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Created May 10, 2019 12:25
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  • Save Untrusted-Game/97487e4d6de1f84b9cb2eeb0e11fd1d1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Solution to level 21 in Untrusted:
function Player(x, y, __map, __game) {
/* private variables */
var __x = x;
var __y = y;
var __color = "#0f0";
var __lastMoveDirection = '';
var __display = __map._display;
/* unexposed variables */
this._canMove = false;
/* wrapper */
function wrapExposedMethod(f, player) {
return function () {
var args = arguments;
return __game._callUnexposedMethod(function () {
return f.apply(player, args);
/* exposed getters/setters */
this.getX = function () { return __x; };
this.getY = function () { return __y; };
this.getColor = function () { return __color; };
this.getLastMoveDirection = function() { return __lastMoveDirection; };
this.setColor = wrapExposedMethod(function (c) {
__color = c;
/* unexposed methods */
// (used for teleporters)
this._moveTo = function (dynamicObject) {
if (__game._isPlayerCodeRunning()) { throw 'Forbidden method call: player._moveTo()';}
// no safety checks or anything
// this method is about as safe as a war zone
__x = dynamicObject.getX();
__y = dynamicObject.getY();
// play teleporter sound
this._afterMove = function (x, y) {
if (__game._isPlayerCodeRunning()) { throw 'Forbidden method call: player._afterMove()';}
var player = this;
this._hasTeleported = false; // necessary to prevent bugs with teleportation
var onTransport = false;
// check for collision with transport object
for (var i = 0; i < __map.getDynamicObjects().length; i++) {
var object = __map.getDynamicObjects()[i];
if (object.getX() === x && object.getY() === y) {
var objectDef = __map._getObjectDefinition(object.getType());
if (objectDef.transport) {
onTransport = true;
// check for collision with static object UNLESS
// we are on a transport
if (!onTransport) {
var objectName = __map._getGrid()[x][y].type;
var objectDef = __map._getObjectDefinition(objectName);
if (objectDef.type === 'item') {
this._pickUpItem(objectName, objectDef);
} else if (objectDef.onCollision) {
__game.validateCallback(function () {
objectDef.onCollision(player, __game);
}, false, true);
// check for collision with any lines on the map
// check for nonstandard victory condition (e.g. DOM level)
if (typeof(__game.objective) === 'function' && __game.objective(__map)) {
this._pickUpItem = function (itemName, object) {
if (__game._isPlayerCodeRunning()) { throw 'Forbidden method call: player._pickUpItem()';}
var player = this;
__map._removeItemFromMap(__x, __y, itemName);
if (object.onPickUp) {
__game.validateCallback(function () {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 100);
// timeout is so that written text is not immediately overwritten
// TODO: play around with Display.writeStatus so that this is
// not necessary
/* exposed methods */
this.atLocation = wrapExposedMethod(function (x, y) {
return (__x === x && __y === y);
}, this);
this.move = wrapExposedMethod(function (direction, fromKeyboard) {
if (!this._canMove) { // mainly for key delay
return false;
if (__map._overrideKeys[direction] && fromKeyboard) {
try {
__game.validateCallback(__map._overrideKeys[direction], true);
this._canMove = false;
__map._reenableMovementForPlayer(this); // (key delay can vary by map)
this._afterMove(__x, __y);
} catch (e) {
var new__x;
var new__y;
if (direction === 'up') {
new__x = __x;
new__y = __y - 1;
else if (direction === 'down') {
new__x = __x;
new__y = __y + 1;
else if (direction === 'left') {
new__x = __x - 1;
new__y = __y;
else if (direction === 'right') {
new__x = __x + 1;
new__y = __y;
else if (direction === 'rest') {
new__x = __x;
new__y = __y;
else if (direction === 'funcPhone') {
if (__map._canMoveTo(new__x, new__y)) {
__x = new__x;
__y = new__y;
this._canMove = false;
__lastMoveDirection = direction;
this._afterMove(__x, __y);
__map._reenableMovementForPlayer(this); // (key delay can vary by map)
} else {
// play bump sound
}, this);
this.killedBy = wrapExposedMethod(function (killer) {
__map.displayChapter('You have been killed by \n' + killer + '!', 'death');
}, this);
this.hasItem = wrapExposedMethod(function (itemName) {
return __game.checkInventory(itemName);
}, this);
this.removeItem = wrapExposedMethod(function (itemName) {
var object = __game.objects[itemName];
}, this);
this.setPhoneCallback = wrapExposedMethod(function(func) {
this._phoneFunc = func;
}, this);
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