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Last active March 6, 2024 12:54
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  • Save TiliSleepStealer/30c1e151de47c2b76d99374a5f203700 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save TiliSleepStealer/30c1e151de47c2b76d99374a5f203700 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
NemosMiner EuroTrash euro/day with cleaner output window
[String]$WorkerName = "ID=NemosMiner-v2.0.7",
[Int]$API_ID = 0,
[String]$API_Key = "",
[Int]$Interval = 90, #seconds before reading hash rate from miners
[String]$Location = "europe", #europe/us/asia
[Switch]$SSL = $false,
[Array]$Type = $null, #AMD/NVIDIA/CPU
[Array]$Algorithm = $null, #i.e. Ethash,Equihash,Cryptonight ect.
[Array]$MinerName = $null,
[Array]$PoolName = $null,
[Array]$Currency = ("EUR"), #i.e. GBP,EUR,ZEC,ETH ect.
[Int]$Donate = 5, #Minutes per Day
[String]$Proxy = "", #i.e
[Int]$Delay = 1 #seconds before opening each miner
Set-Location (Split-Path $script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path)
Get-ChildItem . -Recurse | Unblock-File
try{if((Get-MpPreference).ExclusionPath -notcontains (Convert-Path .)){Start-Process powershell -Verb runAs -ArgumentList "Add-MpPreference -ExclusionPath '$(Convert-Path .)'"}}catch{}
if($Proxy -eq ""){$PSDefaultParameterValues.Remove("*:Proxy")}
else{$PSDefaultParameterValues["*:Proxy"] = $Proxy}
. .\Include.ps1
$DecayStart = Get-Date
$DecayPeriod = 60 #seconds
$DecayBase = 1-0.1 #decimal percentage
$ActiveMinerPrograms = @()
#Start the log
Start-Transcript ".\Logs\$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss").txt"
#Update stats with missing data and set to today's date/time
if(Test-Path "Stats"){Get-ChildItemContent "Stats" | ForEach {$Stat = Set-Stat $_.Name $_.Content.Week}}
#Set donation parameters
$LastDonated = (Get-Date).AddDays(-1).AddHours(1)
$WalletDonate = "1QGADhdMRpp9Pk5u5zG1TrHKRrdK5R81TE"
$UserNameDonate = "1QGADhdMRpp9Pk5u5zG1TrHKRrdK5R81TE"
$WorkerNameDonate = "NemosMiner-v2.0.7"
$WalletBackup = $Wallet
$UserNameBackup = $UserName
$WorkerNameBackup = $WorkerName
$DecayExponent = [int](((Get-Date)-$DecayStart).TotalSeconds/$DecayPeriod)
#Activate or deactivate donation
if((Get-Date).AddDays(-1).AddMinutes($Donate) -ge $LastDonated)
$Wallet = $WalletDonate
$UserName = $UserNameDonate
$WorkerName = $WorkerNameDonate
if((Get-Date).AddDays(-1) -ge $LastDonated)
$Wallet = $WalletBackup
$UserName = $UserNameBackup
$WorkerName = $WorkerNameBackup
$LastDonated = Get-Date
$Rates = [PSCustomObject]@{}
$Currency | ForEach {$Rates | Add-Member $_ (Invoke-WebRequest "$_" -UseBasicParsing | ConvertFrom-Json).ticker.price}
#Load the Stats
$Stats = [PSCustomObject]@{}
if(Test-Path "Stats"){Get-ChildItemContent "Stats" | ForEach {$Stats | Add-Member $_.Name $_.Content}}
#Load information about the Pools
$AllPools = if(Test-Path "Pools"){Get-ChildItemContent "Pools" | ForEach {$_.Content | Add-Member @{Name = $_.Name} -PassThru} |
Where Location -EQ $Location |
Where SSL -EQ $SSL |
Where {$PoolName.Count -eq 0 -or (Compare $PoolName $_.Name -IncludeEqual -ExcludeDifferent | Measure).Count -gt 0}}
