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Last active September 20, 2024 20:02
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Teach model to decompose word-level tokens into the constituant characters
import json
import random
import string
from typing import List, Dict, Tuple, Callable, Optional, Any
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
import logging
from collections import defaultdict, Counter
from typing import Tuple
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer
import faiss
import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm
# Configure logging
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
class Language:
name: str
dictionary: List[str] = field(default_factory=list)
weight: float = 1.0
class SeparatorConfig:
default: str = '→'
options: List[str] = field(default_factory=lambda: ['→', '\n', '·', '►'])
explicit_ratio: float = 0.7
word_separators: List[str] = field(default_factory=lambda: [' ', '-', '_', ''])
word_separator_ratio: float = 0.3 # Probability of using a non-space word separator
class Config:
total_samples = 100000
train_test_ratio: float = 0.9
languages = [
("english", 4.0),
("german", 1.0),
("french", 1.0),
("italian", 1.0),
("portuguese", 1.0),
("spanish", 1.0)
task_weights = {"spelling": 0.2, "char_count": 0.35, "char_substitution": 0.45}
separator: SeparatorConfig = field(default_factory=SeparatorConfig)
noise_probabilities: Dict[str, float] = field(default_factory=lambda: {
'capitalize_first': 0.15,
'capitalize_random': 0.10,
'capitalize_all': 0.10,
'lowercase': 0.65
system_prompts: Dict[str, List[str]] = field(default_factory=lambda: {
"english": [
"You are a helpful assistant that performs language-related tasks.",
"You're an AI trained to analyze and process text in various languages.",
"As a text processor, you can handle various language tasks.",
"Your role is to assist with linguistic analysis and text manipulation.",
"german": [
"Sie sind ein hilfreicher Assistent, der sprachbezogene Aufgaben ausführt.",
"Sie sind eine KI, die darauf trainiert wurde, Texte in verschiedenen Sprachen zu analysieren und zu verarbeiten.",
"Als Textprozessor können Sie verschiedene Sprachaufgaben bewältigen.",
"Ihre Aufgabe ist es, bei der linguistischen Analyse und Textmanipulation zu unterstützen.",
"french": [
"Vous êtes un assistant utile qui effectue des tâches liées au langage.",
"Vous êtes une IA formée pour analyser et traiter du texte dans diverses langues.",
"En tant que processeur de texte, vous pouvez gérer diverses tâches linguistiques.",
"Votre rôle est d'aider à l'analyse linguistique et à la manipulation de texte.",
"italian": [
"Sei un assistente utile che esegue compiti legati al linguaggio.",
"Sei un'IA addestrata per analizzare ed elaborare testi in varie lingue.",
"Come elaboratore di testi, puoi gestire vari compiti linguistici.",
"Il tuo ruolo è assistere nell'analisi linguistica e nella manipolazione del testo.",
"portuguese": [
"Você é um assistente útil que realiza tarefas relacionadas à linguagem.",
"Você é uma IA treinada para analisar e processar texto em várias línguas.",
"Como processador de texto, você pode lidar com várias tarefas linguísticas.",
"Seu papel é auxiliar na análise linguística e manipulação de texto.",
"spanish": [
"Eres un asistente útil que realiza tareas relacionadas con el lenguaje.",
"Eres una IA entrenada para analizar y procesar texto en varios idiomas.",
"Como procesador de texto, puedes manejar varias tareas lingüísticas.",
"Tu función es ayudar con el análisis lingüístico y la manipulación de texto.",
class Task:
name: str
input_func: Callable[[List[str], str], Any]
output_func: Callable[[Any, str, str, Config], str]
instructions: Dict[str, List[str]]
separator_instructions: Dict[str, str] = field(default_factory=dict)
class DiverseDatasetGenerator:
def __init__(self, base_generator, model_name='all-MiniLM-L6-v2', similarity_threshold=0.95, batch_size=1000):
self.base_generator = base_generator
self.similarity_threshold = similarity_threshold
self.batch_size = batch_size
if self.similarity_threshold < 1.0:
self.model = SentenceTransformer(model_name)
self.index = None
self.vectors = []
self.model = None
self.index = None
self.vectors = None
def generate_diverse_dataset(self):
train_set, test_set = [], []
batch = []
total_samples = self.base_generator.config.total_samples
pbar = tqdm(total=total_samples, desc="Generating samples")
while len(train_set) + len(test_set) < total_samples:
sample = self.base_generator.generate_single_sample()
if len(batch) >= self.batch_size or len(train_set) + len(test_set) + len(batch) >= total_samples:
