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jjcodes78 /
Last active September 19, 2024 06:16
Deploying NEXTJS site with nginx + pm2

How to setup next.js app on nginx with letsencrypt

next.js, nginx, reverse-proxy, ssl

1. Install nginx and letsencrypt

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install nginx letsencrypt

Also enable nginx in ufw

cromat /
Last active January 8, 2024 21:32
Run redis inside WSL as background service on Windows startup

Step by step guide to run redis-server inside WSL(Windows Subsystem for Linux) on Windows

I have tried to setup redis as starting background task with wsl-autostart, Task Scheduler and with lot vbs scripts including one described here but none of them seemed to work.

In the end I have manually created a simple one that does the job. This script basically starts a hidden Ubuntu Window and starts redis-server inside it.

  1. Install WSL (this is tested with Ubuntu 18.04 version)
  2. Install redis-server inside WSL sudo apt install redis-server
  3. Add sudo permission to your user to execute service command without password
nik-hil /
Last active May 7, 2024 10:47
Django REST framework support only one lookup field at a time. To support more than one field we have to use MultipleFieldLookupMixin. But it has a limitation. It require all fields to be present in URL. I have different requirement. I can call view using two differnet identifier.
class MultipleFieldLookupORMixin(object):
Actual code
Apply this mixin to any view or viewset to get multiple field filtering
based on a `lookup_fields` attribute, instead of the default single field filtering.
def get_object(self):
queryset = self.get_queryset() # Get the base queryset
queryset = self.filter_queryset(queryset) # Apply any filter backends
filter = {}