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Created May 29, 2024 17:30
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Rev Share Calculator
<!-- Exported with SnipCSS extension (Ver 1.8.7) -->
<div class="row snipcss-PeFPW">
<div class="col-12 container-small mb-5">
<h2 class="text-center container-small">Revenue Potential</h2>
<p class="slogan text-center container-small">Every time your users swipe their card, you will receive <strong><span data-toggle="tooltip" data-html="true" data-placement="top" title="" data-original-title="<p>Earn the following rates based on total spending across your program.</p>$0-$99,999k/mo: 0.50%<br/>$100,000-$999,999/mo: 0.75%<br/>$1,000,000/mo or more: 1.0%" id="style-vJOwn" class="style-vJOwn">up to 1%</span></strong> on all transactions!<br> Use the interactive model below to estimate your revenue potential.</p>
<input type="hidden" id="interchange" value=".01">
<div class="col-12 d-flex flex-wrap align-items-center justify-content-md-center">
<div class="col-12 mb-5 mb-md-0 col-lg-5 d-flex flex-column">
<form id="cardRevenueForm">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="totalUsersRange">Total Users</label>
<p id="totalUsersRangeSum" class="sum">
<span class="value">2,410</span>
<div class="range style-KNQ53" id="style-KNQ53">
<input type="range" min="10" max="1000000" step="100" id="totalUsersRange" value="100">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="cardSwipesRange">Average Annual Transactions per User</label>
<p class="sum">
<span class="value">25</span>
<div class="range style-NMUqT" id="style-NMUqT">
<input type="range" min="1" max="1000" step="1" id="cardSwipesRange" value="100">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="averageTransactionRange">Average Transaction Size</label>
<p class="sum">
<span class="value">53</span>
<div class="range style-s4U3b" id="style-s4U3b">
<input type="range" min="10" max="1000" step="1" id="averageTransactionRange" value="100">
<div class="col-12 col-lg-5 d-flex flex-column justify-content-around results">
<div class="item">
<p>Additional Revenue Per User</p>
<p class="sum">
<span id="annualRevenuePerUser">13.25</span>
<div class="item">
<p>Total Annual Revenue</p>
<p class="sum">
<span id="totalAnnualRevenues">31,932.5</span>
/*Range slider*/
var RangeSlider = (function() {
var elRangeInputs = document.querySelectorAll(".range");
function setProgress(elTarget) {
var elRangeBar = elTarget.parentElement;
var intThumbWidth = elRangeBar.clientHeight * 3;
var intRangeBarWidth = elRangeBar.clientWidth - intThumbWidth;
var intThumbWidthOffset = intThumbWidth / 2;
var intProgressPosition = (elTarget.value - elTarget.min) / (elTarget.max - elTarget.min);
var intRangePosition = (intRangeBarWidth * intProgressPosition) + intThumbWidthOffset; =
"linear-gradient(to right, #095FD9 " +
intRangePosition + "px, #F0F5FA " +
intRangePosition + "px";
for (var i = 0; i < elRangeInputs.length; i++) {
elRangeInputs[i].firstElementChild.addEventListener("input", function() {
function numberWithCommas(x) {
return x.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ",");
$(document).on('input', '#cardRevenueForm .range input[type=range]', function() {
let cardType = $('#cardType').val();
let totalUsers = $('#totalUsersRange').val();
let cardSwipes = $('#cardSwipesRange').val();
let averageTransactionSize = $('#averageTransactionRange').val();
let interchange = $('#interchange').val();
let totalMonthlyVolume = (averageTransactionSize*cardSwipes*totalUsers)/12;
if(totalMonthlyVolume >= 1000000)
} else if(totalMonthlyVolume < 1000000 && totalMonthlyVolume >= 100000)
} else {
} else if(cardType=="consumer"){
if(totalMonthlyVolume >= 1000000)
} else if(totalMonthlyVolume < 1000000 && totalMonthlyVolume >= 100000)
} else {
let totalAnnualRevenues = totalUsers*cardSwipes*averageTransactionSize*interchange;
let annualRevenuePerUser = totalAnnualRevenues/totalUsers;
