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Animated dplyr joins with gganimate
# Animated dplyr joins with gganimate
# * Garrick Aden-Buie
# *
# * MIT License:
# Note: I used Fira Sans and Fira Mono fonts.
# Use search and replace to use a different font if Fira is not available.
# Data ----
x <- data_frame(
id = 1:3,
x = paste0("x", 1:3)
y <- data_frame(
id = (1:4)[-3],
y = paste0("y", (1:4)[-3])
# Functions ----
proc_data <- function(x, .id = "x") {
colors <- scales::brewer_pal(type = "qual", "Set1")(max(x$id))
x %>%
mutate(.y = -row_number()) %>%
tidyr::gather("label", "value", -.y) %>%
mutate(value = as.character(value)) %>%
group_by(.y) %>%
.x = 1:n(),
.id = .id,
color = ifelse(label == "id", value, max(x$id) + 1),
color = colors[as.integer(color)],
color = ifelse(, "#d0d0d0", color),
color = ifelse(, "#ffffff", color)
plot_data <- function(x, title = "") {
ggplot(x) +
aes(.x, .y, fill = color, label = value) +
geom_tile(color = "white", size = 3) +
geom_text(aes(x = .x), hjust = 0.5, size = 12, family = "Fira Sans", color = "white") +
scale_fill_identity() +
coord_equal() +
ggtitle(title) +
theme_void() +
theme(plot.title = element_text(family = "Fira Mono", hjust = 0.5, size = 24)) +
guides(fill = FALSE)
animate_plot <- function(x) {
x +
transition_states(frame, transition_length = 2, state_length = 1) +
enter_fade() +
exit_fade() +
# Left Join ----
initial_dfs <- proc_data(x, "x") %>%
bind_rows(mutate(proc_data(y, "y"), .x = .x + 3)) %>%
mutate(frame = 1)
joined_dfs <- left_join(x, y, "id") %>%
proc_data("x") %>%
mutate(frame = 2, .x = .x + 1)
extra_blocks <- inner_join(x, y, "id") %>%
select(id) %>%
proc_data("y") %>%
mutate(frame = 2, .x = .x + 1)
lj <- initial_dfs %>%
bind_rows(joined_dfs) %>%
bind_rows(extra_blocks) %>%
mutate(color = ifelse(, "#ffffff", color)) %>%
plot_data("left_join(x, y)") %>%
lj <- animate(lj)
anim_save("animated-left-join.gif", lj)
# Right Join ----
joined_dfs <- right_join(x, y, "id") %>%
proc_data("y") %>%
mutate(frame = 2, .x = .x + 1)
extra_blocks <- inner_join(x, y, "id") %>%
select(id) %>%
proc_data("x") %>%
mutate(frame = 2, .x = .x + 1)
rj <- initial_dfs %>%
bind_rows(joined_dfs, extra_blocks) %>%
arrange(desc(.id), frame, desc(label), value) %>%
plot_data("right_join(x, y)") %>%
rj <- animate(rj)
anim_save("animated-right-join.gif", rj)
# Inner Join ----
joined_df <- inner_join(x, y, "id")
joined_df <- bind_rows(
proc_data(joined_df, "x"),
proc_data(joined_df, "y")
) %>%
filter(!(label == "x" & .id == "y") & !(label == "y" & .id == "x")) %>%
mutate(frame = 2, .x = .x + 1)
ij <- initial_dfs %>%
bind_rows(joined_df) %>%
mutate(removed = value %in% c("3", "4", "x3", "y4"),
remove = as.integer(removed)) %>%
arrange(desc(frame), removed) %>%
plot_data("inner_join(x, y)") %>%
ij <- animate(ij)
anim_save("animated-inner-join.gif", ij)
# Full Join ----
joined_df <- full_join(x, y, "id") %>%
proc_data("x") %>%
mutate(.id = ifelse(value %in% c("4", "y4"), "y", .id)) %>%
mutate(frame = 2, .x = .x + 1)
extra_blocks <- inner_join(x, y, "id") %>%
select(id) %>%
proc_data("y") %>%
mutate(frame = 2, .x = .x + 1)
fj <- initial_dfs %>%
bind_rows(joined_df, extra_blocks) %>%
plot_data("full_join(x, y)") +
transition_states(frame, transition_length = 2, state_length = 1) +
enter_appear() +
exit_disappear(early = TRUE) +
fj <- animate(fj)
anim_save("animated-full-join.gif", fj)
# Semi Join ----
joined_df <- semi_join(x, y, "id") %>%
proc_data("x") %>%
mutate(frame = 2, .x = .x + 1)
# Re-use extra_blocks from full_join
extra_blocks <- extra_blocks %>%
mutate(.x = .x - 1)
sj <- initial_dfs %>%
bind_rows(joined_df, extra_blocks) %>%
plot_data("semi_join(x, y)") %>%
sj <- animate(sj)
anim_save("animated-semi-join.gif", sj)
# Anti Join ----
step2 <- initial_dfs %>%
filter(.id == "x" | value %in% paste(1:2)) %>%
frame = 2,
.x = ifelse(.id == "y", 1, .x),
.x = .x + 1
step3 <- step2 %>%
filter(grepl("3", value)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(frame = 3, .y = -1)
aj <- initial_dfs %>%
mutate(removed = .id == "y", removed = as.integer(removed)) %>%
bind_rows(step2, step3) %>%
mutate(removed = ifelse(, 0, removed)) %>%
arrange(removed, .y, .x, desc(frame)) %>% #View()
mutate(alpha = case_when(
grepl("3", value) ~ 1,
frame == 2 & label == "id" ~ 0.25,
frame == 2 ~ 0.65,
TRUE ~ 1
)) %>%
plot_data(., "anti_join(x, y)") +
aes(alpha = alpha) +
} %>%
aj <- animate(aj)
anim_save("animated-anti-join.gif", aj)
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