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Created July 3, 2014 04:45
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Here, have some cool code. Converts timespecs in the format of (3s4m24d4w) into seconds. Useful for punishment plugins!
package net.cogzmc.core.util;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
public final class TimeUtils {
private static final Map<Character, Double> TIMEMAP = new HashMap<>();
static {
TIMEMAP.put('s', 1D);
TIMEMAP.put('m', 60D);
TIMEMAP.put('h', 3600D);
TIMEMAP.put('d', 86400D);
TIMEMAP.put('w', 604800D);
TIMEMAP.put('y', 3.1536E7);
public static Double parseTime(String arg){
//Get all the characters, example string 1d2h35m17s
char[] chars = arg.toCharArray();
Double seconds = 0.0; //We start with zero seconds
for (int x = 0; x < chars.length; x++) { //Will check each char
char characterTesting = Character.toLowerCase(chars[x]);
if (!TIMEMAP.containsKey(characterTesting)) continue; //This will pass for each of the time markers
Double multiplier = TIMEMAP.get(characterTesting); //Gets the multiplexer for this marker, for "d" it will be 86400
StringBuilder number = new StringBuilder(); //Start to build all the characters before this marker
for (int cursor = x-1; cursor >= 0; cursor--) { //Go through it from the previous character until it reaches the start of our string going in reverse
char possibleDigit = chars[cursor]; //Gets the current character
if (!Character.isDigit(possibleDigit)) break; //If we've reached the end of the digits, stop reading
number.append(possibleDigit); //otherwise, append it to the string builder
String s = number.reverse().toString(); //Then, reverse it and get the string value
Double time; //Attempt a parse
try {
time = Double.valueOf(s);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
seconds += time*multiplier; //And add it onto the total seconds
return seconds;
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