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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Notes



Name: Ace Azzamean

Species: Human

Class: Tech - Outlaw Tech

Build: Short, skinny, black hair, grey eyes

Homeworld: [TBD]

Motivation: Ambition - Expertise


Betrayal on Tartooine

Ace was given faulty parts by Jorsh Woldan (Izilbani), his supplier. He installed the parts in the [TBD] a ship owned by Teemo the Hutt, which he rented out. [Kevin] rented the [TBD] to run cargo for Teemo, but the faulty parts caused the ship to go critical as it tried to jump out of the system. [Kevin] survived the explosion unscathed, all except for the displeasure that Teemo now feels towards Ace and [Kevin]. Teemo has started to apply pressure to the percieved problem.

Session 2

  • add [Dan]
  • find location
    • stay safe/inconspicuous
    • repair ship
    • repaint ship
    • forge license/registration/IFF
    • upgrade ship
    • make money
  • repair ship damage
  • make money
  • upgrade ship
  • get experience
  • establish selves as reputable, disreputable service
  • solve teemo problem
  • solve trex (trandoshan slaver) problem
  • solve jorsh problem permently
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So some thoughts on tuning:

  • Kevin doesn't have a ship atm.
  • Working for Teemo the Hutt (he likes to be called "captain") in the shitty little town of Dar Shuuta on Tartooine
  • you work on the shitty freighters he runs through here and try to keep them from exploding
  • this didn't work, and you're pretty sure your supplier (an Izilbani named Jorsh Woldan?) sabotaged the parts he sent you to try to kill the pilot of the ship
  • you have pulled massive Teemo aggro
  • it is time to get the fuck out of town
  • one of the pilots you know who works for Teemo is also grounded because he doesn't have a ship (Kevin)
  • he also has Teemo aggro
  • time to steal the one ship available and get the fuck out of here
  • find Jorsh and beat the shit out of him

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