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Last active April 7, 2016 20:06
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# Tyler Mills /
import requests
import json
import uuid
import time
APP_KEY = '575aadd1cd1bceba03fc516-f0d08764-d84c-11e5-3985-00adad38bc8d' # Change Key for the Appropriate Platform
headers = {'content-type': 'application/json'}
endpoint = '{}/uploads'.format(APP_KEY)
blobHeader = json.dumps({
"dt":"h", # Data Type = Header
"attrs": {
"au":APP_KEY, # App Key
"dp":"TV", # Platform Name
"dma":"Samsung", # Device Make
"dmo":"UHD9500", # Device Model
"lv":"Acme 1.1.0" # SDK Library Version
"dov":"2.3.2", # Device OS Version
"iu":"c31e9516-93e8-4a28-a612-9ee97bb0ed06", # Install ID, represents the install of the app, typically changes between uninstall and reinstall
"du":"", # device uuid
"adid":"", # (optional) IDFA
"tz":-18000, # device timezone
"av":"1.0.0", # (optional) app version
"dll":"en", #language
"dlc":"US" #country
sessionOpen = json.dumps({
"dt":"s", # Data Type = Session Open
"u":str(uuid.uuid4()), # Random Session UUID
"ct":int(time.time()), # Client Time when Session Was Closed in Local Time
"cid":"abc123", # Customer ID
"utp":"known", # User Type
"lat":12.123456 # (optional) float representing latitude
"long":12.123456 # (optional) float representing longitude
"c0":"Yes" # strings representing custom dimensions (1-20)
"mc":"string", #Marketing campaign, possibly utm_campaign
"mm":"string", #Marketing medium, possibly utm_medium
"ms":"string", #Marketing source, possibly utm_source
event = json.dumps({
"dt":"e", # Data Type = Event
"u":str(uuid.uuid4()), # Random Event UUID
"su":"", # Session ID that this event correlates to
"ct":int(time.time()), # Client Time in Local Time
"n":"Purchase Complete", # Event Name
"cid":"abc123", # Customer ID
"utp":"known", # User Type
"v":100, # (optional) Value in US Cents of this event
"lat":12.123456 # (optional) float representing latitude
"long":12.123456 # (optional) float representing longitude
"attrs": { # (optional) Event Attributes
"Button Type":"Round"
"c0":"Yes" # (optional) strings representing custom dimensions (1-20)
sessionClose = json.dumps({
"dt":"sc", # Data Type = Session Close
"u":str(uuid.uuid4()), # Random Session Close UUID
"su":"" # ID for session that this close correlates to
"ss":90191910 # time when session started
"ct":int(time.time()), # Client Time when Session Was Closed in Local Time
"ctl":114, # the length of this session (in seconds)
"cta":60, # the ‘active’ time of the session (optional)
"cid":"abc123", # Customer ID
"utp":"known", # User Type
"lat":12.123456 # (optional) float representing latitude
"long":12.123456 # (optional) float representing longitude
"fl":["Home","Video Summary","Video Player", "Home"], # screens flows from the session
"c0":"Yes" # strings representing custom dimensions (1-20)
payload = ('{}\n{}\n{}\n{}'.format(blobHeader,sessionOpen,event,sessionClose)
push =, payload, headers=headers)
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