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Last active January 24, 2022 09:15
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Contrast=1 ; Contrast [Min:0, Max:7]
Saturation=6 ; Saturation [Min:0, Max:7]
Sharpness=7 ; Sharpness [Min:0, Max:7]
Gamma=2 ; Gamma [Min:0, Max:7]
StillSize=0 ; Size: 0 ~ submenu - 1 [Min.: 0, Max.: 7]
StillQuality=0 ; Quality [SuperHigh:0, High:1]
MicSensitivity=1 ; Microfon sens, 0:High, 1:Standart
Scene=0 ; 0:Auto, [Min:0, Max:6]
EV=6 ; Exposition 0: -2,0, 1: -1,66, 2: -1,33, 3: -1,00, 4: -0,66, 5: -0,33, 6: 0,00, 7: +0,33, 8: +0,66, 9: +1.00, 10: +1.33, 11: +1,66, 12: +2.0
ISO=0 ; ISO 0: Auto, 1: ISO-100, 2: ISO-200, 3: ISO-400
WB=1 ; White balance: 1:Auto. [Min: 0, Max: 4]
Color=0 ; Color: 0:Natural, 1:Saturate 2:Bright
Effect=0 ; Effects: 0:Standard [Min: 0, Max: 7]
Flicker=0 ; Flickering: 0:50Hz, 1:60Hz
RecordWithAudio=0 ; Sound record [Yes:0, No:1]
PlaybackVolume=10 ; Playback volume: 0 ~ 9 [Min: 0, Max: 9]
Beep=0 ; Button sound: 0:On, 1:Off
TimeStamp=1 ; Time stamp: 0:Time+Logo, 1:Time, 2:Logo, 3:Nothing
WiFi=0 ; Wi-Fi: 0:On, 1:Off
HDR_EN=0 ; HDR: 0:On, 1:Off.
LoopRec=1 ; Loop cicle recording: 0:Off., 1:On.
AutoRec=0 ; Automatic recording: 0:On., 1:Off
VideoSize=0 ; Size: 0:1080P@30, 1:720P@30, 2:720P@60, 3:VGA@30
VideoQuality=0 ; Quality: [SuperHigh:0, High:1]
BurstShot=0 ; Burst snapshots: 0:Off., 1:2 frames [Min.:0, Max.:3]
LEDFash=0 ; LED: 0:On, 1:Off
VideoClipTime=1 ; Clip time, 0:Off, 1:1 Min, 2:3 Min, 3:5 Min, 4:10 Min.
AutoPowerOff=0 ; Automatic power off: 0:Never, 1:30 sek, 2:1Min, 3:2Min, 4:3Min, 5:5Min
VideoOffTime=1 ; Time to turn off Video after power Off: 0:Never, 1:5 sek, 2:1 Min, 3:5 Min, 4:30 Min, 5:60 Min.
GSensorSensitivity=1 ; Accelerometer sensitivity: 0:Off [Min.:0, Max.:3]
GSensorPowerOnSens=2 ; Power on by Accelerometer: 0:Off [Min.:0, Max.:3]
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TopperBG commented Jan 24, 2022

; Config by Multisoft

Contrast=-30 ; Contrast [Min: 0, Max: 7]
Saturation=-90 ; Saturation [Min: 0, Max: 7]
Sharpness=0 ; Sharpness [Min: 0, Max: 7]
Gamma=-30 ; Gamma [Min: 0, Max: 7]

Scene=6 ; Scene: [0: Auto, 1: Red, 2: Blue], see This submenu for others [Min: 0, Max: 6]
EV=6 ; Exposure: [0: -2.0, 1: -1.66, 2: -1.33, 3: -1.00, 4: -0.66, 5: -0.33, 6: 0.00 , 7: +0.33, 8: + 0.66, 9: +1.00, 10: +1.33, 11: +1.66, 12: +2.0]
ISO=0 ; ISO: [0: Auto, 1: ISO-100, 2: ISO-200, 3: ISO-400]
WB=4 ; White balance: [0: Natural, 1: Bright], see This submenu for others [1: Auto, Min: 0, Max: 4]
Color=1 ; Color: [0: Natural, 1: Vivid 2: Black and White]
Effect=0 ; Effect: [0: Normal, 1: Sepia, 2: B & W, 3: Negative]
Flicker=0 ; Network frequency: [0: 50Hz, 1: 60Hz] (flicker from LED lamps)

StillSize=0 ; Size: 0 ~ submenu number - 1 [Min: 0, Max: 7]
StillQuality=0 ; Quality: [Super high: 0, High: 1]

MicSensitivity=0 ; Microphone sensitivity: [0: High, 1: Standard]
RecordWithAudio=0 ; Record sound: [Yes: 0, No: 1]
PlaybackVolume=10 ; Sound volume: 0 ~ 9, 0 - Min, 9 - Max [Min: 0, Max: 10]
Beep=0 ; Key sound: 0: On, 1: Off.
TimeStamp=1 ; Stamp: 0: Time + Logo, 1: Time, 2: Logo, 3: Nothing
DateTimeFormat=3 ; Display format: [0: No Date / Time stamp / Year, 1: HMD, 2: MDG, 3: DMG]
WiFi=0 ; Wi-Fi: 0: On, 1: Off
HDR_EN=0 ; High dynamic range: 0: On, 1: Off.
LoopRec=1 ; Cycled video recording: 0: Off, 1: On.
AutoRec=0 ; Automatic recording: 0: On, 1: Off.
VideoSize=0 ; Video resolution: [0: 1920x1080 @ 30, 1: 1280x960 @ 30, 2: 1600x900 @ 30, 3: 1280x720 @ 30]
VideoQuality=0 ; Video quality: [Super high: 0, High: 1]
BurstShot=3 ; Continuous shot: 0: Off, 1: 2 frames [Min: 0, Max: 3]
LEDFash=1 ; LED: 0: On, 1: Off

GSensorSensitivity=1 ; Sensitivity of the accelerometer sensor: 0: Off, see this submenu for others [Min: 0, Max: 3]
GSensorPowerOnSens=2 ; Switching on the power supply from the sensor: 0: Off, see this sub-menu for others [Min: 0, Max: 3]

;Keep This at last line

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