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Last active April 26, 2017 12:00
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usefull commands for some utilities

Convert markdown to pdf with customized marges

  pandoc -V geometry:margin=1in -o CR_12012017.pdf

atom : Save settings (package only)

  apm list --installed --bare > packages.list  
  apm install --packages-file packages.list

atom : Proxy settings

  apm config set proxy ""  
  apm config set https_proxy ""
  apm config set strict-ssl false


  sudo apt-get install siege
  siege -b

Communicate between two machines using tcp protocol

Open the port tcp 1234 with nc :

nc -l 1234

Send docker swarm output to the piensg018 machine :

    docker swarm join-token manager | nc piensg018 1234

Copy file through the network :

  scp filename host:

Be carefull to not forget the column otherwise the file will be copied into the local folder... You can specify the remote folder after the column. The default location is the home repository.

Refresh a command to avoir multiple enter tap

Put watch before the command :

  watch docker stack ps metrics

publish npm package following github tag

npm version 0.0.4 && npm publish && git push --tags

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