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Forked from xatier/gist:3551026
Created September 1, 2012 11:33
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rm -r ~/.feed
mkdir ~/.feed
cp ~/.feed
# cd to the Data directory
cd ~/.feed
# default subscriptionss
echo "" >> subscription
echo "" >> subscription
echo "" >> subscription
echo "XDDite" >> who
echo "vgod" >> who
echo "jserv" >> who
# using my Perl script to update somethong
# welcome msg
dialog --title "Welcome" --msgbox "Hello world!" 5 40
# main manu
menu () {
dialog --title "Main Menu" --menu "Choose Action" 12 45 5 \
R "Read - read subscribed feeds" \
S "Subscrib - new subscription" \
D "Delete - delete subscription" \
U "Update - update subscription" \
Q "Bye~" 2>/tmp/menuitem
menuitem=`cat /tmp/menuitem`
rm /tmp/menuitem
if [ -z $menuitem ] ; then
exit 1
case $menuitem in
R ) return 1 ;;
S ) return 2 ;;
D ) return 3 ;;
U ) return 4 ;;
Q ) return 5 ;;
# read articles
Read () {
# choose whitch subscription to read
dialog --title "Read" --menu "choose subscription" 12 45 5 `cat who | awk '{print NR" "$1}'` 2>/tmp/menuitem
menuitem=`cat /tmp/menuitem`
rm /tmp/menuitem
if [ -z $menuitem ] ; then
return 1
# the directory of the subscription
# dark method, it works but sucks
# make a little script for the title menu
echo "dialog --title \"Read\" --menu \"choose feed to read\" 20 65 10 \\" > foo
cat $menuitem/titles | awk '{print NR" \""$0"\" \\"}' >> foo
echo "2>/tmp/menuitem" >> foo
# give it perms to run
chmod +x foo
menuitem=`cat /tmp/menuitem`
rm /tmp/menuitem
if [ -z $menuitem ] ; then
return 1
# run it twice for DEMO time.... LOL
# because we need to go back to title menu after read an article XD
dialog --msgbox "`cat $dir/$menuitem | sed -e 's/<[^>]*>//g'`" 25 110
rm foo
menuitem=`cat /tmp/menuitem`
rm /tmp/menuitem
dialog --msgbox "`cat $dir/$menuitem | sed -e 's/<[^>]*>//g'`" 25 110
# update RSS feeds
Update () {
# in fact, it just a foolish animation XD
# while user choose n articles, it will sleep n seconds and show a stupid bar
dialog --title "Update" --checklist "choose list to update" 20 60 10 `cat who | awk '{print NR" "$1" off"}'` 2>/tmp/select
n=`cat /tmp/select | wc -w | xargs`
for i in `cat /tmp/select | xargs -n1 | awk '{print NR}'`
p=$(( 100*$i/$n ))
echo -n "$p" | xargs | dialog --title "updating" --gauge "Please wait" 7 70
sleep 1
rm /tmp/select
# subscrib new feed
Subscrib () {
#get url and name
dialog --title "Subscrib" --inputbox "Enter feed url" 8 60 2>/tmp/url
url=`cat /tmp/url`
rm /tmp/url
dialog --title "Subscrib" --inputbox "Enter feed name" 8 60 2>/tmp/name
name=`cat /tmp/name`
rm /tmp/name
# avoid null strings
if [ -z "$url"] ; then
dialog --title "Subscrib" --msgbox "url: no input!" 5 40
return 1;
elif [ -z "$name"] ; then
dialog --title "Subscrib" --msgbox "name: no input!" 5 40
return 1;
echo $name >> who
echo $url >> subscription
# fetch it again, the real 'update' function XD
dialog --title "Subscrib" --msgbox "OK!" 5 40
# delete a subscription
Delete () {
dialog --title "Delete" --menu "choose subscription" 12 45 5 `cat who | awk '{print NR" "$1}'` 2>/tmp/menuitem
menuitem=`cat /tmp/menuitem`
rm /tmp/menuitem
rm -r $menuitem
cat subscription | awk -v m=$menuitem '{if ( NR == m ) ; else print $0}' > s
cat who | awk -v m=$menuitem '{if (NR == m) ; else print $0}' > w
rm subscription
rm who
mv s subscription
mv w who
# we update out data here
dialog --title "Delete" --msgbox "OK!" 5 40
# this is an infinity loop
while [ 1 ] ; do
case $m in
1 ) Read;;
2 ) Subscrib;;
3 ) Delete ;;
4 ) Update ; Read;;
5 ) exit 0;;
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