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Last active May 19, 2023 15:36
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[JK2/JKA] Fake Wallhack Command
// Call standardSetBodyAnim function
void StandardSetBodyAnim(gentity_t *self, int anim, int flags);
// Fake Wallhack function (NoClip like)
void Cmd_fakeWallhack_f(gentity_t *ent) {
int animation_number;
char animation[MAX_TOKEN_CHARS]; // Define the argument variable. (the argument 0 is already the first command, in this case "fakewh" the second should be "sit" for example /fakewh sit)
trap_Argv(1, animation, sizeof(animation)); // Set the 1st argument recived through a command
if (trap_Argc() < 2) // Check if the arguments are less than 2 (for example if is not /fakewh sit, he just used /fakewh)
trap_SendServerCommand(ent - g_entities, va("print \""
"^3Fake Wallhack Command\n"
"^7You can use ^5/fakewh <animation>^7\n"
"^7Animations availables:\n"
"^2- ^7sit\n"
"^2- ^7ground\n"
if (!Q_stricmp(animation, "sit")) // Check if the argument 1 is "sit"
// Set animation variable
animation_number = BOTH_SIT2;
else if (!Q_stricmp(animation, "ground")) // Check if the argument 1 "ground"
// Set animation variable
animation_number = BOTH_PROPUP1;
else // Text if the argument used does not exist
trap_SendServerCommand(ent - g_entities, va("print \"^1The animation ^3%s ^1doesn't exist.\n\"", animation));
// Check fakewh on/off to print a message
if (ent->client->fakewh) {
trap_SendServerCommand(ent - g_entities, "print \"Fake Wallhack is ^1OFF\n\"");
else {
trap_SendServerCommand(ent - g_entities, va("print \"Fake Wallhack is ^2ON with animation ^3%s.\n\"", animation));
//set animation
// Turn fakewh on/off
ent->client->fakewh = !ent->client->fakewh;
// Turn noclip on/off (this is just to try, don't use in final version, look for all 'noclip' references and add a copy for 'fakewh'
ent->client->noclip = !ent->client->noclip;
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// Fake Wallhack command
if (Q_stricmp (cmd, "fakewh") == 0) {

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