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Forked from buhichan/get_free_vars.ts
Created August 28, 2020 07:06
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js get free variables hack
* some insane hack, just want to avoid using expensive parser.
export function getFreeVariables(expr:string, knownSymbols:Record<string,unknown>){
const freeVariables = new Set<string>();
const anyThingPrimitive = ()=>{};
Object.defineProperties(anyThingPrimitive, {
value: ()=>{
return 1
value: ()=>{
return ""
const anyThing2:unknown = new Proxy(anyThingPrimitive,{
get(target, prop){
if(prop === Symbol.unscopables){
return undefined
if(prop in target){
return (target as unknown as Record<string,unknown>)[prop as string]
return anyThing2
apply(target, thisArg, args){
return anyThing2
const anyThing = new Proxy(anyThingPrimitive,{
has(target, prop){
if(prop === 'unsafe___THIS____func'){
return false
if(prop === 'arguments'){
return false
if(prop in knownSymbols){
return false
return true;
get(target, prop){
if(prop === Symbol.unscopables){
return undefined
if(prop in target){
return (target as unknown as Record<string,unknown>)[prop as string]
freeVariables.add(prop as string)
return anyThing2
apply(target, thisArg, args){
return anyThing2
const unsafe___THIS____func = new Function(`with (arguments[0]) { with (arguments[1]) { return ${expr} } }`);
unsafe___THIS____func(anyThing, knownSymbols);
return [...freeVariables];
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