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Last active December 21, 2021 18:05
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How to use Qt that installed by Vcpkg with Qt Creator

How to use Qt that installed by Vcpkg with Qt Creator

(0) Install Qt using Vcpkg

Vcpkgを使用してQtをインストールする。(e.g. C:\vcpkg)

cd C:\vcpkg
.\vcpkg install qt5:x64-windows
(.\pkg install qt5:x86-windows)


set( CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE "C:/vcpkg/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake" )

(1) Download and Install Qt Creator

以下のページからQt Creator(qt-creator-opensource-windows-x86_64-4.4.1.exe)をダウンロード、インストールする。

(2) Setting Qt that installed by Vcpkg to Qt Creator

  1. Qt Creatorのメニューから[Tools]>[Options...]を選択してオプションの設定画面を開く。

  2. オプションの設定画面から[Build & Run]を選択してビルド&実行の設定画面を開く。

  3. ビルド&実行の設定画面から[Qt Versions]タブを開き、[Add]ボタンを押す。


  4. ビルド&実行の設定画面から[Kits]タブを開き、[Add]ボタンを押す。
    以下の欄(Name、Compiler、Qt version)を設定する。

    • Name: Desktop (any name)
    • Compiler:
      • C: "Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler 15.0 (amd64)" (or "Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler 15.0 (amd64_x86)")
      • C++: "Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler 15.0 (amd64)" (or "Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler 15.0 (amd64_x86)")
    • Qt version: Qt 5.8.0 (qt5)


  5. [Apply]ボタンを押して設定を適用する。

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Unfortunately, this doesn't work with QML.

QML debugging is enabled. Only use this in a safe environment.
QQmlApplicationEngine failed to load component
qrc:/qml/main.qml:1 plugin cannot be loaded for module "QtQuick": Cannot load library C:\projects\HyperBot\build-HyperBot-vcpkg_MSVC2017_64bit-Default\qml\QtQuick.2\qtquick2plugind.dll: Unable to load the specified file.

Do you have a solution for this?

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qaler commented Nov 12, 2019

I believe the problem is raised due to qt creator could not find qmlscene('No qmlscene installed') in vcpkg, any idea how to solve this?

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I believe the problem is raised due to qt creator could not find qmlscene('No qmlscene installed') in vcpkg, any idea how to solve this?

I am also facing the same issue, any fixes for this?

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maz-1 commented Jan 29, 2021

qt creator isn't aware of other tools from vcpkg like linguist, lupdate and lconvert as well

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