diverse_batch = self.process_batch(batch)
for sample in diverse_batch:
if len(train_set) < int(total_samples * self.base_generator.config.train_test_ratio):
pbar.update(len(diverse_batch))"Added {len(diverse_batch)} samples. Total: {len(train_set) + len(test_set)}")
batch = []
pbar.close()"Final dataset size: Train {len(train_set)}, Test {len(test_set)}")
return train_set, test_set
def process_batch(self, batch):
if self.similarity_threshold == 1.0:
return batch # All samples are considered diverse when threshold is 1.0
texts = [' '.join([msg['content'] for msg in sample['messages']]) for sample in batch]
vectors = self.model.encode(texts)
if self.index is None:
self.index = faiss.IndexFlatIP(vectors.shape[1])
diverse_batch = []
for i, vector in enumerate(vectors):
if self.is_diverse(vector):
diverse_batch.append(batch[i])"Processed batch: {len(batch)} samples, {len(diverse_batch)} diverse samples")
return diverse_batch
def is_diverse(self, vector):
if self.similarity_threshold == 1.0:
return True # All samples are considered diverse when threshold is 1.0
if self.index.ntotal == 0:
return True
D, _ =[vector]).astype('float32'), 1)
similarity = D[0][0] # Cosine similarity
return similarity < self.similarity_threshold
def add_to_index(self, vector):
if self.similarity_threshold < 1.0:
class DatasetGenerator:
def __init__(self, languages: List[Language], tasks: List[Task], config: Config):
self.languages = [lang for lang in languages if lang.dictionary]
self.tasks = tasks
self.config = config
self.system_prompts: Dict[str, List[str]] = self.config.system_prompts
def normalize_language_weights(self) -> None:
"""Normalize language weights to ensure they sum to 1."""
total_weight = sum(lang.weight for lang in self.languages)
for lang in self.languages:
lang.weight /= total_weight
def apply_noise(self, word: str) -> str:
"""Apply random noise to the input word based on configured probabilities."""
noise_type = random.choices(
if noise_type == 'capitalize_first':
return word.capitalize()
elif noise_type == 'capitalize_random':
index = random.randint(0, len(word) - 1)
return word[:index] + word[index].upper() + word[index+1:]
elif noise_type == 'capitalize_all':
return word.upper()
return word.lower()
def apply_word_separator(self, words: List[str]) -> str:
if random.random() < self.config.separator.word_separator_ratio:
separator = random.choice(self.config.separator.word_separators)
separator = ' '
return separator.join(words)
def generate_single_sample(self) -> Dict:
language = random.choices(self.languages, weights=[lang.weight for lang in self.languages])[0]
task = random.choices(self.tasks, weights=[self.config.task_weights[] for task in self.tasks])[0]
# Randomly choose to operate on 1, 2, or 3 words
num_words = random.choices([1, 2, 3], weights=[0.6, 0.3, 0.1])[0]
words = [random.choice(language.dictionary) for _ in range(num_words)]
noisy_words = [self.apply_noise(word) for word in words]
combined_words = self.apply_word_separator(noisy_words)
use_explicit_separator = random.random() < self.config.separator.explicit_ratio
separator = random.choice(self.config.separator.options) if use_explicit_separator else self.config.separator.default
input_data = task.input_func(noisy_words, combined_words)
output_data = task.output_func(input_data,, separator, self.config)
if == "spelling":
formatted_instruction = random.choice(task.instructions[]).format(words=combined_words)
elif == "char_count":
char = input_data[2]
formatted_instruction = random.choice(task.instructions[]).format(words=combined_words, char=char)
elif == "char_substitution":
old_char, new_char = input_data[1], input_data[2]
formatted_instruction = random.choice(task.instructions[]).format(words=combined_words, old_char=old_char, new_char=new_char)
raise ValueError(f"Unknown task: {}")
if use_explicit_separator:
separator_instruction = task.separator_instructions.get(, "").format(separator=separator)
formatted_instruction = f"{formatted_instruction} {separator_instruction}"
system_message = random.choice(self.system_prompts[])
sample = {
"messages": [
{"role": "system", "content": system_message},
{"role": "user", "content": formatted_instruction},
{"role": "assistant", "content": output_data}
return sample
def generate_dataset(self) -> Tuple[List[Dict], List[Dict]]:
dataset = []
for _ in range(self.config.total_samples):
sample = self.generate_single_sample()
split_index = int(len(dataset) * self.config.train_test_ratio)
train_set, test_set = dataset[:split_index], dataset[split_index:]
return train_set, test_set
# End of classes
def load_dictionary(lang: str) -> List[str]:
Load a dictionary file for the given language.
