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Last active December 19, 2015 17:58
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from copy import deepcopy
def invert(X):
Invert a matrix X according to gauss-jordan elimination
In gauss-jordan elimination, we perform basic row operations to turn a matrix into
row-echelon form. If we concatenate an identity matrix to our input
matrix during this process, we will turn the identity matrix into our inverse.
X - input list of lists where each list is a matrix row
output - inverse of X
#copy X to avoid altering input
X = deepcopy(X)
#Get dimensions of X
rows = len(X)
cols = len(X[0])
#Get the identity matrix and append it to the right of X
#This is done because our row operations will make the identity into the inverse
identity = make_identity(rows,cols)
for i in xrange(0,rows):
i = 0
for j in xrange(0,cols):
print("On col {0} and row {1}".format(j,i))
#Check to see if there are any nonzero values below the current row in the current column
zero_sum, first_non_zero = check_for_all_zeros(X,i,j)
#If everything is zero, increment the columns
if zero_sum==0:
if j==cols:
return X
raise Exception("Matrix is singular.")
#If X[i][j] is 0, and there is a nonzero value below it, swap the two rows
if first_non_zero != i:
X = swap_row(X,i,first_non_zero)
#Divide X[i] by X[i][j] to make X[i][j] equal 1
X[i] = [m/X[i][j] for m in X[i]]
#Rescale all other rows to make their values 0 below X[i][j]
for q in xrange(0,rows):
if q!=i:
scaled_row = [X[q][j] * m for m in X[i]]
X[q]= [X[q][m] - scaled_row[m] for m in xrange(0,len(scaled_row))]
#If either of these is true, we have iterated through the matrix, and are done
if i==rows or j==cols:
#Get just the right hand matrix, which is now our inverse
for i in xrange(0,rows):
X[i] = X[i][cols:len(X[i])]
return X
def check_for_all_zeros(X,i,j):
Check matrix X to see if only zeros exist at or below row i in column j
X - a list of lists
i - row index
j - column index
returns -
zero_sum - the count of non zero entries
first_non_zero - index of the first non value
non_zeros = []
first_non_zero = -1
for m in xrange(i,len(X)):
non_zero = X[m][j]!=0
if first_non_zero==-1 and non_zero:
first_non_zero = m
zero_sum = sum(non_zeros)
return zero_sum, first_non_zero
def swap_row(X,i,p):
Swap row i and row p in a list of lists
X - list of lists
i - row index
p - row index
returns- modified matrix
X[p], X[i] = X[i], X[p]
return X
def make_identity(r,c):
Make an identity matrix with dimensions rxc
r - number of rows
c - number of columns
returns - list of lists corresponding to the identity matrix
identity = []
for i in xrange(0,r):
row = []
for j in xrange(0,c):
elem = 0
if i==j:
elem = 1
return identity
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