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Created August 30, 2021 17:23
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int x = Pipe<string>.Unit
| "Hello there..."
| (g => $"{g} General Kenobi")
| Console.WriteLine
| Pipe<string, int>.Select(s => s.Length)
| Console.WriteLine;
class Pipe<T>
public Pipe(T item)
Item = item;
public T Item { get; }
public static Pipe<T> Unit => new (default);
public static Pipe<T> operator |(Pipe<T> _, Pipe<T> pipe) => pipe;
public static Pipe<T> operator |(Pipe<T> pipe, Func<T, T> func) => new (func(pipe.Item));
public static Pipe<T> operator |(Pipe<T> pipe, Action<T> func)
return pipe;
public static implicit operator Pipe<T>(T item) => new (item);
public static implicit operator T(Pipe<T> pipe) => pipe.Item;
class Pipe<TS, TD>
public Pipe(Func<TS, TD> projection)
Projection = projection;
public Func<TS, TD> Projection { get; }
public static Pipe<TD> operator |(Pipe<TS> src, Pipe<TS, TD> dst) =>
public static Pipe<TS, TD> Select(Func<TS, TD> map) => new(map);
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