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Last active August 22, 2024 12:07
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Error Lookup Tool Friendly Output
@echo off
:: Note: Lines beginning with "REM" or :: are comments
:: Script by:
:: Purpose: Creates a much more user friendly output for the Microsoft Error Lookup Tool (err.exe). It parses the original output and modifies the text.
:: Usage: Just call the batch file with command prompt along with the error code the same as you would with err.exe
:: Example: error.bat 50
:: Recommended to rename this script to something shorter like 'error.bat'. Must be next to the lookup tool exe file.
:: ---------------------------------------------------
:: Begin local environment to prevent variable leakage
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
:: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
set "ERROR_TOOL=err.exe"
:: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
:: Set the current working directory to that of the batch file so script can be called from anywhere and it will still see the err.exe file
cd /d %~dp0
:: Check if error tool is found or not.
if not exist "%ERROR_TOOL%" (
echo ### Error ### : %ERROR_TOOL% not found. Either rename the .exe file or to match, or change the name in this script file.
echo ^> You can acquire the Error Lookup Tool here:
exit /b
:: Call err.exe with the provided error code and redirect its output to a temporary file
%ERROR_TOOL% %1 > temp.txt
:: Display a top border
:: Initialize a flag to help skip unwanted lines
set "skipNext=0"
:: Set previousLine variable
set "previousLine=--start--"
:: Iterate over each line of the temp file
for /f "usebackq delims=" %%a in (temp.txt) do (
REM | Store the current line in the variable 'line'
set "line=%%a"
rem echo line: !line!
REM | If the current line indicates no results found
if "!line:~0,22!"=="# No results found for" (
REM | Display the message in a user-friendly manner
echo * !line:~2! ^(as base error lookup^)
) else if "!skipNext!"=="1" (
REM | Check if the current line should be skipped based on the previous condition
set "skipNext=0"
) else if "!line:~0,6!"=="# for " (
REM | If the line starts with '# for' it indicates a new error category
if not "!previousLine:~0,12!"=="# as an HRES" (
echo ======================================= !line:~2! =======================================
) else if "!line:~0,12!"=="# as an HRES" (
REM | If the line starts with '# as an HRES', it indicates an HRESULT error description
echo ================== !line:~2! ===================
REM | Mark the next line to be skipped since we're reading a new category of errors
rem set "skipNext=1"
) else if "!line:~0,1!"=="#" (
REM | If the line starts with '#', it's a comment or description for the error
REM | Display the comment lines with the prefix and indentation
echo --^> !line:~2!
) else if "!line!" NEQ "" (
REM | If it's none of the above, it's likely the name of the error itself
REM | Display the remaining lines
echo !line!
set "previousLine=!line!"
) 3< temp.txt
echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------
:: Clean up the temporary file
del temp.txt
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srnyx commented Oct 11, 2023

very nice

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good stuff, very useful

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ados8 commented Oct 11, 2023

Thanks ThioJoe, always making I.T life easier.
Just a small script improvement, change lines 35, 36, 96 to following:

set /P CODE="Enter error code: "
%ERROR_TOOL% %CODE% > temp.txt

This is useful because you don't have to open a CMD instance and then call the bat file, just double click to open and it prompts for your input.
This does remove the aforementioned method but you could have both.

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GerryHatrick commented Oct 12, 2023

(edited, as I agree with Cdztw; missing chr(34) & typo)

due to the use of enabledelayedexpansion use ! instead of %
(I also moved the temp.txt in case of write protection) If/else could have been used but personal preference

starting line 35:
if not %1@==@ %ERROR_TOOL% %1 > "%temp%\temp.txt"

if %1@==@ (
set /P CODE="Enter error code: "
%ERROR_TOOL% !CODE! > "%temp%\temp.txt"

last lines:
if %1@==@ pause
:: Clean up the temporary file
del "%temp%\temp.txt"

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Cdztw commented Oct 12, 2023

due to the use of enabledelayedexpansion use ! instead of % (I also moved the temp.txt in case of write protection) If/else could have been used but personal preference

starting line 35: if not %1@==@ %ERROR_TOOL% %1 > %temp%\temp.text

if %1@==@ ( set /P CODE="Enter error code: " %ERROR_TOOL% !CODE! > %temp%\temp.text )

last lines: if %1@==@ pause :: Clean up the temporary file del %temp%\temp.text

The file extension is wrong in the replacement codes: ".txt", not ".text".
And need to change the file directory in line 52 and line 94, from "temp.txt" to "%temp%\temp.txt", after that it should works perfectly.

Sorry for my bad English I'm still learning it...

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Great tool! Thanks.

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