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Last active April 19, 2021 22:14
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Unity - Particle Scaling for Particles inside the Unity GUI
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine.UI;
/* UI Particle Scaling script by Tobi Tobasco Nollero, questions:,
* Just drag this script on any canvas which has child particle systems underneath.
* Add your resolution change listener to scale your particles when changing resolutions.
* Prewarmed particle system emitting on begin play, will probably not be affected by the script the first time they fire.
* Feel free to use this script in any project.
* If you change/enhance this script, please share your optimizations with the community.
public class UIParticleScaler : MonoBehaviour {
//The default orthographic size of the gui camera
public float refCameraOrthSize = 384f;
public bool useCameraOrthSize = false;
private Canvas refCanvas;
private Camera refCam;
private float scale;
private ParticleSystem[] particleSystems;
private game.gui.menus.OptionsMenu optionsMenu;
private float scaleOld = 1f;
void Start() {
// init canvas and camera
refCanvas = GetComponent<Canvas>();
refCam = refCanvas.GetComponent<Camera>();
// get particle systems
particleSystems = this.gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren<ParticleSystem>();
// add resolution change listener here
//optionsMenu = game.gui.menus.OptionsMenu.Instance;
//if (optionsMenu != null)
// optionsMenu.resChangeListener += StartScaling;
// apply scale
// ** Delay hack because our resolution change needs some time to change the resolution
void StartScaling() {
IEnumerator StartDelayedScaling() {
yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.5f);
// **
//Scale all child particle systems
public void ApplyScale() {
// get new scale
float scaleNew = 1f;
if (useCameraOrthSize) {
if (refCam != null)
scaleNew = (refCameraOrthSize / refCam.orthographicSize);
} else {
scaleNew = refCanvas.transform.localScale.x;
// check to only scale if necessary
if (scaleNew == scaleOld) {
// scale to 1
scale = (1 / scaleOld);
foreach (ParticleSystem p in particleSystems) {
if (p != null)
// scale to new scale
scale = scaleNew;
scaleOld = scaleNew;
foreach (ParticleSystem p in particleSystems) {
if (p != null)
//Scale individiual particle system values
private void ScaleParticleValues(ParticleSystem ps) {
var main = ps.main;
ParticleSystem.MinMaxCurve sSize = main.startSize;
main.startSize = MultiplyMinMaxCurve(sSize, scale);
ParticleSystem.MinMaxCurve sGrav = main.gravityModifier;
main.gravityModifier = MultiplyMinMaxCurve(sGrav, scale);
ParticleSystem.MinMaxCurve sSpeed = main.startSpeed;
main.startSpeed = MultiplyMinMaxCurve(sSpeed, scale);
//Shape (divided instead of multiplied)
var shape = ps.shape;
if (shape.enabled) {
shape.radius /= scale; = / scale;
//Emisison Rate Time (divided instead of multiplied)
ParticleSystem.EmissionModule em = ps.emission;
if (em.enabled) {
ParticleSystem.MinMaxCurve emRateT = em.rateOverTime;
em.rateOverTime = MultiplyMinMaxCurve(emRateT, scale, false);
ParticleSystem.MinMaxCurve emRateD = em.rateOverDistance;
em.rateOverDistance = MultiplyMinMaxCurve(emRateD, scale, false);
ParticleSystem.VelocityOverLifetimeModule vel = ps.velocityOverLifetime;
if(vel.enabled) {
vel.x = MultiplyMinMaxCurve(vel.x, scale);
vel.y = MultiplyMinMaxCurve(vel.y, scale);
vel.z = MultiplyMinMaxCurve(vel.z, scale);
ParticleSystem.LimitVelocityOverLifetimeModule clampVel = ps.limitVelocityOverLifetime;
if(clampVel.enabled) {
clampVel.limitX = MultiplyMinMaxCurve(clampVel.limitX, scale);
clampVel.limitY = MultiplyMinMaxCurve(clampVel.limitY, scale);
clampVel.limitZ = MultiplyMinMaxCurve(clampVel.limitZ, scale);
ParticleSystem.ForceOverLifetimeModule force = ps.forceOverLifetime;
if (force.enabled) {
force.x = MultiplyMinMaxCurve(force.x, scale);
force.y = MultiplyMinMaxCurve(force.y, scale);
force.z = MultiplyMinMaxCurve(force.z, scale);
//Multiply or divide ParticleSystem.MinMaxCurve with given value
private ParticleSystem.MinMaxCurve MultiplyMinMaxCurve(ParticleSystem.MinMaxCurve curve, float value, bool multiply = true) {
if (multiply) {
curve.curveMultiplier *= value;
curve.constantMin *= value;
curve.constantMax *= value;
} else {
curve.curveMultiplier /= value;
curve.constantMin /= value;
curve.constantMax /= value;
MultiplyCurveKeys(curve.curveMin, value, multiply);
MultiplyCurveKeys(curve.curveMax, value, multiply);
return curve;
//Multiply or divide all keys of an AnimationCurve with given value
private void MultiplyCurveKeys(AnimationCurve curve, float value, bool multiply = true) {
if (curve == null) { return; }
if (multiply)
for (int i = 0; i < curve.keys.Length; i++) { curve.keys[i].value *= value; }
for (int i = 0; i < curve.keys.Length; i++) { curve.keys[i].value /= value; }
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