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craig bender ThinGuy

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ThinGuy /
Last active September 3, 2024 06:52
Fix apt architecture error messages: "...doesn't support architecture 'i386'"
# To prevent unsuppoorted architecture error messages from apt on Ubuntu 24.04 (Noble Numbat)
# with the new apt sources format
# Example error messages on `apt update` after a fresh install:
# N: Skipping acquire of configured file 'main/binary-i386/Packages' as repository ' stable InRelease' doesn't support architecture 'i386'
# N: Skipping acquire of configured file 'main/binary-i386/Packages' as repository ' stable InRelease' doesn't support architecture 'i386'
### SINGLE-ARCH (i.e. fix arch-related error) ###
ThinGuy / maas-build-debug-image.bash
Created March 20, 2024 03:30
Updated MAAS debug image, adds password for the root user in case of a bad networking configuration that results in the node being deployed is unable to contact the MAAS server to get its metadata.
maas-build-debug-image() {
local -a UBU_RELS=(bionic)
export IMG_PWD="Ubuntu1+"
# Create salted pw for images
printf "\e[2G - Salting the desired password of \x22${IMG_PWD}\x22 for use in debug-image\n"
export SALTED_PWD="$(echo 'Ubuntu1+'|mkpasswd --method=SHA-512 --rounds=4096 -s)"
# Dowload images
printf '%s\n' ${UBU_RELS[@]}|xargs -rn1 -P0 bash -c '
printf "\e[2G - Fetching Ubuntu release ${0^} from ${IMG_URL}\n"
ThinGuy /
Last active February 14, 2024 22:41
systemd-networkd script to disable TSO, GSO, and GRO on all NICs reporting up
sudo install -o0 -g0 -m0755 /dev/null /etc/networkd-dispatcher/routable.d/
cat <<'EOF' |sudo tee /etc/networkd-dispatcher/routable.d/
# This script will be placed in /etc/networkd-dispatcher/routable.d/
# and made exectuable
ThinGuy /
Created January 31, 2024 04:29
Fix: BAD PASSWORD: The password contains the user name in some form.
# Work around for when you want/need your password to contain part of your username
# Disable the pwquality profile in PAM
sudo pam-auth-update --disable pwquality
# Change your password
echo 'ubuntu:Ubuntu123!'|sudo chpasswd -s
# Enable the pwquality profile in PAM
sudo pam-auth-update --enable pwqualit
ThinGuy /
Last active May 3, 2024 17:07
Function create UDEV rules for all USB to Serial Devices so that apps such as minicom, screen, gtkterm can access device as normal user
fix-usb2serial() {
printf "\n\e[1mFix USB to Serial device permissions\e[0m\n"
local DEVREGX='.*tty[UA].*' W='s'
declare -ag TTYUSB_DEVS=($(find /sys/class/tty -type l -regex "${DEVREGX}" -printf "%P\n" 2>&1))
[[ ${#TTYUSB_DEVS[@]} -ge 1 ]] && { local W=""; } || { printf "\nNo USB to Serial devices found using regex \x22${DEVREGX}\x22.\nQuitting\n\n";return 3; }
[[ -n $(id -Gn|grep 2>/dev/null -oE dialout) ]] && { printf "\e[2G - User $USER already a member of \x22dialout\x22 group \e[3m(Good\x21)\e[0m\n"; } || { printf "\e[2G -- Adding User $USER to the \x22dialout\x22 group\n"; sudo usermode -aG dialout $USER; }
printf "\e[2G - Creaing udev rules file: /etc/udev/rules.d/50-ttyUSB.rules\n"
sudo install -o0 -g0 -m0644 /dev/null /etc/udev/rules.d/50-ttyUSB.rules
printf "\e[2G - Adding ${#TTYUSB_DEVS[@]} udev rule${W}:\n"
(printf "%s\n" ${TTYUSB_DEVS[@]}|xargs -I{} printf "KERNEL==\x22{}\x22,\x20MODE=\x270666\x22\n")|sudo tee -a /etc/udev/rules.d/50-ttyUSB.rules|sed -r 's/^/ /g'
ThinGuy / ubuntu-repo-size.bash
Created November 29, 2023 18:05
Get Ubuntu Repo Size - Non standard repos are a WIP
ubuntu-repo-size() {
ubuntu-repo-size_usage() {
printf "\n\e[1m\e[2G${FUNCNAME%%_*}\e[0m\n\n"
printf "\e[1m\e[2GUsage\e[0m: ${FUNCNAME%%_*} [options]\n\n"
printf "\e[1m\e[2GOptions\e[0m:\n\n"
printf "\e[3G -a, --arch \e[28GArchitecture to display, i.e. amd64,arm64,armhf,i386,ppc64el,s390x (Default: amd64)\n"
printf "\e[3G -s, --series \e[28GRelease nicknames to get information for, (Default: current LTS)\n"
printf "\e[3G -c, --components \e[28GList of repo components to query (Default: main,universe,multiverse,restricted)\n"
printf "\e[3G -p, --pockets \e[28GList of repo pockets components to query (Default: \$series \$series-updates \$series-backports \$series-security \$series-proposed)\n"
printf "\e[3G -i, --intel-repo-uri \e[28GURI of ubuntu archive for amd64/i386 (Default:\n"
ThinGuy /
Last active February 11, 2024 02:19
Scripted XRDP Install with various fixes
# Scripted XRDP Installation #
### Note: You can only be logged in via console or RDP, not both.
### If you get blackscreen via RDP or if console keeps going
### back to login screen, run `gnome-session-quit --force --logout`
### via ssh as the same user you are trying to login
sudo apt install \
gimp gimp-plugin-registry gimp-data-extras gimp-help-common gimp-help-en gimp-gap gimp-data -qyf \
$(apt-cache search -n '^obs-'|awk '/Studio|studio/&&!/websocket/{print $1}'|paste -sd' ') \
-yqf --auto-remove --purge
ThinGuy /
Created September 28, 2023 01:14
Fix thumbnail problems in Hydrapaper when on a python3-based system or when using Dark mode
# Fix thumbnails (Long deprecated Image.ANTIALIAS finally removed in PIL 10.0.0)
sudo sed -i 's/Image.ANTIALIAS/Image.LANCZOS/g' /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/hydrapaper/
# Fix merge issues when using Dark mode (known buy merging to a single wallpaper in dark mode)
sudo sed -i 's/ if set_dark else \x27picture-uri\x27//g' /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/hydrapaper/
# Restart/Reload hydrapaper App
ThinGuy /
Last active July 12, 2023 04:07
udev rules for dolphin emulator on ubuntu - looks for mayflash devices, bluetooth dongles/radios, and logitech usb microphones
# You can just paste this in a terminal rather than run it as a script.
# Up to you...
export RFILE=/etc/udev/rules.d/55-dolphin-emu.rules
[[ -f ${RFILE} ]] && { sudo rm -f ${RFILE}; }
sudo install -o0 -g0 -m 0644 /dev/null ${RFILE}
(for i in $(lsusb|awk 'BEGIN{IGNORECASE=1}/mayflash|logitech usb mic|bluetooth dongle|bluetooth radio/{print $6}');do
(printf "SUBSYSTEM==\"usb\", ENV{DEVTYPE}==\"usb_device\", ATTRS{idVendor}==\"${i%%:*}\", ATTRS{idProduct}==\"${i##*:}\", MODE=\"0666\", TAG+=\"uaccess\"\n";