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I may be slow to respond.

Yohaan Seth Nathan TheYoBots

I may be slow to respond.
  • 11:04 (UTC +05:30)
View GitHub Profile

We were Liars by E. Lockhart

~ A Book Review by Yohaan Seth Nathan

Have you ever dreamt of wealth? You know... big mansions, private clubs, Gucci handbags, personalized race cars, etcetera etcetera... that type of wealth. No? Well, I'm pretty sure you're lying.

The Sinclair family has everything a person could want. They are living the 'dream life' with private islands, grand houses, big families, picnics on the beach, and long boat rides on boats of their own. The Sinclairs are the definition of a stereotypically beautiful, rich, healthy, white characters who sit around complaining about how hard their lives are when they are in fact sitting around on their beautiful private island, drinking incredibly expensive wine, eating grand food, prepared and served by their 'invisible help'. They are beautiful and distinguished and are always aiming towards perfection and only perfection (or so it is believed).

"We Were Liars" by E. Lockhart takes place on a private island off the coast of Massachuse

TheYoBots /
Created May 15, 2022 07:07
How to deploy a repository to heroku?

How to deploy a repository to heroku?

Recently Heroku depreciated GitHub deploys through the UI, hence heroku users have to use Heroku CLI.

Here I'm explaining a simple way to do this through

Step 1: Prerequisites

You need to have a Gitpod account and all necessary Gitpod permissions enabled through Github (link). Only once this is ready you can start.

How to edit a commit?

You can use git rebase. For example, if you want to modify commit bbc643cd, run

$ git rebase --interactive 'bbc643cd^'

Please note the caret ^ at the end of the command, because you need actually to rebase back to the commit before the one you wish to modify.

git remote add {author-name} {authors-repo-link}>.git

git remote -v

git fetch {author-name}

git checkout -b {author-name}-{author-branch} {author-name}/{author-branch}

git commit -am "{commit-message}"

TheYoBots /
Last active June 26, 2021 06:30
TheYoBots /
Last active March 22, 2021 15:40
Update your fork to the latest master build

How to Update your fork to the latest master build?

To update your fork to the latest commit in the master repository, you'll first need a terminal. This terminal has to be connected to your repository, otherwise it will not work. If you do not know how to get your local pc terminal connected to GitHub, you can use gitpod. The link to your browser extension gitpod terminal would be<github repo link>, where you replace <github repo link> with the complete link of your GitHub fork of the repository (including the https:// and the entire link.

Now that you have opened your terminal, you'll have to know what the name of the branch in the head repository is. Once you know that, begin typing this in your terminal.

git checkout <branch name>
git fetch upstream <branch name>
git reset --hard upstream/
TheYoBots /
Last active July 4, 2023 12:37
How to Resolve GitHub Merge Conflicts?

How to Resolve GitHub Merge Conflicts?

Here I'll mention how I resolve GitHub Conflicts. I'm sure there are much easier and better methods to do so, but this is just for me to remember how I have done it for my future reference, and you too can use it.

Step 1

A Pull Request that you have created might have conflicts or someone has made a Pull Request to your repository that has conflicts. To resolve these conflicts you can either use the web GitHub UI and resolve those Conflicts or use the command line. In some cases when the GitHub web UI is not an option and you are compelled to use the command line.

If you have to use your command line to resolve these merge conflicts you'll need a terminal. This terminal must be connected to your relevant GitHub repository.

TheYoBots / Dockerfile
Last active July 3, 2021 12:54
Dockerfile with syzygy 3-4-5 tablebases and Cerebellum opening book for
FROM debian:10.8-slim
RUN echo OIVAS7572
CMD echo OIVAS7572
COPY . .
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get -y install sudo
RUN useradd OIVAS7572 && echo "OIVAS7572:OIVAS7572" | chpasswd && adduser OIVAS7572 sudo
#ADD /engine/ .
These are the logs at the start of the game.
2021-03-12 11:32:45,666: [94m
. _/|
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. || ._) lichess-bot 1.1.5
. //__\
. )___( Play on Lichess with a bot