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Created October 4, 2020 21:06
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const add = (list) => (rule) => list.push(rule) && "";
const cssBlock = /([^}{;]*){([^}{]+)}/;
function parse(css) {
let blocks = [];
let current;
while(current = css.match(cssBlock)){
const [fragment,selector,content] = current;
const [spaces] = selector.match(/^ */);
const { index: start } = current;
const { length } = fragment;
const end = fragment.length+start;
const children = [];
const block = {selector:selector.trim(),content:content.trim(),start:start+spaces.length,end,children};
blocks = blocks.reduce((blocks,b)=>{
(block.start < b.start && b.end < block.end ? children : blocks).push(b);
return blocks;
block.children = children;
css = css.slice(0,start)+" ".repeat(length)+css.slice(end);
return blocks;
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