Supports both text files (one word per line) and JSON files (array of words).
file_name = f"{lang}_dictionary"
# Try loading JSON file first
with open(f"{file_name}.json", "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
data = json.load(f)
if isinstance(data, list):
return [word.strip() for word in data if word.strip()]
except FileNotFoundError:
except json.JSONDecodeError:
logging.warning(f"Error decoding JSON file for {lang}.")
# If JSON file is not found or invalid, try loading text file
with open(f"{file_name}.txt", "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
return [line.strip() for line in f if line.strip()]
except FileNotFoundError:
logging.warning(f"Dictionary file for {lang} not found in either JSON or text format. Skipping this language.")
return []
# Task definitions
def spelling_input(words: List[str], combined_words: str) -> Tuple[List[str], str]:
return words, combined_words
def spelling_output(input_data: Tuple[List[str], str], language: str, separator: str, config: Config) -> str:
words, _ = input_data # We'll ignore the original combined_words and create our own
if random.random() < config.separator.word_separator_ratio:
word_separator = random.choice(config.separator.word_separators)
word_separator = ' '
# Create combined_words with the chosen word_separator
combined_words = word_separator.join(words)
# Spell out each word, including the word separator
spelled_words = []
for i, word in enumerate(words):
spelled_word = separator.join(word)
if i < len(words) - 1: # Add word separator after each word except the last
# Join all spelled components
spelled_output = separator.join(spelled_words)
responses = {
"english": lambda o, s: f"Original: {o}\nSpelled: {s}",
"german": lambda o, s: f"Original: {o}\nBuchstabiert: {s}",
"french": lambda o, s: f"Original : {o}\nÉpelé : {s}",
"italian": lambda o, s: f"Originale: {o}\nCompitato: {s}",
"portuguese": lambda o, s: f"Original: {o}\nSoletrado: {s}",
"spanish": lambda o, s: f"Original: {o}\nDeletreado: {s}"
return responses.get(language, responses["english"])(combined_words, spelled_output)
def char_count_input(words: List[str], combined_words: str) -> Tuple[List[str], str, str]:
combined_words_lower = combined_words.lower()
word_char_counts = Counter(combined_words_lower)
all_chars = set(string.ascii_lowercase + string.ascii_uppercase + string.punctuation + string.digits)
non_word_chars = all_chars - set(combined_words_lower)
if random.random() < 0.75 and word_char_counts: # 75% chance to choose a character from the word
# Group characters by their count
count_groups = {}
for char, count in word_char_counts.items():
count_groups.setdefault(count, []).append(char)
# Choose a count group, weighted towards less frequent counts
weights = [1/count for count in count_groups.keys()]
chosen_count = random.choices(list(count_groups.keys()), weights=weights)[0]
# Choose a random character from the selected count group
char = random.choice(count_groups[chosen_count])
else: # 25% chance to choose a character not in the word
char = random.choice(list(non_word_chars)) if non_word_chars else random.choice(list(all_chars))
return words, combined_words, char
def char_count_output(input_data: Tuple[str, str, str], language: str, separator: str, config: Config) -> str:
words, combined_words, char = input_data
count = combined_words.lower().count(char.lower())
spelled_words = [separator.join(word) for word in words]
if random.random() < config.separator.word_separator_ratio:
word_separator = random.choice(config.separator.word_separators)
word_separator = ' '
# Apply the chosen separator around the word_separator
separated_word_separator = f"{separator}{word_separator}{separator}"
spelled_output = separated_word_separator.join(spelled_words)
intro_and_responses = {
"english": (
"Character count analysis:",
lambda so, c, n: f"Spelled words: {so}. The character '{c}' appears {n} time(s) in total."
"german": (
lambda so, c, n: f"Buchstabierte Wörter: {so}. Der Buchstabe '{c}' kommt insgesamt {n} Mal vor."
"french": (
"Analyse du nombre de caractères :",
lambda so, c, n: f"Mots épelés : {so}. Le caractère '{c}' apparaît {n} fois au total."
"italian": (
"Analisi del conteggio dei caratteri:",
lambda so, c, n: f"Parole compitate: {so}. Il carattere '{c}' appare {n} volta/e in totale."
"portuguese": (
"Análise de contagem de caracteres:",
lambda so, c, n: f"Palavras soletradas: {so}. O caractere '{c}' aparece {n} vez(es) no total."
