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Viren Mohindra VirenMohindra

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VirenMohindra / gist:254e4b5aafdd64e8f5c4339f31944c23
Created March 26, 2021 11:01
To navigate to a certain userID, you'll need to append the parameter in this URL:[userId] or for HN Link:[itemId]
Date,Title,Link,userID,userID Age,New Account?,Number of Points,HN Link
25/3/2021,"Nationwide tells 13,000 staff to 'work anywhere'",,CraigJPerry,1379960218,FALSE,137,26577355
25/3/2021,Gödel's Loophole,ödel%27s_loophole,pepys,1413223810,FALSE,128,26577062
25/3/2021,New Alan Turing £50 note design is revealed,,aries1980,1413658203,FALSE,150,26577349
25/3/2021,Lawyers used sheepskin as anti-fraud device for hundreds of years,,jnord,1285749370,FALSE,306,26575327
25/3/2021,DeaDBeeF Player: Multi-platform foobar200-like player,,marcodiego,1389980108,FALSE,154,26576740
25/3/2021,RoadPony is a new way to support musicians by crowdsourcing concerts,,corkinn,1616641780,TRUE,139,26576151
25/3/2021,Where are all the containers? The global shortage explained,https://www.h
from github import Github
import csv
import re
import requests
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
g = Github("access_token")
REPO_NAME = 'xueyuanl/daily-hackernews'
FILE_NAME = "hn25.csv"
VirenMohindra / hackernews-daily.csv
Created March 25, 2021 23:24
To navigate to a certain userID, you'll need to append the parameter in this URL:[userId]
We can make this file beautiful and searchable if this error is corrected: It looks like row 6 should actually have 9 columns, instead of 3 in line 5.
Date,Title,Link,userID,userID Age,New Account?,Number of Points,Number of Comments,HN Link
2021-03-25,Google Removed ClearURLs Extension from Chrome Web Store,,URfejk,1594991360,False,781,350,
2021-03-25,Reddit’s most popular subreddits go private in protest against ‘censorship’,,LordAtlas,1530298902,False,505,483,
2021-03-25,Show HN: I wrote a book about Go,,maximilienandi,1616588197,False,486,104,
2021-03-25,'Do Not Split': A Hong Kong protest film [video,,lawrenceyan,1493691021,False,449,222,
2021-03-25,Firefox 87 introduces SmartBlock for Private Browsing,
from github import Github
import csv
import re
import requests
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
g = Github("access_token")
REPO_NAME = 'headllines/hackernews-daily'
FILE_NAME = "hackernews-daily.csv"
VirenMohindra / hackernews-daily.csv
Created March 25, 2021 21:29
To navigate to a certain userID, you'll need to append the parameter in this URL:[userId]
We can make this file beautiful and searchable if this error is corrected: It looks like row 7 should actually have 7 columns, instead of 2 in line 6.
Date,Title,Link,userID,Number of Points,Number of Comments,HN Link
25/3/2021,Google Removed ClearURLs Extension from Chrome Web Store,,URfejk,781,350,
25/3/2021,Reddit’s most popular subreddits go private in protest against ‘censorship’,,LordAtlas,505,483,
25/3/2021,Show HN: I wrote a book about Go,,maximilienandi,486,104,
25/3/2021,'Do Not Split': A Hong Kong protest film [video,,lawrenceyan,449,222,
25/3/2021,Firefox 87 introduces SmartBlock for Private Browsing,,elktea,352,110,
25/3/2021,The Python Package In