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Last active April 7, 2024 15:09
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Encrypt and Decrypt with openssl

Encrypt with AES

Let's encrypt something

echo hello world | openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -pass pass:hello -iter 10 -in - -out - | base64

The output looks like:


Now we decrypt it:

echo U2FsdGVkX19BU/HH1IvplMwhFBzzRZZwDgtldl2ROvA= | base64 -d \
  | openssl enc -d -aes-256-cbc -pass pass:hello -iter 10 -in - -out -

The output:

hello world

Encrypt With RSA


note: RSA encryption has a limitation in the size of data that can be encrypted based on the size of the key.

echo -n helloworld | openssl rsautl -encrypt -pubin -inkey ~/.ssh/pub1.pem -in -  -out - | base64


echo JVmtAhQbR7VhrWLma/GqKwpaIzPJ+EXKB5N6EAaHGhS4EcHA8bxFA0v0N3jBm712bxCwXwX+qjOGBw+FCzul9fjw+eTzr/A8BxEF2XFwjUF8tQrq0a/lHC/CLRkbNEHQ+/DPP89V3UyKO4tyVIaKIfjs1auFi9lgy0dkoefqiatkGomgsRBaFuHrpA8hSSFjIoj2bhFYyuhNGikM91YlaE4fXBvLjIPSmVyuvqdMB0/eXCCC9Hherfv7blPc3Eb4ofXcSFobZ0IX1pdpEQwhh4pRIMmXVBxjYSKPGn5bBmIJUETW3FfXUdxbcaN0gQ+biybBH9dg3UEM0NGacI7KAA== \
  | base64 -d | openssl rsautl -decrypt  -inkey ~/.ssh/id_rsa -in -  -out -



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