if($AllPools.Count -eq 0){"No Pools!" | Out-Host; sleep $Interval; continue}
$Pools = [PSCustomObject]@{}
$Pools_Comparison = [PSCustomObject]@{}
$AllPools.Algorithm | Select -Unique | ForEach {$Pools | Add-Member $_ ($AllPools | Where Algorithm -EQ $_ | Sort Price -Descending | Select -First 1)}
$AllPools.Algorithm | Select -Unique | ForEach {$Pools_Comparison | Add-Member $_ ($AllPools | Where Algorithm -EQ $_ | Sort StablePrice -Descending | Select -First 1)}
#Load information about the Miners
$Miners = if(Test-Path "Miners"){Get-ChildItemContent "Miners" | ForEach {$_.Content | Add-Member @{Name = $_.Name} -PassThru} |
Where {$Type.Count -eq 0 -or (Compare $Type $_.Type -IncludeEqual -ExcludeDifferent | Measure).Count -gt 0} |
Where {$Algorithm.Count -eq 0 -or (Compare $Algorithm $_.HashRates.PSObject.Properties.Name -IncludeEqual -ExcludeDifferent | Measure).Count -gt 0} |
Where {$MinerName.Count -eq 0 -or (Compare $MinerName $_.Name -IncludeEqual -ExcludeDifferent | Measure).Count -gt 0}}
$Miners = $Miners | ForEach {
$Miner = $_
if((Test-Path $Miner.Path) -eq $false)
if((Split-Path $Miner.URI -Leaf) -eq (Split-Path $Miner.Path -Leaf))
New-Item (Split-Path $Miner.Path) -ItemType "Directory" | Out-Null
Invoke-WebRequest $Miner.URI -OutFile $_.Path -UseBasicParsing
elseif(([IO.FileInfo](Split-Path $_.URI -Leaf)).Extension -eq '')
$Path_Old = Get-PSDrive -PSProvider FileSystem | ForEach {Get-ChildItem -Path $_.Root -Include (Split-Path $Miner.Path -Leaf) -Recurse -ErrorAction Ignore} | Sort LastWriteTimeUtc -Descending | Select -First 1
$Path_New = $Miner.Path
if($Path_Old -ne $null)
if(Test-Path (Split-Path $Path_New)){(Split-Path $Path_New) | Remove-Item -Recurse -Force}
(Split-Path $Path_Old) | Copy-Item -Destination (Split-Path $Path_New) -Recurse -Force
Write-Host -BackgroundColor Yellow -ForegroundColor Black "Cannot find $($Miner.Path) distributed at $($Miner.URI). "
Expand-WebRequest $Miner.URI (Split-Path $Miner.Path)
if($Miners.Count -eq 0){"No Miners!" | Out-Host; sleep $Interval; continue}
$Miners | ForEach {
$Miner = $_
$Miner_HashRates = [PSCustomObject]@{}
$Miner_Pools = [PSCustomObject]@{}
$Miner_Pools_Comparison = [PSCustomObject]@{}
$Miner_Profits = [PSCustomObject]@{}
$Miner_Profits_Comparison = [PSCustomObject]@{}
$Miner_Profits_Bias = [PSCustomObject]@{}
$Miner_Types = $Miner.Type | Select -Unique
$Miner_Indexes = $Miner.Index | Select -Unique
$Miner.HashRates | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty | Select -ExpandProperty Name | ForEach {
$Miner_HashRates | Add-Member $_ ([Double]$Miner.HashRates.$_)
$Miner_Pools | Add-Member $_ ([PSCustomObject]$Pools.$_)
$Miner_Pools_Comparison | Add-Member $_ ([PSCustomObject]$Pools_Comparison.$_)
$Miner_Profits | Add-Member $_ ([Double]$Miner.HashRates.$_*$Pools.$_.Price)
$Miner_Profits_Comparison | Add-Member $_ ([Double]$Miner.HashRates.$_*$Pools_Comparison.$_.Price)
$Miner_Profits_Bias | Add-Member $_ ([Double]$Miner.HashRates.$_*$Pools.$_.Price*(1-($Pools.$_.MarginOfError*[Math]::Pow($DecayBase,$DecayExponent))))
