df.loc[:, ['date', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'volume']]
return df.to_dict('records')
class IbkrAsyncInlet(HttpInlet):
def __init__(self, conid:str, period:str, bar:str, cacert:Union[bool, str, os.PathLike]=False, filter:Filter=None, *args, **kwargs):
self.conid = conid
self.filter = filter
params = {
'conid': conid,
'period': period,
'bar': bar,
super().__init__(url=BASE_URL + MARKET_HISTORY_URL,
*args, **kwargs)
async def pull(self, update:Update):
result = await super().pull(update)
if 'data' not in result:
_LOGGER.error(f'Result does\'t contain data: {result}')
return []
data = parse_data(result['data'])
if self.filter is not None:
data =
return data
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e:
if 'the target machine actively refused it' in str(e) \
or 'Connection aborted.' in str(e):
_LOGGER.error(f'Cannot connect to Gateway at: {BASE_URL}')
return []
raise e
except aiohttp.client_exceptions.ClientConnectorError as e:
if 'Connect call failed' in str(e):
_LOGGER.error(f'Cannot connect to Gateway at: {BASE_URL}')
return []
raise e
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