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Created December 1, 2018 12:08
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Solving the 8-Queen Problem using Hill Climbing Search
import copy
import numpy as np
import chess
import sys
from chess import svg
def exists(i, j):
# Checks if square exists within boundary
return (i >= 0 and i < 8 and j >= 0 and j < 8)
def contains(i, j, l, m, queen_pairs):
# Check if the two pair of queens have already been included in count
if ((i, j, l, m) in queen_pairs) or ((l, m, i, j) in queen_pairs):
return True
return False
def save_board_as_png(fen):
# Converts the FEN format notation to an SVG chess board
board = chess.Board(fen)
boardsvg = chess.svg.board(board=board)
filetowriteto = open("output.SVG", "w")
print("SVG File created successfully")
def create_board(board):
# Creates a python-chess board for the matrix board
chess_board = chess.Board()
for i in range(8):
for j in range(8):
if board[i][j]:
i, j), chess.Piece(5, chess.WHITE))
return chess_board.fen()
def position_queens_row_wise(board):
"""Place a single queen on every row. If there are more than
two quueens in one row, it places them on other rows"""
for row in board:
while row.count(1) > 1:
# More than one 1s so distribute to other rows
for i in range(8):
if board[i].count(1) == 0:
j = row.index(1)
board[i][j] = 1
row[j] = 0
return board
def heuristic_value(board):
# Calculates the heuristic value h of the current state of board
# Number of pairs of queens attacking each other directly or indirectly
h = 0
queen_pairs = []
for i in range(8):
for j in range(8):
if board[i][j]:
# Calculate horizontal attacks
for k in range(8):
if board[i][k] == 1 and k != j and not contains(i, j, i, k, queen_pairs):
queen_pairs.append((i, j, i, k))
h += 1
# Calculate vertical attacks
for k in range(8):
if board[k][j] == 1 and i != k and not contains(i, j, k, j, queen_pairs):
queen_pairs.append((i, j, k, j))
h += 1
# Calculate / diagonal attacks
# First go up the diagonal
l, m = i-1, j+1
while exists(l, m):
if board[l][m] == 1 and not contains(i, j, l, m, queen_pairs):
queen_pairs.append((i, j, l, m))
h += 1
l, m = l-1, m+1
# Now go down the diagonal
l, m = i+1, j-1
while exists(l, m):
if board[l][m] == 1 and not contains(i, j, l, m, queen_pairs):
queen_pairs.append((i, j, l, m))
h += 1
l, m = l+1, m-1
# Calculate \ diagonal attacks
# First go up the diagonal
l, m = i-1, j-1
while exists(l, m):
if board[l][m] == 1 and not contains(i, j, l, m, queen_pairs):
queen_pairs.append((i, j, l, m))
h += 1
l, m = l-1, m-1
# Now go down the diagonal
l, m = i+1, j+1
while exists(l, m):
if board[l][m] == 1 and not contains(i, j, l, m, queen_pairs):
queen_pairs.append((i, j, l, m))
h += 1
l, m = l+1, m+1
return h
def hill_climbing(board):
# Find the least cost successor for the given board state
min_board = board
min_h = 999999
global n_side_moves, n_steps
n_steps += 1
# Check if number of side moves has reached a limit
if n_side_moves == 100:
return -1
sideway_move = False
for i in range(8):
# Find index of queen in current row
queen = board[i].index(1)
board[i][queen] = 0
for k in range(8):
# Place queen at different positions and calculate new score
if k != queen:
board[i][k] = 1
h = heuristic_value(board)
if h < min_h:
min_h = h
min_board = copy.deepcopy(board)
if h == min_h:
min_h = h
min_board = copy.deepcopy(board)
sideway_move = True
board[i][k] = 0
board[i][queen] = 1
if sideway_move:
n_side_moves += 1
if min_h == 0:
print("Number of steps required: {}".format(n_steps))
return min_board
return hill_climbing(min_board)
if __name__ == "__main__":
# 8x8 chess board
board = []
n_side_moves = 0
n_steps = 0
for i in range(8):
row = list(map(int, input().split()))
print("Current position's heuristic value: ", heuristic_value(board))
board = position_queens_row_wise(board)
min_board = hill_climbing(board)
if min_board != -1:
fen = create_board(min_board)
print("Could not solve")
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