$Miner_Profit = [Double]($Miner_Profits.PSObject.Properties.Value | Measure -Sum).Sum
$Miner_Profit_Comparison = [Double]($Miner_Profits_Comparison.PSObject.Properties.Value | Measure -Sum).Sum
$Miner_Profit_Bias = [Double]($Miner_Profits_Bias.PSObject.Properties.Value | Measure -Sum).Sum
$Miner.HashRates | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty | Select -ExpandProperty Name | ForEach {
if(-not [String]$Miner.HashRates.$_)
$Miner_HashRates.$_ = $null
$Miner_Profits.$_ = $null
$Miner_Profits_Comparison.$_ = $null
$Miner_Profits_Bias.$_ = $null
$Miner_Profit = $null
$Miner_Profit_Comparison = $null
$Miner_Profit_Bias = $null
if($Miner_Types -eq $null){$Miner_Types = $Miners.Type | Select -Unique}
if($Miner_Indexes -eq $null){$Miner_Indexes = $Miners.Index | Select -Unique}
if($Miner_Types -eq $null){$Miner_Types = ""}
if($Miner_Indexes -eq $null){$Miner_Indexes = 0}
$Miner.HashRates = $Miner_HashRates
$Miner | Add-Member Pools $Miner_Pools
$Miner | Add-Member Profits $Miner_Profits
$Miner | Add-Member Profits_Comparison $Miner_Profits_Comparison
$Miner | Add-Member Profits_Bias $Miner_Profits_Bias
$Miner | Add-Member Profit $Miner_Profit
$Miner | Add-Member Profit_Comparison $Miner_Profit_Comparison
$Miner | Add-Member Profit_Bias $Miner_Profit_Bias
$Miner | Add-Member Type $Miner_Types -Force
$Miner | Add-Member Index $Miner_Indexes -Force
$Miner.Path = Convert-Path $Miner.Path
$Miners | ForEach {
$Miner = $_
$Miner_Devices = $Miner.Device | Select -Unique
if($Miner_Devices -eq $null){$Miner_Devices = ($Miners | Where {(Compare $Miner.Type $_.Type -IncludeEqual -ExcludeDifferent | Measure).Count -gt 0}).Device | Select -Unique}
if($Miner_Devices -eq $null){$Miner_Devices = $Miner.Type}
$Miner | Add-Member Device $Miner_Devices -Force
#Don't penalize active miners
$ActiveMinerPrograms | ForEach {$Miners | Where Path -EQ $_.Path | Where Arguments -EQ $_.Arguments | ForEach {$_.Profit_Bias = $_.Profit}}
#Get most profitable miner combination i.e. AMD+NVIDIA+CPU
$BestMiners = $Miners | Select Type,Index -Unique | ForEach {$Miner_GPU = $_; ($Miners | Where {(Compare $Miner_GPU.Type $_.Type | Measure).Count -eq 0 -and (Compare $Miner_GPU.Index $_.Index | Measure).Count -eq 0} | Sort -Descending {($_ | Where Profit -EQ $null | Measure).Count},{($_ | Measure Profit_Bias -Sum).Sum},{($_ | Where Profit -NE 0 | Measure).Count} | Select -First 1)}
$BestDeviceMiners = $Miners | Select Device -Unique | ForEach {$Miner_GPU = $_; ($Miners | Where {(Compare $Miner_GPU.Device $_.Device | Measure).Count -eq 0} | Sort -Descending {($_ | Where Profit -EQ $null | Measure).Count},{($_ | Measure Profit_Bias -Sum).Sum},{($_ | Where Profit -NE 0 | Measure).Count} | Select -First 1)}
$BestMiners_Comparison = $Miners | Select Type,Index -Unique | ForEach {$Miner_GPU = $_; ($Miners | Where {(Compare $Miner_GPU.Type $_.Type | Measure).Count -eq 0 -and (Compare $Miner_GPU.Index $_.Index | Measure).Count -eq 0} | Sort -Descending {($_ | Where Profit -EQ $null | Measure).Count},{($_ | Measure Profit_Comparison -Sum).Sum},{($_ | Where Profit -NE 0 | Measure).Count} | Select -First 1)}