"spanish": (
"Análisis de recuento de caracteres:",
lambda so, c, n: f"Palabras deletreadas: {so}. El carácter '{c}' aparece {n} vez/veces en total."
intro, response_func = intro_and_responses.get(language, intro_and_responses["english"])
response = response_func(spelled_output, char, count)
return f"{intro} {response}"
def char_substitution_input(words: List[str], combined_words: str) -> Tuple[List[str], str, str]:
# Combine all words to get the full character set
all_chars = set(''.join(words).lower())
# Choose old_char from the actual characters in the words
old_char = random.choice(list(all_chars))
# Ensure new_char is different from old_char (ignoring case)
while True:
new_char = random.choice(string.ascii_letters)
if new_char.lower() != old_char.lower():
return words, old_char, new_char
def char_substitution_output(input_data: Tuple[List[str], str, str], language: str, separator: str, config: Config) -> str:
words, old_char, new_char = input_data
original_spelled = []
results = []
final_results = []
for word in words:
# Spell out the original word
result = ""
for char in word:
if char.lower() == old_char.lower():
result += new_char.upper() if char.isupper() else new_char.lower()
result += char
# Use word_separator_ratio and word_separators for joining words
if random.random() < config.separator.word_separator_ratio:
word_separator = random.choice(config.separator.word_separators)
word_separator = ' '
# Apply the chosen separator around the word_separator
separated_word_separator = f"{separator}{word_separator}{separator}"
original = separated_word_separator.join(original_spelled)
modified = separated_word_separator.join(results)
final_result = word_separator.join(final_results)
responses = {
"english": lambda o, m, r, oc, nc: f"Spelled out: {o}\nReplacing '{oc}' with '{nc}'\nSpelled out result: {m}\nFinal result: {r}",
"german": lambda o, m, r, oc, nc: f"Buchstabiert: {o}\nErsetze '{oc}' durch '{nc}'\nBuchstabiertes Ergebnis: {m}\nEndgültiges Ergebnis: {r}",
"french": lambda o, m, r, oc, nc: f"Épelé : {o}\nRemplacement de '{oc}' par '{nc}'\nRésultat épelé : {m}\nRésultat final : {r}",
"italian": lambda o, m, r, oc, nc: f"Compitato: {o}\nSostituzione di '{oc}' con '{nc}'\nRisultato compitato: {m}\nRisultato finale: {r}",
"portuguese": lambda o, m, r, oc, nc: f"Soletrado: {o}\nSubstituindo '{oc}' por '{nc}'\nResultado soletrado: {m}\nResultado final: {r}",
"spanish": lambda o, m, r, oc, nc: f"Deletreado: {o}\nReemplazando '{oc}' por '{nc}'\nResultado deletreado: {m}\nResultado final: {r}"
return responses.get(language, responses["english"])(original, modified, final_result, old_char, new_char)
def save_dataset(dataset: List[Dict], filename: str) -> None:
with open(filename, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
for item in dataset:
json.dump(item, f, ensure_ascii=False)
print(f"Dataset saved to '{filename}'")
except IOError as e:
logging.error(f"Error saving dataset to '{filename}': {e}")
def main():
spelling_instructions = {
"english": [
"Could you spell out the words `{words}` for me?",
"How do you spell '{words}'?",
"Please give me the spelling of '{words}'?",
"`{words}` - can you break these down letter by letter?",
"Give me the spelled out version of the words: {words}"
"german": [
"Können Sie die Wörter `{words}` für mich buchstabieren?",
"Wie buchstabiert man '{words}'?",
"Bitte geben Sie mir die Buchstabierung von '{words}'.",
"`{words}` - können Sie diese Buchstabe für Buchstabe aufschlüsseln?",
"Nennen Sie mir die ausgeschriebene Version der Wörter: {words}"
"french": [
"Pourriez-vous épeler les mots `{words}` pour moi ?",
"Comment écrit-on '{words}' ?",
"Veuillez me donner l'orthographe de '{words}'.",
"`{words}` - pouvez-vous les décomposer lettre par lettre ?",
"Donnez-moi la version épelée des mots : {words}"
"italian": [
"Potresti sillabare le parole `{words}` per me?",
"Come si scrivono '{words}'?",
"Per favore, dammi lo spelling di '{words}'.",
"`{words}` - puoi scomporle lettera per lettera?",
"Dammi la versione sillabata delle parole: {words}"
"portuguese": [
"Você poderia soletrar as palavras `{words}` para mim?",
"Como se soletra '{words}'?",
"Por favor, dê-me a soletração de '{words}'.",
"`{words}` - você pode decompor isso letra por letra?",
"Dê-me a versão soletrada das palavras: {words}"
"spanish": [
"¿Podrías deletrear las palabras `{words}` para mí?",
"¿Cómo se deletrean '{words}'?",
"Por favor, dame el deletreo de '{words}'.",
"`{words}` - ¿puedes descomponerlas letra por letra?",
"Dame la versión deletreada de las palabras: {words}"
separator_instructions = {
"english": "Use '{separator}' as a separator between letters.",
"german": "Verwenden Sie '{separator}' als Trennzeichen zwischen den Buchstaben.",
"french": "Utilisez '{separator}' comme séparateur entre les lettres.",
"italian": "Usa '{separator}' come separatore tra le lettere.",
"portuguese": "Use '{separator}' como separador entre as letras.",
"spanish": "Usa '{separator}' como separador entre las letras."
