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Created July 21, 2024 15:21
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Bash script to create an isolated environment using namespaces and cgroups

Isolate Script

This script creates an isolated environment using Linux namespaces and cgroups, executes a provided Bash script, and then cleans up the environment. It ensures that any changes made within the isolated environment do not affect the host system.

How It Works

  1. Argument Check: The script checks if a Bash script file is provided as an argument.
  2. File Existence Check: It verifies if the provided file exists.
  3. Cgroup Creation: A cgroup is created to limit the number of processes to 50.
  4. Namespace Creation: The script creates new PID and UTS namespaces using unshare.
  5. Hostname Change: The hostname is changed to isolated_env.
  6. Temporary File System Isolation: A new tmpfs is mounted to isolate the temporary file system.
  7. Script Execution: The provided script is executed within the isolated environment.
  8. Cleanup: The temporary file system is unmounted and the cgroup is removed after execution.


  1. Save the script and make it executable:

    chmod +x
  2. Create a sample Bash script, e.g.,

    echo "This is a script running in an isolated environment"
    touch /tmp/testfile
    ls /tmp
  3. Execute the script, passing the sample script as an argument:



Given a script

echo "This is a script running in an isolated environment"
touch /tmp/testfile
ls /tmp

Running the following command:


Will output:

This is a script running in an isolated environment
Isolated environment finished and cleaned up, including cgroup.

The changes made within the isolated environment (like creating /tmp/testfile) will not affect the host system's /tmp directory.


The script uses unshare to create new namespaces and mount to create an isolated file system. Cgroups are used to limit the number of processes to 50. You can adjust this limit as needed. The isolated environment is cleaned up after the script execution, ensuring no residual changes affect the host system.

# Check if an argument was provided
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 <bash_script>"
exit 1
# Check if the file exists
if [ ! -f "$SCRIPT" ]; then
echo "The file $SCRIPT does not exist."
exit 1
# Create a cgroup to limit resources
# Create and configure the cgroup
mkdir -p $CGROUP_PATH
echo $$ > $CGROUP_PATH/tasks
echo 50 > $CGROUP_PATH/pids.max # Limit to 50 processes
# Create a new PID and UTS namespace
unshare --pid --uts --mount --fork --mount-proc bash -c "
# Change the hostname
hostname isolated_env
# Mount a new tmpfs to isolate the temporary file system
mount -t tmpfs tmpfs /tmp
# Execute the provided script
bash $SCRIPT
# Clean up and exit
umount /tmp
# Wait for all processes in the cgroup to finish
while [ $(ls $CGROUP_PATH/tasks | wc -l) -gt 0 ]; do
sleep 1
# Remove the cgroup after execution
echo "Isolated environment finished and cleaned up, including cgroup."
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