$BestDeviceMiners_Comparison = $Miners | Select Device -Unique | ForEach {$Miner_GPU = $_; ($Miners | Where {(Compare $Miner_GPU.Device $_.Device | Measure).Count -eq 0} | Sort -Descending {($_ | Where Profit -EQ $null | Measure).Count},{($_ | Measure Profit_Comparison -Sum).Sum},{($_ | Where Profit -NE 0 | Measure).Count} | Select -First 1)}
$Miners_Type_Combos = @([PSCustomObject]@{Combination = @()}) + (Get-Combination ($Miners | Select Type -Unique) | Where{(Compare ($_.Combination | Select -ExpandProperty Type -Unique) ($_.Combination | Select -ExpandProperty Type) | Measure).Count -eq 0})
$Miners_Index_Combos = @([PSCustomObject]@{Combination = @()}) + (Get-Combination ($Miners | Select Index -Unique) | Where{(Compare ($_.Combination | Select -ExpandProperty Index -Unique) ($_.Combination | Select -ExpandProperty Index) | Measure).Count -eq 0})
$Miners_Device_Combos = (Get-Combination ($Miners | Select Device -Unique) | Where{(Compare ($_.Combination | Select -ExpandProperty Device -Unique) ($_.Combination | Select -ExpandProperty Device) | Measure).Count -eq 0})
$BestMiners_Combos = $Miners_Type_Combos | ForEach {$Miner_Type_Combo = $_.Combination; $Miners_Index_Combos | ForEach {$Miner_Index_Combo = $_.Combination; [PSCustomObject]@{Combination = $Miner_Type_Combo | ForEach {$Miner_Type_Count = $_.Type.Count; [Regex]$Miner_Type_Regex = ^( + (($_.Type | ForEach {[Regex]::Escape($_)}) -join |) + )$; $Miner_Index_Combo | ForEach {$Miner_Index_Count = $_.Index.Count; [Regex]$Miner_Index_Regex = ^( + (($_.Index | ForEach {[Regex]::Escape($_)}) –join |) + )$; $BestMiners | Where {([Array]$_.Type -notmatch $Miner_Type_Regex).Count -eq 0 -and ([Array]$_.Index -notmatch $Miner_Index_Regex).Count -eq 0 -and ([Array]$_.Type -match $Miner_Type_Regex).Count -eq $Miner_Type_Count -and ([Array]$_.Index -match $Miner_Index_Regex).Count -eq $Miner_Index_Count}}}}}}
$BestMiners_Combos += $Miners_Device_Combos | ForEach {$Miner_Device_Combo = $_.Combination; [PSCustomObject]@{Combination = $Miner_Device_Combo | ForEach {$Miner_Device_Count = $_.Device.Count; [Regex]$Miner_Device_Regex = ^( + (($_.Device | ForEach {[Regex]::Escape($_)}) -join |) + )$; $BestDeviceMiners | Where {([Array]$_.Device -notmatch $Miner_Device_Regex).Count -eq 0 -and ([Array]$_.Device -match $Miner_Device_Regex).Count -eq $Miner_Device_Count}}}}
$BestMiners_Combos_Comparison = $Miners_Type_Combos | ForEach {$Miner_Type_Combo = $_.Combination; $Miners_Index_Combos | ForEach {$Miner_Index_Combo = $_.Combination; [PSCustomObject]@{Combination = $Miner_Type_Combo | ForEach {$Miner_Type_Count = $_.Type.Count; [Regex]$Miner_Type_Regex = ^( + (($_.Type | ForEach {[Regex]::Escape($_)}) -join |) + )$; $Miner_Index_Combo | ForEach {$Miner_Index_Count = $_.Index.Count; [Regex]$Miner_Index_Regex = ^( + (($_.Index | ForEach {[Regex]::Escape($_)}) –join |) + )$; $BestMiners_Comparison | Where {([Array]$_.Type -notmatch $Miner_Type_Regex).Count -eq 0 -and ([Array]$_.Index -notmatch $Miner_Index_Regex).Count -eq 0 -and ([Array]$_.Type -match $Miner_Type_Regex).Count -eq $Miner_Type_Count -and ([Array]$_.Index -match $Miner_Index_Regex).Count -eq $Miner_Index_Count}}}}}}