char_count_instructions = {
"english": [
"In the words: {words}, how many times does the letter: {char} appear in total?",
"Count the occurrences of '{char}' in '{words}'. How many are there in total?",
"'{words}' contain how many instances of the character '{char}' altogether?",
"If we look at `{words}`, what's the total frequency of `{char}`?",
"How often does `{char}` show up when you spell out `{words}`?"
"german": [
"In den Wörtern: {words}, wie oft kommt der Buchstabe: {char} insgesamt vor?",
"Zählen Sie die Vorkommen von '{char}' in '{words}'. Wie viele sind es insgesamt?",
"'{words}' enthalten wie viele Instanzen des Zeichens '{char}' insgesamt?",
"Wenn wir uns `{words}` ansehen, wie häufig ist `{char}` insgesamt?",
"Wie oft taucht `{char}` auf, wenn Sie `{words}` buchstabieren?"
"french": [
"Dans les mots : {words}, combien de fois apparaît la lettre : {char} au total ?",
"Comptez les occurrences de '{char}' dans '{words}'. Combien y en a-t-il au total ?",
"'{words}' contiennent combien d'instances du caractère '{char}' en tout ?",
"Si on regarde `{words}`, quelle est la fréquence totale de `{char}` ?",
"Combien de fois `{char}` apparaît-il quand vous épelez `{words}` ?"
"italian": [
"Nelle parole: {words}, quante volte appare la lettera: {char} in totale?",
"Conta le occorrenze di '{char}' in '{words}'. Quante ce ne sono in totale?",
"'{words}' contengono quante istanze del carattere '{char}' in tutto?",
"Se guardiamo `{words}`, qual è la frequenza totale di `{char}`?",
"Quante volte appare `{char}` quando si sillabano `{words}`?"
"portuguese": [
"Nas palavras: {words}, quantas vezes a letra: {char} aparece no total?",
"Conte as ocorrências de '{char}' em '{words}'. Quantas existem no total?",
"'{words}' contêm quantas instâncias do caractere '{char}' no total?",
"Se olharmos para `{words}`, qual é a frequência total de `{char}`?",
"Com que frequência `{char}` aparece quando você soletra `{words}`?"
"spanish": [
"En las palabras: {words}, ¿cuántas veces aparece la letra: {char} en total?",
"Cuenta las apariciones de '{char}' en '{words}'. ¿Cuántas hay en total?",
"'{words}' contienen ¿cuántas instancias del carácter '{char}' en total?",
"Si miramos `{words}`, ¿cuál es la frecuencia total de `{char}`?",
"¿Con qué frecuencia aparece `{char}` cuando deletreas `{words}`?"
char_substitution_instructions = {
"english": [
"In the words '{words}', replace every '{old_char}' with '{new_char}'. How do they look?",
"Substitute '{old_char}' with '{new_char}' in '{words}'. What's the result?",
"Change all instances of '{old_char}' to '{new_char}' in '{words}'. What do you get?",
"If we swap '{old_char}' for '{new_char}' in '{words}', what's the outcome?",
"Transform '{words}' by replacing '{old_char}' with '{new_char}'. What are the new words?"
"german": [
"Ersetzen Sie in den Wörtern '{words}' jedes '{old_char}' durch '{new_char}'. Wie sehen sie aus?",
"Tauschen Sie '{old_char}' mit '{new_char}' in '{words}' aus. Was ist das Ergebnis?",
"Ändern Sie alle Vorkommen von '{old_char}' zu '{new_char}' in '{words}'. Was erhalten Sie?",
"Wenn wir '{old_char}' durch '{new_char}' in '{words}' ersetzen, was ist das Resultat?",
"Transformieren Sie '{words}', indem Sie '{old_char}' durch '{new_char}' ersetzen. Wie lauten die neuen Wörter?"
