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Last active February 26, 2020 18:58
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  • Save TomGranot/9fa7197bd8963376eb7199a96ab64744 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save TomGranot/9fa7197bd8963376eb7199a96ab64744 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
ForgetMeNot Node-RED Flow
"id": "dfd248d3.68e5c8",
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"id": "6e222d22.55f4f4",
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"name": "Integromat WiFi Leave Endpoing",
"url": "wifi/leave",
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"upload": false,
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"x": 410,
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"id": "73ec8c19.f41ec4",
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"name": "Smart Outlet Switch",
"label": "Smart Outlet On / Off",
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"name": "Send Push Notification",
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"id": "82d69095.8ed6a",
"type": "function",
"z": "dfd248d3.68e5c8",
"name": "Build Push Notification",
"func": "// Get status of ALL THE THINGS\nvar doorState = global.get('doorState') || 'closed'; \nvar smartOutletState = global.get('smartOutletState') || 'off'; \nvar lightState = global.get('lightState') || 'off'; \nvar windowState = global.get('windowState') || 'closed'; \nvar heateState = global.get('heatState') || 'off'; \n\n// Logs\nconsole.log('received:', msg.req.body);\nconsole.log('current status of door is:', doorState);\nconsole.log('current status of smart outlet is:', smartOutletState);\nconsole.log('current status of light is:', lightState);\nconsole.log('current status of window is:', windowState);\nconsole.log('current status of space heater is:', heatState);\n\n\n// Accumulate notifcation messages\nvar cumulativeReminders = '';\n\nif(doorState == 'open') {\n cumulativeReminders += \" Door is open!\\n\";\n}\n\nif(smartOutletState == 'on') {\n cumulativeReminders += \" Smart Outlet is on!\\n\";\n}\n\nif(lightState == 'on') {\n cumulativeReminders += \" Light is on!\\n\";\n}\n\nif(windowState == 'open') {\n cumulativeReminders += \" Window is open!\\n\";\n}\nif(heatState == 'on') {\n cumulativeReminders += \" Space heater seems to be hot, we will notify you in 5 minutes if it is still on\\n\";\n}\n\n// check if need to send notification\nif(cumulativeReminders === ''){\n return;\n}\n// Send payload to notification \nelse{\nreturn {payload: 'Oh No! You forgot something:\\n' + cumulativeReminders + '\\nCheck your dashboard here:', topic:'ForgetMeNot Notification'};\n}",
"outputs": 1,
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"y": 160,
"wires": [
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"label": "Door is ",
"format": "{{msg.payload}}",
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"wires": []
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"qos": "2",
"retain": "",
"broker": "f5b7e35.f1f8a2",
"x": 1120,
"y": 480,
"wires": []
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"order": 3,
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"id": "fb150415.37af08",
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"z": "dfd248d3.68e5c8",
"name": "Door State Logic",
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"type": "function",
"z": "dfd248d3.68e5c8",
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"type": "function",
"z": "dfd248d3.68e5c8",
"name": "Smart Outlet State Logic",
"func": "var smartOutletState = msg.payload;\nglobal.set('smartOutletState', smartOutletState);\nreturn {payload: smartOutletState};",
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"z": "dfd248d3.68e5c8",
"name": "Light State Logic",
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"y": 820,
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"y": 820,
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"name": "Window State LED",
"x": 1150,
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"wires": []
"id": "b8a28c5c.0ec3d",
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"y": 100,
"wires": []
"id": "cd27fffc.8a885",
"type": "function",
"z": "dfd248d3.68e5c8",
"name": "Heater State Logic",
"func": "var heatState = msg.payload;\nglobal.set('heatState', heatState);\nreturn {payload: heatState};",
"outputs": 1,
"noerr": 0,
"x": 870,
"y": 1100,
"wires": [
"id": "b8551430.0942e8",
"type": "mqtt in",
"z": "dfd248d3.68e5c8",
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"qos": "0",
"datatype": "auto",
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"order": 3,
"width": "0",
"height": "0",
"name": "Heater State Indicator",
"label": "Space Heater is (in the last 5 minutes)",
"format": "{{msg.payload}}",
"layout": "row-center",
"x": 1120,
"y": 1140,
"wires": []
"id": "e1cbb488.8d3d58",
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"name": "Heater State LED",
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"y": 1100,
"wires": []
"id": "db7c5e1c.af8fd",
"type": "function",
"z": "dfd248d3.68e5c8",
"name": "Switch Press Logic",
"func": "var switchPressState = msg.payload;\nglobal.set('switchPressState', switchPressState);\nreturn {payload: switchPressState};",
"outputs": 1,
"noerr": 0,
"x": 890,
"y": 720,
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"z": "dfd248d3.68e5c8",
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"broker": "f5b7e35.f1f8a2",
"x": 1140,
"y": 760,
"wires": []
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"payloadType": "str",
"repeat": "",
"crontab": "",
"once": true,
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"y": 900,
"wires": [
"id": "cc1f1891.ada158",
"type": "inject",
"z": "dfd248d3.68e5c8",
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"crontab": "",
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"crontab": "",
"once": true,
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"z": "dfd248d3.68e5c8",
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"crontab": "",
"once": true,
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"id": "916d14c2.e6bdb8",
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"id": "f004e04a.ad584",
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"z": "dfd248d3.68e5c8",
"name": "Build Push Notification",
"func": "// Wait 5 minutes and then check if sace heater is still on if so send payload to notification node\nsetTimeout(function(){\n var heatState = global.get('heatState') || 'off'; \n if(heatState == 'on'){\n return {payload: 'Oh No! You forgot your Space Heater on' + '\\nCheck your dashboard here:', topic:'ForgetMeNot Notification'};\n }\n }, 300000);\n\n\n",
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"willTopic": "",
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"id": "c10abbb9.a3b138",
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"z": "",
"name": "PushBullet Config"
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"z": "",
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"z": "",
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