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Last active December 25, 2023 02:09
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Marking Information for FoCP Portfolio

Computer Programming Portfolio

Marking and Feedback




DELETE THIS TEXT AND REPLACE WITH YOUR TUTOR'S NAME (Abi, Duncan, Mohammad, Patrick, Satish, Tony)

Complete the sections below to indicate what work you have completed. This will guide your marker. Your marker will leave a mark and feedback in this file.

0. Practicals and Exercises

Describe here the work that is in the practicals folder. Pay special attention to any work you have included that is not taken from the sheets on MyBeckett. Write no more than 100 words.

1. Task 1: Pizza Prices

Explain here how your "Pizza" programs works. Is it complete? Do you know of some bugs or errors? Be honest! Write about 100 words.

2. Task 2: The Cat Shelter

Does this program work correctly? Please confirm if the file name is taken as a command-line argument. IS there anything else your marker needs to know?

3. Task 3: Managing Passwords

Please indicate how much of this is completed. If it is incomplete, how much has been done? What does the marker need to do in order to see how much you have done?


In attaching this document and submitting this work you are confirming:

  • that the work in this repository is your own work, and that any external assistance has been acknowledged;
  • that you have read and understood the regulations on plagiarism and other academic misconduct.
  • that you are willing to attend a meeting with the Module Leader where you will be asked to fully explain all the code you have submitted.

Submit work only if you agree with the above declaration.

Marks and Feedback

Your marker will add marks and feedback here.

Computer Programming Portfolio

Marking and Feedback

Arnold A Student

CS Group B


Complete the sections below to indicate what work you have completed. This will guide your marker. Your marker will leave a mark and feedback in this file.

0. Practicals and Exercises

Describe here the work that is in the practicals folder. Pay special attention to any work you have included that is not taken from the sheets on MyBeckett. Write no more than 100 words.

I have done most of the exercises from each week. I have also included some programs that I did from following a YouTube video, and some code from when I was experimenting with turtle graphics.

1. Task 1: Pizza Prices

Explain here how your "Pizza" programs works. Is it complete? Do you know of some bugs or errors? Be honest! Write about 100 words.

This program works completely. All inputs are validated, and I believe the results are correct. The pizza price is set as a constant in the program.

2. Task 2: The Cat Shelter

Does this program work correctly? Please confirm if the file name is taken as a command-line argument. IS there anything else your marker needs to know?

This program works completely as per the spec. I have checked the results against the sample input files provided. The input file is accepted as a command-line argument.

3. Task 3: Managing Passwords

Please indicate how much of this is completed. If it is incomplete, how much has been done? What does the marker need to do in order to see how much you have done?

These programs all work except that I was not able to work out how to stop the password appearing on the screen. Passwords are "encrypted" by being reversed, using some sample code I found on StackOverflow.


In attaching this document and submitting this work you are confirming:

  • that the work in this repository is your own work, and that any external assistance has been acknowledged;
  • that you have read and understood the regulations on plagiarism and other academic misconduct.
  • that you are willing to attend a meeting with the Module Leader where you will be asked to fully explain all the code you have submitted.

Submit work only if you agree with the above declaration.

A A Student

Marks and Feedback

Your marker will add marks and feedback here.

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