"french": [
"Dans les mots '{words}', remplacez chaque '{old_char}' par '{new_char}'. À quoi ressemblent-ils ?",
"Substituez '{old_char}' par '{new_char}' dans '{words}'. Quel est le résultat ?",
"Changez toutes les occurrences de '{old_char}' en '{new_char}' dans '{words}'. Qu'obtenez-vous ?",
"Si on échange '{old_char}' contre '{new_char}' dans '{words}', quel est le résultat ?",
"Transformez '{words}' en remplaçant '{old_char}' par '{new_char}'. Quels sont les nouveaux mots ?"
"italian": [
"Nelle parole '{words}', sostituisci ogni '{old_char}' con '{new_char}'. Come appaiono?",
"Sostituisci '{old_char}' con '{new_char}' in '{words}'. Qual è il risultato?",
"Cambia tutte le istanze di '{old_char}' in '{new_char}' in '{words}'. Cosa ottieni?",
"Se scambiamo '{old_char}' con '{new_char}' in '{words}', qual è il risultato?",
"Trasforma '{words}' sostituendo '{old_char}' con '{new_char}'. Quali sono le nuove parole?"
"portuguese": [
"Nas palavras '{words}', substitua cada '{old_char}' por '{new_char}'. Como ficam?",
"Substitua '{old_char}' por '{new_char}' em '{words}'. Qual é o resultado?",
"Mude todas as ocorrências de '{old_char}' para '{new_char}' em '{words}'. O que você obtém?",
"Se trocarmos '{old_char}' por '{new_char}' em '{words}', qual é o resultado?",
"Transforme '{words}' substituindo '{old_char}' por '{new_char}'. Quais são as novas palavras?"
"spanish": [
"En las palabras '{words}', reemplaza cada '{old_char}' por '{new_char}'. ¿Cómo se ven?",
"Sustituye '{old_char}' por '{new_char}' en '{words}'. ¿Cuál es el resultado?",
"Cambia todas las instancias de '{old_char}' a '{new_char}' en '{words}'. ¿Qué obtienes?",
"Si intercambiamos '{old_char}' por '{new_char}' en '{words}', ¿cuál es el resultado?",
"Transforma '{words}' reemplazando '{old_char}' por '{new_char}'. ¿Cuáles son las nuevas palabras?"
# Create Task instances
tasks = [
Task("spelling", spelling_input, spelling_output, spelling_instructions, separator_instructions),
Task("char_count", char_count_input, char_count_output, char_count_instructions, separator_instructions),
Task("char_substitution", char_substitution_input, char_substitution_output, char_substitution_instructions, separator_instructions)
# Create Config instance
config = Config()
# Create Language instances
languages = [
Language(name, load_dictionary(name), weight) for name, weight in config.languages
# Remove languages with empty dictionaries
languages = [lang for lang in languages if lang.dictionary]
# Create DatasetGenerator instance
base_generator = DatasetGenerator(languages, tasks, config)
diverse_generator = DiverseDatasetGenerator(base_generator, batch_size=1000, similarity_threshold=0.8)
# Generate dataset
train_set, test_set = diverse_generator.generate_diverse_dataset()
# Print sample results
print("Sample training set entries:")
for sample in train_set[:3]:
print(json.dumps(sample, ensure_ascii=False, indent=2))
print("\nSample testing set entries:")
for sample in test_set[:3]:
print(json.dumps(sample, ensure_ascii=False, indent=2))
save_dataset(train_set, "multilingual_dataset_train.jsonl")
save_dataset(test_set, "multilingual_dataset_test.jsonl")
# Print dataset statistics
train_count = len(train_set)
test_count = len(test_set)
total_count = train_count + test_count
print(f"\nDataset statistics:")
print(f"Total samples: {total_count}")
print(f"Training set: {train_count} ({train_count/total_count:.2%})")
print(f"Testing set: {test_count} ({test_count/total_count:.2%})")
lang_stats = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int))
for dataset in (train_set, test_set):
for sample in dataset:
lang_stats[sample['language']][sample['task']] += 1
print("\nSamples per language and task:")
for lang, tasks in lang_stats.items():
for task, count in tasks.items():
print(f" {task}: {count}")
if __name__ == "__main__":
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