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Last active December 25, 2015 01:49
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  • Save Uko/6898022 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Uko/6898022 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Move montichello repository to some other place
"script by Damien Cassou originaly from:"
| source goSource destination goDestination files destinationFiles |
source := MCHttpRepository location: '<url-to-source-sepository>'.
destination := MCHttpRepository
location: '<url-to-destination-sepository>'
user: '<login>'
password: '<pass>'.
goSource := Gofer new repository: source.
goDestination := Gofer new repository: destination.
files := source allVersionNames.
(goSource allResolved select: [ :resolved | files anySatisfy: [ :each |
resolved name = each ] ]) do: [ :each | goSource package: each packageName ].
goSource fetch. "downloads all mcz on your computer"
destinationFiles := destination allVersionNames. "checks what files are already at destination"
files reject: [ :file | destinationFiles includes: file ] thenDo: [ :file |
goDestination version: file ]. "selects only the mcz that are not yet at destination"
goDestination push. "sends everything to new repository"
"check if we have exactly the same files at source and destination"
self assert: destination allVersionNames sorted = files sorted
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Ha ha, I wonder how many of use kept a copy of this super-handy script :)

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I'm happy if others found it useful :-).

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