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Created November 7, 2019 22:02
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\newcommand{\content}{\Large Best audio/visuals}
\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=0.0cm]
\node (tm) [
draw=black, fill=white,
show background rectangle,
text centered,
minimum height = \cardheight,
minimum width = 70mm,
text width = 70mm
] {%
\node (tr) [
draw=black, fill=white,
show background rectangle,
text width=4cm,
text centered,
minimum width = 70mm,
minimum height = \cardheight,
right = of tm,
text width = 70mm
] {%
\node (tl) [
draw=black, fill=white,
show background rectangle,
text width=4cm,
text centered,
minimum width = 70mm,
minimum height = \cardheight,
left = of tm,
text width = 70mm
] {%
\tikzstyle{textstyle}=[rectangle, text width=3.5cm, text badly ragged]
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