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Last active August 18, 2024 19:13
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  • Save ThioJoe/b4c1f799ccabe6d35f271334431f8155 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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"Cheat" Command Wrapper Script - Makes it easier to search specific terms with 'cheat' tool. Recommended to rename to "c.bat" for easy calling.
:: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
:: Cheat Command Wrapper Script
:: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
:: This batch script acts as a wrapper for 'cheat.exe', enhancing its functionality
:: by allowing more intuitive command-line interactions. Specifically, it:
:: 1. Directly accesses cheatsheets or tags with a single argument.
:: 2. Facilitates search within a cheatsheet using multiple arguments, treating them
:: as a single search query.
:: 3. Dynamically resolves the paths to the community and personal cheatsheets
:: directories using the %APPDATA% variable, ensuring flexibility and user-specific
:: behavior.
:: 4. Checks for the existence of a cheatsheet before attempting to list or search,
:: thereby intelligently deciding between listing tags or displaying cheatsheet content.
:: Usage:
:: To view a cheatsheet: script_name <cheatsheet_name>
:: To list cheatsheets by tag: script_name <tag>
:: To search within a cheatsheet: script_name <cheatsheet_name> <search_terms>
:: Note: Replace 'script_name' with the actual name of this batch file when using.
:: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
:: Setup Section
:: Here, we define essential variables for the script's operation, including the path to 'cheat.exe'
:: and the directories where cheatsheets are stored. This setup is crucial for the dynamic functionality
:: of the script, allowing it to interact with the cheat system effectively.
set CHEAT_EXE_PATH=cheat.exe
:: Check for no arguments and provide usage instructions.
if "%~1"=="" (
echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo Usage instructions for this Cheat Wrapper Script:
echo - Direct call to a cheatsheet: c.bat ^<cheatsheet^>
echo - List cheatsheets tagged with a term: c.bat ^<tag^>
echo - Search within a cheatsheet: c.bat ^<cheatsheet^> ^<search_term^> [additional_terms...]
echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo Original cheat.exe operations:
goto :eof
:: Utilizing the %APPDATA% environment variable ensures that the script dynamically adapts
:: to the user's application data directory, making the script more portable and user-specific.
set COMMUNITY_DIR=%APPDATA%\cheat\cheatsheets\community
set PERSONAL_DIR=%APPDATA%\cheat\cheatsheets\personal
:: Argument Handling Section
:: This part of the script checks how many arguments are provided by the user and branches the logic
:: accordingly. If only one argument is provided, it could either be a direct call to a cheatsheet or
:: an indication to list cheatsheets tagged with the specified term.
if "%~2"=="" (
call :checkCheatsheetExistence %1
if !EXISTENCE! equ 1 (
) else (
"%CHEAT_EXE_PATH%" -l -t %1
goto :eof
:: Search Term Processing Section
:: When the user provides more than one argument, this indicates an intent to search within a specific
:: cheatsheet. This section accumulates all additional arguments into a single search phrase,
:: ensuring that the search functionality of 'cheat.exe' is used effectively.
if "%~1"=="" goto :compilesearch
goto :moreargs
:: Command Execution Section
:: After processing the arguments, this section compiles the final command and executes it,
:: calling 'cheat.exe' with the appropriate parameters based on the user's input.
goto :eof
:: Cheatsheet Existence Check Subroutine
:: This subroutine is a utility function used to determine if a specified cheatsheet exists
:: within the known cheatsheet directories. It sets an 'EXISTENCE' flag based on the findings,
:: which influences the script's flow in the argument handling section.
if exist "%COMMUNITY_DIR%\%~1.*" set EXISTENCE=1
if exist "%PERSONAL_DIR%\%~1.*" set EXISTENCE=1
goto :eof
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