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paulirish /
Last active September 11, 2024 17:54
How to view-source of a Chrome extension

Option 1: Command-line download extension as zip and extract

extension_id=jifpbeccnghkjeaalbbjmodiffmgedin   # change this ID
curl -L -o "$" "$extension_id%26uc" 
unzip -d "$extension_id-source" "$"

Thx to crxviewer for the magic download URL.

Phlow / for-loop-sorted-collection
Last active April 30, 2024 13:30
This Liquid loop for Jekyll sorts a collection by date in reverse order
{% comment %}
* This loop loops through a collection called `collection_name`
* and sorts it by the front matter variable `date` and than filters
* the collection with `reverse` in reverse order
* To make it work you first have to assign the data to a new string
* called `sorted`.
{% endcomment %}
datagrok /
Last active August 16, 2024 10:32
What happens when you cancel a Jenkins job

When you cancel a Jenkins job

Unfinished draft; do not use until this notice is removed.

We were seeing some unexpected behavior in the processes that Jenkins launches when the Jenkins user clicks "cancel" on their job. Unexpected behaviors like:

  • apparently stale lockfiles and pidfiles
  • overlapping processes
  • jobs apparently ending without performing cleanup tasks
  • jobs continuing to run after being reported "aborted"
-- A formalization of the Cheryl's birtday problem; using Haskell/SBV
-- See:
-- By Levent Erkok, This file is in the public domain. Use it as you wish!
-- NB. Thanks to Amit Goel for suggesting the formalization strategy used in here.
jnovack /
Last active April 3, 2024 03:24
Opening up mosh in firewalld using firewall-cmd

Mosh (mobile shell) is a gift from the Gods(tm). Anyone with spotty internet or wireless connection has suffered the pain of a lost SSH session. Sure, one can fire up screen (or tmux as the kids are using these days), but that's an extra step and you are still using the SSH protocol.

I'm not here to tout the benefits of Mosh, you came here to open it up in your firewall.

  1. Create the following file as /etc/firewalld/services/mosh.xml
  2. firewall-cmd --add-service=mosh --permanent
  3. firewall-cmd --reload

If you tend to have a lot of sessions (not recommended), you can increase the ports, but the default should be fine for most applications.

pkgw / partial .XCompose
Last active January 13, 2024 13:06
A fragment of a ~/.XCompose file that adds compose-key combinations for typing Greek letters, blackboard bold capitals, and a nonbreaking space.
# PKGW customizations
# Greek ambiguities: epsilon/eta, theta/tau, pi/phi/psi, omega/omicron
<Multi_key> <backslash> <comma> : " " U202F # thin nonbreaking space
<Multi_key> <g> <a> : "α"
<Multi_key> <g> <b> : "β"
<Multi_key> <g> <g> : "γ"
<Multi_key> <g> <d> : "δ"
<Multi_key> <g> <3> : "ε" # note!
jingle /
Created February 24, 2013 09:41
Convert ape to mp3 using avconv, split with mp3splt and cue
find "$1" -type f -name "*.ape" -print0 | while read -d $'\0' song
avconv -i "$song" -b 192k "$output"
if ls "$cue" &> /dev/null; then
mp3splt -a -c "$cue" "$output"
piscisaureus /
Created August 13, 2012 16:12
Checkout github pull requests locally

Locate the section for your github remote in the .git/config file. It looks like this:

[remote "origin"]
	fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
	url =

Now add the line fetch = +refs/pull/*/head:refs/remotes/origin/pr/* to this section. Obviously, change the github url to match your project's URL. It ends up looking like this:

astanin / .XCompose
Created October 29, 2010 09:29
My Compose key configuration
include "/usr/share/X11/locale/en_US.UTF-8/Compose"
# Punctuation
# знаки препинания, необходимые в русском, которых нет в en_US.UTF-8/Compose
<Multi_key> <period> <minus> : "…" U2026 # HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS, многоточие
<Multi_key> <period> <space> : "…" U2026 # HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS, многоточие
<Multi_key> <?> <!> : "⁈" U2048 # QUESTION EXCLAMATION, ?!
<Multi_key> <period> <colon> : "…" # ELLIPSIS
# №: набирается в русской раскладке без ухищрений,