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Created March 2, 2022 08:40
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array of objects to object of arrays
type ArrayifyFields<Original> = Original extends Record<string, unknown>
? {
[key in keyof Original]: Original[key][]
: never
export function arrayifyFields<Item extends Record<string, unknown>>(items: Item[]) {
return items.reduce((grouped, item) => {
const entries = Object.entries(item).map(
([key, value]) => [key, grouped ? [grouped[key], value] : [value]] as const,
return Object.fromEntries(entries) as ArrayifyFields<Item>
}, null as null | ArrayifyFields<Item>)
export function groupByName<Item extends { name: string }>(items: Item[]): Item[][] {
const repo: Record<string, Item[]> = {}
items.forEach(item => {
repo[] = [...(repo[] ?? []), item]
return Object.entries(repo).map(([_key, value]) => value)
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