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Created July 7, 2020 21:32
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/// Future timeout example
/// Future timeout example
void main() async {
final howLongItTakesToDownloadTheInternet = Duration(days: 365);
final youAreAnImpatientDeveloper = true;
Future downloadTheInternet() =>
if (youAreAnImpatientDeveloper) {
// you can use timeout on any future and it'll throw an error if a future doesn't
// complete before you run out of patience.
final resultWithTimeout = await downloadTheInternet()
.timeout(Duration(seconds: 5), onTimeout: () => 'Preloaded Data');
'The download timed out. Here are cached results: $resultWithTimeout');
// this will throw
final resultWithOutTimeout =
await downloadTheInternet().timeout(Duration(seconds: 5));
"We won't get here unless the error is caught, in which cause, you could just use onTimeout");
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