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Tyson Jones TysonRayJones

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TysonRayJones /
Last active July 26, 2019 14:32
Connecting to remote Mathematica kernels on Victor and Igor

Here's how to create and connect to remote Mathematica kernels running on the Victor and Igor machines in the office.

These instructions currently do not describe how to connect through a VPN outside of Oxford.

1. Setup passphrase-free SSH


Skip this step. Windows users must instead enter the questlink@ password for Victor or Igor each time they connect to a remote kernel through Mathematica.

TysonRayJones /
Last active January 1, 2024 23:15
Rendering LaTeX-style plots in Mathematica

Here's how to render plots in Mathematica which fit nicely into LaTeX documents.

First, download the LaTeX fonts onto your machine. This page describes how to do so for MaCOS. This is not needed on Ubuntu.

To use the LaTeX font for both axis-numbers and labels, add this option to your plot on Mac OS:

LabelStyle -> {FontFamily -> "CMU Serif", FontSize -> 12}

and this on Ubuntu:

TysonRayJones /
Last active June 19, 2023 15:07
How to quickly and easily insert syntax-highlighted code snippets into Microsoft powerpoint

Simply write your code in an editor which supports copying code with formatting (e.g. as RTF), such as WordPad, Visual Studio, TextMate and Notepad++. You can then copy the code directly into Powerpoint, preserving the formatting and syntax highlighting.

I prefer using TextMate on OSX. In TextMate, simply highlight a section of code, then click Bundles > TextMate > Copy Selection as RTF and paste this straight into Powerpoint. This will preserve the highlighting used by your TextMate theme, which you can change via View > Theme >

You can further mimic the font, which you can view in TextMate by View > Font >

TysonRayJones /
Last active February 25, 2019 15:41
How to easily insert scalable LaTeX equations into powerpoints

Here's a convenient method for generating vector-graphic LateX equations for Microsoft Powerpoint presentations

You can generate a pdf on your machine which is cropped around a single equation with this LaTeX template


TysonRayJones /
Created July 19, 2018 15:33
Variational imaginary time eigensolver code now available
TysonRayJones /
Last active July 2, 2018 17:48
How to command Igor


On Materials ethernet, connect with

ssh username@igorslab.local

Otherwise, VPN to Oxford (server:, account: and connect with

TysonRayJones /
Last active April 4, 2024 14:45
How to connect an NVIDIA eGPU to OSX

Using an NVIDIA eGPU with OSX

Installation Instructions

Connecting the eGPU

Do not connect the eGPU to your Macbook until instructed.

TysonRayJones /
Created April 16, 2018 17:16
Download QuEST in Terminal
wget ""
tar -xf v0.11.1.tar.gz
rm v0.11.1.tar.gz
cp -r QuEST-0.11.1/QuEST QuEST
rm -r QuEST-0.11.1/
TysonRayJones /
Last active April 26, 2024 19:22
GSL on OSX, Ubuntu and ARCUS

this guide may be outdated for MacOS versions beyond 10.14 Mojave (and implied Xcode versions)


Table of Contents

TysonRayJones /
Last active July 29, 2024 13:32
Mount a remote filesystem in OSX

If you're manipulating files stored on a remote machine, such as ARCUS or ARCHER supercomputers, you can mount the remote file system and interact with the files as if they were stored on your own machine. This makes viewing, editing, and opening files in software on your computer a breeze.

To do this on OSX, first ensure you have homebrew installed. If brew is not recognised in Terminal, run

ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"