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Last active September 10, 2024 16:48
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Mod Exp via Enum Rotations
// Computes modular exponentiation by repeated ENUM rotation.
// To compute `a ^ b % M`, we:
// - 1. Create a generic ENUM with M variants: enum T { v0, v1, v2, ... vM }
// - 2. Create a generic ENUM rotator: v0 -> v1, v1 -> v2, ... v1 -> v0
// - 3. Apply that rotator a^b times to v0; the result will be `a ^ b % M`!
// To test this, we compute `(123 ^ 10) % 257`.
// This should require at least 792594609605189126649 function calls.
// A Macbook M3 would take about 25,000 years to *count* to that number.
// HVM outputs the correct answer (120) in 0 seconds (137k interactions).
import prelude.hvm1
// Applies a function N times
(App 0) = λf λx x
(App n) = λf λx ((App (/ n 2)) λk(f (f k)) ((U60.if (% n 2) f λx(x)) x))
// Constructs an ENUM
(Ctr n i) = (Ctr.go n i λx(x))
(Ctr.go 0 i ctx) = (List.get (ctx []) i)
(Ctr.go n i ctx) = λv (Ctr.go (- n 1) i λk(ctx (List.cons v k)))
// Rotates an ENUM left
(RotL n) = ((RotL.go n) λx(x))
(RotL.go 0) = ERR
(RotL.go 1) = λe0 λx0 (e0 λx4(x0 x4))
(RotL.go n) = λe0 ((RotL.go (- n 1)) λin λv (e0 λxL(in xL v)))
// Rotates an ENUM right
(RotR n) = ((RotR.go n) λx(x λx(x)))
(RotR.go 0) = ERR
(RotR.go 1) = λe0 λx0 λx1 (e0 λe1 ((e1 x0) x1))
(RotR.go n) = λe0 ((RotR.go (- n 1)) λin λv (e0 λe1 (in λk(e1 (k v)))))
// Converts an ENUM to a U60
(U60 0 i x) = x
(U60 n i x) = (U60 (- n 1) (+ i 1) (x i))
// Church-Nat exponentiation
(Exp a b) = (b a)
// Computes `a ^ b % m`
Main =
let a = 123
let b = 10
let m = 257
let x = (Ctr m 0)
let f = (RotR m)
let e = (Exp (App a) (App b))
let r = (e f x)
(U60 m 0 r)
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