$(this).parents('.form-group').find('.sum').find(' .value').html( numberWithCommas($(this).val()) );
/*pricing calculator*/
let costPrice = {
cards: {
firstPeriod: 114477,
secondPeriod: 79477,
thirdPeriod: 23259,
money: {
firstPeriod: 49968,
secondPeriod: 39768,
thirdPeriod: 14259,
banking: {
firstPeriod: 136722,
secondPeriod: 81722,
thirdPeriod: 38259,
payments: {
firstPeriod: 46214,
secondPeriod: 31044,
thirdPeriod: 18259,
advice: {
firstPeriod: 49968,
secondPeriod: 39768,
thirdPeriod: 14259,
brokerage: {
firstPeriod: 126722,
secondPeriod: 71722,
thirdPeriod: 28259,
if($('.cost-savings #cards:checked').length) {
//$('.saving-result .value').html(numberWithCommas( + costPrice.payments.firstPeriod));
$('.saving-result .value').html(numberWithCommas( +;
function calculation() {
let monthsWithUs = $('#monthsWithUs').val();
let cardsTotal;
//let moneyTotal;
//let bankingTotal;
//let paymentsTotal;
let adviceTotal;
//let brokerageTotal;
if($('.cost-savings #cards').length) {
if($('.cost-savings #cards').is(':checked')) {
switch (true) {
case monthsWithUs === '1':
cardsTotal =;
case monthsWithUs >= 2 && monthsWithUs <= 3:
cardsTotal = + * (monthsWithUs - 1);
cardsTotal = + * 2 + * (monthsWithUs - 3);
} else {
cardsTotal = 0;
if($('.cost-savings #money').length) {
if($('.cost-savings #money').is(':checked')) {
switch (true) {
case monthsWithUs === '1':
moneyTotal =;
case monthsWithUs >= 2 && monthsWithUs <= 3:
moneyTotal = + * (monthsWithUs - 1);
moneyTotal = + * 2 + * (monthsWithUs - 3);
} else {
moneyTotal = 0;
if($('.cost-savings #banking').length) {
if($('.cost-savings #banking').is(':checked')) {
switch (true) {
case monthsWithUs === '1':
bankingTotal = costPrice.banking.firstPeriod;
case monthsWithUs >= 2 && monthsWithUs <= 3:
bankingTotal = costPrice.banking.firstPeriod + costPrice.banking.secondPeriod * (monthsWithUs - 1);
bankingTotal = costPrice.banking.firstPeriod + costPrice.banking.secondPeriod * 2 + costPrice.banking.thirdPeriod * (monthsWithUs - 3);
} else {
bankingTotal = 0;
if($('.cost-savings #payments').length) {
if($('.cost-savings #payments').is(':checked')) {
switch (true) {
case monthsWithUs === '1':
paymentsTotal = costPrice.payments.firstPeriod;
case monthsWithUs >= 2 && monthsWithUs <= 3:
paymentsTotal = costPrice.payments.firstPeriod + costPrice.payments.secondPeriod * (monthsWithUs - 1);
paymentsTotal = costPrice.payments.firstPeriod + costPrice.payments.secondPeriod * 2 + costPrice.payments.thirdPeriod * (monthsWithUs - 3);
} else {
paymentsTotal = 0;
if($('.cost-savings #advice').length) {
if($('.cost-savings #advice').is(':checked')) {
switch (true) {
case monthsWithUs === '1':
adviceTotal = costPrice.advice.firstPeriod;
case monthsWithUs >= 2 && monthsWithUs <= 3:
adviceTotal = costPrice.advice.firstPeriod + costPrice.advice.secondPeriod * (monthsWithUs - 1);
adviceTotal = costPrice.advice.firstPeriod + costPrice.advice.secondPeriod * 2 + costPrice.advice.thirdPeriod * (monthsWithUs - 3);
} else {
adviceTotal = 0;
if($('.cost-savings #brokerage').length) {
if($('.cost-savings #brokerage').is(':checked')) {
switch (true) {
case monthsWithUs === '1':
brokerageTotal = costPrice.brokerage.firstPeriod;
case monthsWithUs >= 2 && monthsWithUs <= 3:
brokerageTotal = costPrice.brokerage.firstPeriod + costPrice.brokerage.secondPeriod * (monthsWithUs - 1);
brokerageTotal = costPrice.brokerage.firstPeriod + costPrice.brokerage.secondPeriod * 2 + costPrice.brokerage.thirdPeriod * (monthsWithUs - 3);
} else {
brokerageTotal = 0;
//$('.saving-result .value').html(numberWithCommas(cardsTotal + moneyTotal + bankingTotal + paymentsTotal + adviceTotal + brokerageTotal));
$('.saving-result .value').html(numberWithCommas(cardsTotal + adviceTotal));
$('.cost-list .custom-checkbox-big' ).on( 'click', calculation );
$(document).on('input', '#monthsWithUs', calculation);
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
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