$BestMiners_Combos_Comparison += $Miners_Device_Combos | ForEach {$Miner_Device_Combo = $_.Combination; [PSCustomObject]@{Combination = $Miner_Device_Combo | ForEach {$Miner_Device_Count = $_.Device.Count; [Regex]$Miner_Device_Regex = ^( + (($_.Device | ForEach {[Regex]::Escape($_)}) -join |) + )$; $BestDeviceMiners_Comparison | Where {([Array]$_.Device -notmatch $Miner_Device_Regex).Count -eq 0 -and ([Array]$_.Device -match $Miner_Device_Regex).Count -eq $Miner_Device_Count}}}}
$BestMiners_Combo = $BestMiners_Combos | Sort -Descending {($_.Combination | Where Profit -EQ $null | Measure).Count},{($_.Combination | Measure Profit_Bias -Sum).Sum},{($_.Combination | Where Profit -NE 0 | Measure).Count} | Select -First 1 | Select -ExpandProperty Combination
$BestMiners_Combo_Comparison = $BestMiners_Combos_Comparison | Sort -Descending {($_.Combination | Where Profit -EQ $null | Measure).Count},{($_.Combination | Measure Profit_Comparison -Sum).Sum},{($_.Combination | Where Profit -NE 0 | Measure).Count} | Select -First 1 | Select -ExpandProperty Combination
#Add the most profitable miners to the active list
$BestMiners_Combo | ForEach {
if(($ActiveMinerPrograms | Where Path -EQ $_.Path | Where Arguments -EQ $_.Arguments).Count -eq 0)
$ActiveMinerPrograms += [PSCustomObject]@{
Name = $_.Name
Path = $_.Path
Arguments = $_.Arguments
Wrap = $_.Wrap
Process = $null
API = $_.API
Port = $_.Port
Algorithms = $_.HashRates.PSObject.Properties.Name
New = $false
Active = [TimeSpan]0
Activated = 0
Status = "Idle"
HashRate = 0
Benchmarked = 0
#Stop or start miners in the active list depending on if they are the most profitable
$ActiveMinerPrograms | ForEach {
if(($BestMiners_Combo | Where Path -EQ $_.Path | Where Arguments -EQ $_.Arguments).Count -eq 0)
if($_.Process -eq $null)
$_.Status = "Failed"
elseif($_.Process.HasExited -eq $false)
$_.Process.CloseMainWindow() | Out-Null
$_.Status = "Idle"
if($_.Process -eq $null -or $_.Process.HasExited -ne $false)
Sleep $Delay #Wait to prevent BSOD
$DecayStart = Get-Date
$_.New = $true
if($_.Process -ne $null){$_.Active += $_.Process.ExitTime-$_.Process.StartTime}
if($_.Wrap){$_.Process = Start-Process -FilePath "PowerShell" -ArgumentList "-executionpolicy bypass -command . '$(Convert-Path ".\Wrapper.ps1")' -ControllerProcessID $PID -Id '$($_.Port)' -FilePath '$($_.Path)' -ArgumentList '$($_.Arguments)' -WorkingDirectory '$(Split-Path $_.Path)'" -PassThru}
else{$_.Process = Start-SubProcess -FilePath $_.Path -ArgumentList $_.Arguments -WorkingDirectory (Split-Path $_.Path)}
if($_.Process -eq $null){$_.Status = "Failed"}
else{$_.Status = "Running"}
#Display mining information
Write-Host "1BTC = " $Rates.EUR " EUR"
$Miners | Where {$_.Profit -ge 1E-5 -or $_.Profit -eq $null} | Sort -Descending Type,Profit | Format-Table -GroupBy Type (
#@{Label = "Miner"; Expression={$_.Name}},
@{Label = "Algorithm"; Expression={$_.HashRates.PSObject.Properties.Name}},
@{Label = "Speed"; Expression={$_.HashRates.PSObject.Properties.Value | ForEach {if($_ -ne $null){"$($_ | ConvertTo-Hash)/s"}else{"Benchmarking"}}}; Align='right'},
