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Forked from mmstick/Ubuntu Kernel Upgrader Script
Last active October 26, 2015 17:54
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Downloads the generic kernel and installs it.
cd /tmp
if ! which lynx > /dev/null; then sudo apt-get install lynx -y; fi
if [ "$(getconf LONG_BIT)" == "64" ]; then arch=amd64; else arch=i386; fi
function download() {
wget $(lynx -dump -listonly -dont-wrap-pre $kernelURL | grep "$1" | grep "$2" | grep "$arch" | cut -d ' ' -f 4)
# Kernel URL
kernelURL=$(lynx -dump -nonumbers | grep -v -E '(rc|unstable)' | tail -1)
# Download Kernel
echo "Downloading the latest generic kernel."
download generic header
download generic image
# Shared Kernel Header
wget $(lynx -dump -listonly -dont-wrap-pre $kernelURL | grep all | cut -d ' ' -f 4)
# Install Kernel
echo "Installing Linux Kernel"
sudo dpkg -i linux*.deb
sudo update-grub
echo "Done. You may now reboot."
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