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Last active December 1, 2020 14:21
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  • Save Torthu/12b5512a70318c73e7dff0e59d562d3b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Easter egg left for Sixty guys to find
__b = window
__z = [115, 101, 116, 84, 105, 109, 101, 111, 117, 116].map((i) -> return String.fromCharCode(i))
sa = 'UGV0dGVyLCB5b'
__rnd = (z, x, y, r) ->
if not (y? or r?) then return (~~(Math.random() * (x - z + 1)) + z) else return sa + r + Math.random().toString(36)
cnonce = __rnd(1 + (50 >> 7), -1 * (50 >> 7) + 1)
a = (49 << cnonce) + 1
b = (223 >> cnonce)
x = (115 >> 1) * 2 + cnonce
xsa = __rnd(a, x, sa, cnonce)
if (__b? and window?.localStorage?)
__c = __b[__z.join('')]
__c () ->
if(__b.domSentEventEmit isnt true)
__b.domSentEventEmit = true
nonce = String.fromCharCode(a, b, (b - 1), x, 111, 108, parseInt('' + cnonce + '01', 10))
__e = String.fromCharCode(105, (a + cnonce * 11), 102, b)
rand = [97, (x + 1), b, (a - 1)].map((i) ->
return String.fromCharCode(i)
salt = '3UgYXJlIHNhZmU' # Random pregen value
return (__b?[nonce]?[__e]?(__b[rand](sa + salt + String.fromCharCode(61 * cnonce))))
, __rnd(1000, 9000)
catch e
return xsa
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