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Created May 31, 2021 10:51
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""One trick script to
collate sets of tiff files across multiple
directories into smaller DJVUs.
Used for upload of manuscripts
from Musikverket 2021-05.
import os
from shutil import which # used for djvu conversion
from subprocess import run # used for djvu conversion
from tqdm import tqdm
def list_subdirs(path):
return [f.path for f in os.scandir(path) if f.is_dir()]
def can_djvu():
Check if DjVu files can be created.
Check whether DjVuLibre is installed,
on PATH and marked as executable.
return which('djvm') is not None and which('c44') is not None
def create_work_djvu(path):
parent_path = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(path))
tmp_djvu = os.path.join(path, "tmp.djvu")
book_djvu = parent_path + "---" + os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(path)) + ".djvu"
files_to_process = sorted([x for x in os.listdir(path) if x.endswith(".tif")])
print("====== Starting {} ======".format(book_djvu))
for i, page in tqdm(enumerate(files_to_process, 1), total=len(files_to_process)):
tmp_jpg = os.path.join(path, "{}.jpg".format(page))
run(['convert', os.path.join(path, page), tmp_jpg], check=True)
run(['c44', '-crcbfull', tmp_jpg, tmp_djvu], check=True)
if i == 1:
run(['djvm', '-c', book_djvu, tmp_djvu], check=True)
run(['djvm', '-i', book_djvu, tmp_djvu], check=True)
print("====== Completed {} ======".format(book_djvu))
def main():
exclude = ["system volume information", "$", "mediaexplorer",
"recycle", "trash", "!"] # irrelevant directories
for directory in sorted(list_subdirs('.')):
if any(substring in directory.lower() for substring in exclude):
for subdirectory in list_subdirs(directory):
if __name__ == "__main__":
if not can_djvu():
raise Exception('Djvu utils djvm and c44 not found.')
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