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Last active September 5, 2024 13:03
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  • Save Vanchel/d473ef4204ab54b6203020bc4f43c994 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Border with label placed inside (Flutter 3.22)
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
class OutlinedInputBorder extends InputBorder {
/// Creates a rounded rectangle outline border for an [InputDecorator].
/// If the [borderSide] parameter is [BorderSide.none], it will not draw a
/// border. However, it will still define a shape (which you can see if
/// [InputDecoration.filled] is true).
/// If an application does not specify a [borderSide] parameter of
/// value [BorderSide.none], the input decorator substitutes its own, using
/// [copyWith], based on the current theme and [InputDecorator.isFocused].
/// The [borderRadius] parameter defaults to a value where all four
/// corners have a circular radius of 4.0. The [borderRadius] parameter
/// must not be null and the corner radii must be circular, i.e. their
/// [Radius.x] and [Radius.y] values must be the same.
/// See also:
/// * [InputDecoration.floatingLabelBehavior], which should be set to
/// [FloatingLabelBehavior.never] when the [borderSide] is
/// [BorderSide.none]. If let as [], the label
/// will extend beyond the container as if the border were still being
/// drawn.
const OutlinedInputBorder({
super.borderSide = const BorderSide(),
this.borderRadius = const BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(4.0)),
/// The radii of the border's rounded rectangle corners.
/// The corner radii must be circular, i.e. their [Radius.x] and [Radius.y]
/// values must be the same.
final BorderRadius borderRadius;
bool get isOutline => false;
OutlinedInputBorder copyWith({
BorderSide? borderSide,
BorderRadius? borderRadius,
}) {
return OutlinedInputBorder(
borderSide: borderSide ?? this.borderSide,
borderRadius: borderRadius ?? this.borderRadius,
EdgeInsetsGeometry get dimensions {
return EdgeInsets.all(borderSide.width);
OutlinedInputBorder scale(double t) {
return OutlinedInputBorder(
borderSide: borderSide.scale(t),
borderRadius: borderRadius * t,
ShapeBorder? lerpFrom(ShapeBorder? a, double t) {
if (a is OutlinedInputBorder) {
final OutlinedInputBorder outline = a;
return OutlinedInputBorder(
borderRadius: BorderRadius.lerp(outline.borderRadius, borderRadius, t)!,
borderSide: BorderSide.lerp(outline.borderSide, borderSide, t),
return super.lerpFrom(a, t);
ShapeBorder? lerpTo(ShapeBorder? b, double t) {
if (b is OutlinedInputBorder) {
final OutlinedInputBorder outline = b;
return OutlinedInputBorder(
borderRadius: BorderRadius.lerp(borderRadius, outline.borderRadius, t)!,
borderSide: BorderSide.lerp(borderSide, outline.borderSide, t),
return super.lerpTo(b, t);
Path getInnerPath(Rect rect, {TextDirection? textDirection}) {
return Path()
Path getOuterPath(Rect rect, {TextDirection? textDirection}) {
return Path()..addRRect(borderRadius.resolve(textDirection).toRRect(rect));
void paintInterior(Canvas canvas, Rect rect, Paint paint,
{TextDirection? textDirection}) {
canvas.drawRRect(borderRadius.resolve(textDirection).toRRect(rect), paint);
bool get preferPaintInterior => true;
/// Draw a rounded rectangle around [rect] using [borderRadius].
/// The [borderSide] defines the line's color and weight.
void paint(
Canvas canvas,
Rect rect, {
double? gapStart,
double gapExtent = 0.0,
double gapPercentage = 0.0,
TextDirection? textDirection,
}) {
final Paint paint = borderSide.toPaint();
final RRect outer = borderRadius.toRRect(rect);
final RRect center = outer.deflate(borderSide.width / 2.0);
canvas.drawRRect(center, paint);
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (identical(this, other)) {
return true;
if (other.runtimeType != runtimeType) {
return false;
return other is OutlinedInputBorder &&
other.borderSide == borderSide &&
other.borderRadius == borderRadius;
int get hashCode => Object.hash(borderSide, borderRadius);
abstract class MaterialStateOutlinedInputBorder extends OutlinedInputBorder
implements WidgetStateProperty<InputBorder> {
/// Abstract const constructor. This constructor enables subclasses to provide
/// const constructors so that they can be used in const expressions.
const MaterialStateOutlinedInputBorder();
/// Creates a [MaterialStateOutlinedInputBorder] from a [WidgetPropertyResolver<InputBorder>]
/// callback function.
/// If used as a regular input border, the border resolved in the default state (the
/// empty set of states) will be used.
/// The given callback parameter must return a non-null text style in the default
/// state.
static MaterialStateOutlinedInputBorder resolveWith(
WidgetPropertyResolver<InputBorder> callback) =>
/// Returns a [InputBorder] that's to be used when a Material component is in the
/// specified state.
InputBorder resolve(Set<WidgetState> states);
/// A [MaterialStateOutlinedInputBorder] created from a [WidgetPropertyResolver<OutlinedInputBorder>]
/// callback alone.
/// If used as a regular input border, the border resolved in the default state will
/// be used.
/// Used by [WidgetStateTextStyle.resolveWith].
class _MaterialStateOutlinedInputBorder
extends MaterialStateOutlinedInputBorder {
const _MaterialStateOutlinedInputBorder(this._resolve);
final WidgetPropertyResolver<InputBorder> _resolve;
InputBorder resolve(Set<WidgetState> states) => _resolve(states);
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awesome 👍

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Love it ❤️

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save me lots of work. thanks.

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Thanks a lot 👍

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can you please guide in terms of usage (how to use it).

tried below in ThemeData

inputDecorationTheme: const InputDecorationTheme(border: CustomOutlinedInputBorder()),

have named it as CustomOutlinedInputBorder.
doing so , below error comes

custom_input_border.dart:158:16: Error: Type 'WidgetStateProperty' not found.
implements WidgetStateProperty {

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Vanchel commented Jun 10, 2024

can you please guide in terms of usage (how to use it).

tried below in ThemeData

inputDecorationTheme: const InputDecorationTheme(border: CustomOutlinedInputBorder()),

have named it as CustomOutlinedInputBorder. doing so , below error comes

custom_input_border.dart:158:16: Error: Type 'WidgetStateProperty' not found. implements WidgetStateProperty { ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

In Flutter 3.22 the interfaces associated with widget state have been renamed (more). If your project uses Flutter version prior to 3.22, just use the previous revision of this gist.

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