@{Label = "BTC/Day"; Expression={$_.Profits.PSObject.Properties.Value | ForEach {if($_ -ne $null){$_.ToString("N5")}else{"Benchmarking"}}}; Align='right'},
@{Label = "EUR/Day"; Expression={$_.Profits.PSObject.Properties.Value | ForEach {if($_ -ne $null){($_ * $Rates.EUR).ToString("N3")}else{"Benchmarking"}}}; Align='right'},
@{Label = "Time running"; Expression={$bar = $_; $ActiveMinerPrograms | ForEach { if($bar.HashRates.PSObject.Properties.Name -eq $_.Algorithms){
return "{0:dd} D {0:hh} H {0:mm} M" -f $(if($_.Process -eq $null){$_.Active}else{if($_.Process.ExitTime -gt $_.Process.StartTime){($_.Active+($_.Process.ExitTime-$_.Process.StartTime))}else{($_.Active+((Get-Date)-$_.Process.StartTime))}})
}}}; Align='right'},
@{Label = "Status"; Expression={$bar = $_; $ActiveMinerPrograms | ForEach { if($bar.HashRates.PSObject.Properties.Name -eq $_.Algorithms){
return $_.Status + " - " + $(Switch($_.Activated){0 {"Never"} 1 {"Once"} Default {"$_ Times"}})
}}}; Align='right'}
#@{Label = "BTC/GH/Day"; Expression={$_.Pools.PSObject.Properties.Value.Price | ForEach {($_*1000000000).ToString("N5")}}; Align='right'},
#@{Label = "Pool"; Expression={$_.Pools.PSObject.Properties.Value | ForEach {"$($_.Name)-$($_.Info)"}}}
) | Out-Host
#Display active miners list
#$ActiveMinerPrograms | Sort -Descending Status,{if($_.Process -eq $null){[DateTime]0}else{$_.Process.StartTime}} | Select -First (1+6+6) | Format-Table -Wrap -GroupBy Status (
# @{Label = "Speed"; Expression={$_.HashRate | ForEach {"$($_ | ConvertTo-Hash)/s"}}; Align='right'},
# @{Label = "Active"; Expression={"{0:dd} D {0:hh} H {0:mm} M" -f $(if($_.Process -eq $null){$_.Active}else{if($_.Process.ExitTime -gt $_.Process.StartTime){($_.Active+($_.Process.ExitTime-$_.Process.StartTime))}else{($_.Active+((Get-Date)-$_.Process.StartTime))}})}},
# @{Label = "Launched"; Expression={Switch($_.Activated){0 {"Never"} 1 {"Once"} Default {"$_ Times"}}}},
# @{Label = "Command"; Expression={"$($_.Path.TrimStart((Convert-Path ".\"))) $($_.Arguments)"}}
#) | Out-Host
#Do nothing for a few seconds as to not overload the APIs
Sleep $Interval
#Save current hash rates
$ActiveMinerPrograms | ForEach {
$_.HashRate = 0
$Miner_HashRates = $null
if($_.Process -eq $null -or $_.Process.HasExited)
if($_.Status -eq "Running"){$_.Status = "Failed"}
$Miner_HashRates = Get-HashRate $_.API $_.Port ($_.New -and $_.Benchmarked -lt 3)
$_.HashRate = $Miner_HashRates | Select -First $_.Algorithms.Count
if($Miner_HashRates.Count -ge $_.Algorithms.Count)
for($i = 0; $i -lt $_.Algorithms.Count; $i++)
$Stat = Set-Stat -Name "$($_.Name)_$($_.Algorithms | Select -Index $i)_HashRate" -Value ($Miner_HashRates | Select -Index $i)
$_.New = $false
#Benchmark timeout
if($_.Benchmarked -ge 6 -or ($_.Benchmarked -ge 2 -and $_.Activated -ge 2))
for($i = $Miner_HashRates.Count; $i -lt $_.Algorithms.Count; $i++)
if((Get-Stat "$($_.Name)_$($_.Algorithms | Select -Index $i)_HashRate") -eq $null)
$Stat = Set-Stat -Name "$($_.Name)_$($_.Algorithms | Select -Index $i)_HashRate" -Value 0
#Stop the log
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